22 research outputs found

    Microemulsions as delivery systems of lemon oil and \u3b2-carotene into beverages: stability test under different light conditions

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    BACKGROUND: Microemulsions have been proposed as delivery systems for different lipophilic substances in transparent water-based systems. The chemical stability of the delivered compounds is a key factor to broaden the application of microemulsions in the food sector. The stability of a model beverage containing a microemulsion delivering \u3b2-carotene and lemon oil was tested under increasing light intensity up to 6000 lx at 20 \ub0C. RESULTS: The transparent microemulsion resulted physically stable during storage indicating that no coalescence phenomenon occurred. On the contrary, both colour and flavour of the microemulsion degraded as a consequence of limonene and \u3b2-carotene oxidation. Kinetic data obtained at increasing light intensity were used to estimate the light dependence of beverage spoilage and the mathematical relationship obtained was used to predict spoilage rate under different light conditions. Finally, a shelf life predictive model was proposed. CONCLUSIONS: Transparent microemulsions can be successfully used to deliver flavoured oil and colourants into beverages. However, the photostability of the delivered compounds should be carefully studied to estimate product shelf life. To this aim, the availability of models predicting shelf life as a function of enlightening conditions could largely contribute to speed up the process

    Pulsed electric field processing of red grapes (cv. Rondinella): Modifications of phenolic fraction and effects on wine evolution

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    Pulsed electric field (PEF) is a non-thermal technology able to promote color and polyphenols extraction from grape skins. Most of the publications about PEF in winemaking report data concerning international varieties, poorly considering minor cultivars and the medium/long-term effects of the treatment on wine composition during storage. PEF was applied at different specific energies (2, 10, and 20 kJ kg\u20131) on grapes of the low-color red cv. Rondinella, after crushing-destemming. Pressing yield, the evolution of color, and total phenolic index (TPI) were measured during skin maceration. Moreover, the wines were characterized for basic compositional parameters, color, anthocyanin profile, phenolic composition (glories indices), metal content (Fe, Cr, and Ni), and sensory characters, two and twelve months after the processing, in comparison with untreated samples and pectolytic enzymes (PE). PEF did not affect fermentation evolution, nor did it modify wine basic composition or metal content. Treatments at 10 and 20 kJ kg\u20131 led to higher color and TPI in wines, in comparison to PE, because of increased content of anthocyanins and tannins. The sensory evaluation confirmed these findings. Modifications remained stable in wines after twelve months. Glories indices and vitisin A content highlighted greater potential stability of wine color in PEF-treated wines

    Prime osservazioni italiane di attivit\ue0 predatoria da parte dello sciacallo dorato (Canis aureus) su ovini domestici nel Carso goriziano

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    La presenza della specie sciacallo dorato Canis aureus moreoticus (I. Geoffrey, 1835) documentata per il Friuli Venezia-Giulia a partire dagli anni 80 \ue8 in continua espansione ed incremento con un particolare riferimento all\u2019area carsica. Nel territorio preso in esame, una porzione di landa e boscaglia carsica in cui \ue8 ubicato un parco rurale di circa 100 ha con annesso allevamento ovino, la presenza di sciacallo dorato, documentata anche con l\u2019uso di foto trappole, \ue8 passata da casi sporadici ad un numero certo di 7 esemplari che frequentano l\u2019area. Congiuntamente all\u2019aumento di presenza si sono avuti casi di predazione su ovini adulti mantenuti allo stato semibrado senza ricovero notturno. Sono state esaminate tre carcasse di ovini trovati morti in giornate successive. Le pecore appartenevano tutte alla classe adulta ed in particolare superavano gli 8 anni di et\ue0. Le valutazioni anatomopatologiche delle carcasse, a diversi stadi di decomposizione, hanno messo in evidenza lesioni di carattere lacero contuso dei diversi piani tissutali nella regione del collo e nei garretti causate da morsi, con un consumo, costituito prevalentemente dai tessuti molli delle cavit\ue0 toraciche ed addominali, variabile in base al tempo intercorso tra il ritrovamento ed il decesso. Dall\u2019esame dei morsi ed in particolare dalla misurazione della distanza tra i canini, unite alle caratteristiche della predazione hanno permesso di riferirla a sciacallo dorato. Tale ipotesi \ue8 stata successivamente confermata con il fototrappolaggio. Dopo tali episodi, gli ovini sono stati ricoverati ogni notte in ovile chiuso e protetto. Tale metodologia gestionale \ue8 stata sufficiente a ridurre notevolmente l\u2019impatto della predazione da sciacallo dorato sugli animali allevati

    Comparison and integration of different techniques for the estimation of the minimum number of the brown bear (Ursus arctos, L.) in a peripheral and low density population

