3 research outputs found

    A classification of finite homogeneous semilinear spaces

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    Abstract. A semilinear space S is homogeneous if, whenever the semilinear structures induced on two finite subsets S1 and S2 of S are isomorphic, there is at least one automorphism of S mapping S1 onto S2. We give a complete classification of all finite homogeneous semilinear spaces. Our theorem extends a result of Ronse on graphs and a result of Devillers and Doyen on linear spaces. Key words. Semilinear space, polar space, copolar space, partial geometry, automorphism group, homogeneity. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 05B25, 51E14, 20B25

    Adv. Geom. 3 (2003), 105–121 Advances in Geometry ( de Gruyter 2003 Translation spreads of the split Cayley hexagon

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    Abstract. Some results concerning translation spreads of the classical generalized hexagon HðqÞ are given, motivated by known analogous results for translation ovoids of the generalized quadrangle Qð4; qÞ. In addition, semi-classical spreads are characterized in terms of their kernels. Finally, a new spread of HðqÞ is described which is also a new 1-system of the nondegenerate parabolic quadric in PGð6; qÞ.

    ( de Gruyter 2001 Near hexagons with four points on a line

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    Abstract. We classify, up to four open cases, all near hexagons with four points on a line and with quads through every two points at distance 2. 1 The examples A near polygon is a connected partial linear space satisfying the property that for every point x and every line L, there is a unique point on L nearest to x (distances are measured in the collinearity graph G). If d is the diameter of G, then the near polygon is called a near 2d-gon. A near polygon is said to have order …s; t † if every line is incident with s ‡ 1 points and if every point is incident with t ‡ 1 lines. Near polygons were introduced in [12]. The near quadrangles are just the generalized quadrangles, see [10] and [13] for a detailed survey of these geometries. A generalized quadrangle (GQ for short) is called nondegenerate if every point is incident with at least two lines. A near hexagon is called regular with parameters s; t; t2 if it has order …s; t † and if every two points at distance 2 have exactly t2 ‡ 1 common neighbours. In this paper we classify, up to four open cases, all near hexagons satisfying the following two properties: (i) every line is incident with 4 points …s ˆ 3†; (ii) every two point