876 research outputs found

    The importance of heritage on the overall perceived image of a place: Barcelona seen by its residents

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    Place branding literature generally defines heritage as a major attribute that composes place brands. Moreover, the concept of heritage is deeply connected to place identity, to the point that some authors describe it as its DNA. In this sense, the aim of this article is to test the importance of heritage on the overall perceived image of the city of Barcelona (Spain) by analyzing opinions and perceptions from its local residents. To do so, 300 citizens were surveyed from 10th December 2014 to 30th January 2015 by using a specialized questionnaire designed for studying overall place image perception. Results of the study showed that heritage was a highly valued attribute that clearly dominated above other key attributes in the minds of citizens. Finally, potential opportunities and advantages for Barcelona’s brand arising from those perceptions are discussed

    El darrer pregó

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    La nostra felicitació al CERAP

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    Puig i Ferreter: la servitud d'un periodista

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    Irene Vallverdú

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    El Jardí d ela Masia Freixa de Terrassa. Un jardí a estudi dins la història de l'art del jardí

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    El jardí de la Masia Freixa, dissenyat per Rafael Benet i Vancells, s'inscriu dins la història de l'art dels jardins com a assaig d'una nova concepció de la jardineria a Catalunya. És un fet remarcable que fos valorat com a obra d'art i que el seu projecte fos exposat com a tal en un espai expositiu el 1916. Aquest treball tracta de l'evolució del pensament cap a l'art i la bellesa pública, conceptes que defensen un art nacional. Rafael Benet, a partir de les influències rebudes, desenvolupa aquest pensament o manera de fer i l'aplica en la creació d'aquest jardí privat i en d'altres d'iniciativa pública.El jardín de la Masia Freixa, diseñado por Rafael Benet Vancells, se inscribe dentro de la historia del arte de los jardines como ensayo de una nueva concepción de la jardinería en Cataluña. Es un hecho remarcable el ser valorado como obra de arte y expuesto el proyecto como tal en un espacio expositivo en 1916. Este trabajo trata de la evolución del pensamiento hacia el arte y la belleza pública, conceptos que defienden un arte nacional. Rafael Benet, a partir de las influencias recibidas, desarrolla este pensamiento o forma de hacer y lo aplica en la creación de este jardín privado y en otros de iniciativa pública.Designed by Rafael Benet Vancells, the Garden of the Masia Freixa estate has made a place for itself in garden art history as an experiment for a new gardening concept in Catalonia. The fact that this project was valued as a work of art and formally exhibited as such in 1916 is particularly worthy of note. This paper discusses the evolution of thought towards public art and public beauty, concepts that tend to advocate a national art. Based on the influences he received, Rafael Benet developed that thought or method and applied it when creating both this private garden and other public projects

    Statistics of precursors to fingering processes

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    We present an analysis of the statistical properties of hydrodynamic field fluctuations which reveal the existence of precursors to fingering processes. These precursors are found to exhibit power law distributions, and these power laws are shown to follow from spatial qq-Gaussian structures which are solutions to the generalized non-linear diffusion equation.Comment: 7 pages incl. 5 figs; tp appear in Europhysics Letter

    Entrevista amb M. Eugènia Vidal

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    Symbolic capital as a resource of promotion of provincial cities: An analysis of place branding strategies of ural urban destinations

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    The article analyzes the concept of the symbolic capital of a territory and substantiates the importance of its identification and its use for the promotion of three provincial cities in Russia: Shadrinsk, Chebarkul, and Chelyabinsk. Based on the approach of symbolic interactionism and the use of semiotic analysis, the authors of the article propose to group the resources of the symbolic capital of a territory in three ways. They use signs or symbols, images of the territory, and archetypes. The capital of a provincial city can be perceived symbolically both by external (investors and tourists) and internal (local residents) audiences. They serve as a means of shaping the image and reputation of the place. Both P. Bourdieu’s concept of symbolic capital and V. Radaev’s classification for different types of capital allow us to give examples of conversion from the cultural resources of a territory into symbolic capital. The analysis of the communication resonance of a particular mega event (the meteorite fall on the territory of the Southern Urals in 2013) and the study of cultural heritage of the provincial Russian city of Shadrinsk make it possible to identify the actual directions for converting the intangible resources of cities into their symbolic capital. © 2020, FB and Media Group of Estonian Literary Museum. All rights reserved