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    The north east of the alps (Friuli Venezia Giulia region) represents a peripheral area of the presence of the Dinaric population (for the north Dinaric population, 400-450 individual estimated) of the Brown Bear and in the last years some individuals from Trentino population (40-45 individuals estimated) have started to move to east and to use this areas. From 2004 to the 2013 in mountains areas of the Friuli Venezia Giulia has been studied (2000 km2) the presence of the Brown Bear with different techniques: the genetic sampling (by opportunistic and systematic methods), photo interpretation and behavioral analysis and radiotelemetry. The genetic samplings have been obtained by the hair traps (50 permanent hair traps plus 70 temporary and moving hair traps) and by opportunistic sampling. The success of the single hair traps have been studied in relation to the geomorphology and habitat characteristics and in respect to the year and season. The photos and videos (over 1000 samples considered) have been recorded, by infrared cameras (University of Udine and Regional Forestry Service, Hunters n=50), on the site of genetic monitoring and near the places of presence, like site of depredation or along the path. The video and photo has been analysed by Image J program to calculate some indexes derived from some measures of the head, body and color; the measures and indexes have been successively analyzed by multivariate analysis to distinguish different animals. The videos have been also analyzed to classify different behavior of the single animals. The classification with photo interpretation have been compared to classification obtained with genotyping. The success of the hair traps depends from the localization and habitat characteristics, with an evident effect of the year and season. The genetic analysis has detected the presence, from 2004, of 20 different genotypes (4 from Trentino 16 from the Slovenian population, 3 of them studied by telemetry), 15 of them in the last 3 years and 8 in the 2013; instead the analysis of photos and videos and behavior pattern has permitted to estimate the presence at least of 25 different individuals (11 in 2003). This fact confirmed that sometimes the hair traps are not useful because of the repeated use from the same individuals. Over the 70% of the hair sampling (with out any screening with photo and behavior analysis) obtained with the traps, comes from only 5 individuals. The phototrapping integrated to the hair traps can be useful to correct the minimum number of individuals and reduce the quantity of sampling to analyze. The choice of the location and distribution of the hair traps, integrated with photocameras and telemetry data, can reduce the research effort and can give some useful information on the ecology of the species

    The new yellow-fleshed kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Pl.) 'Soreli': Conclusions from six years of cultivation in different climatic areas

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    'Soreli' (meaning "sun" in the local language) is a selection of tetraploid Actinidia chinensis developed at the University of Udine and released in 2008. The main characteristics are: heavy cropping, large fruit size, and yellow flesh color. We report in the present paper the results of six years of observation (2007- 2012) in three different locations from North to Southern-Italy. Budburst occurred 4-17 days before 'Hayward', with the earlier bud burst recorded in the South. Flowering time occurred almost constantly two weeks before 'Hayward', but in a range of dates encompassing up to three weeks in the different seasons and locations. Flowers were usually single. Fruit weight at harvest ranged from 85 to 147 g, according to location and season with the lowest values recorded in absence of artificial pollination. Orchards of the trial were not sprayed with plant growth regulators (PGR). Harvesting date, fixed by the protocol when fruit reached 8.0\ub0Brix, ranged up to 25 days, with the extreme dates represented by September 23 and October 18. Soluble solid content averaged from 12.5 to 15.7, with erratic influence of location and season. Fruit quality, evaluated through a taste panel, was compared with two controls, 'Hayward' (green) and 'Jintao' (yellow) grown together with 'Soreli' in a single location. Authors discuss the marketing strategies that could be developed following the data on cropping and fruit quality of this new kiwifruit cultivar as observed in locations that greatly differed from each other for winter chilling unit accumulation, degree days, temperatures, rainfall and other climatic and soil parameters

    Biotechnological Strategies for Controlling Wine Oxidation

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    Apart from the controversial positive effects of moderate wine consumption on human health, wine antioxidant capacity plays a key role in winemaking technology. From juice extraction to bottle storage, oxygen management is one of the most critical points for making quality wines. In the past, the protection of juice and wine from oxidations was based on the sole use of sulfur dioxide; more recently, the toxicity and the allergenic potential of this additive, together with the increased knowledge on wine oxidation mechanisms, have given rise to new biotechnological approaches and producing trends, leading to a significant reduction of sulfites in winemaking. The aim of this paper is to review the oxidation mechanisms of grape juice and wine and to discuss the opportunities to reduce as much as possible sulfur dioxide addition by a proper management of alcoholic and malolactic fermentation and by the supplementation of some important yeast nutritional factors (e.g., thiamine). The use of natural antioxidants complementing the activity of sulfites (i.e., ascorbic acid, glutathione, yeast lees, and yeast derivatives) is also discusse