4 research outputs found

    A top-down approach for a multi-scale identification of risk areas in infrastructures: particularization in a case study on road safety

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    Introduction: Transport infrastructures have an important function in society and the development of a country. In Spain, the most used modes of traveler transport are road and rail, far ahead of other means of transport such as air or maritime transport. Both rail and road infrastructures can be affected by numerous hazards, endangering their performance and the safety of users. This study proposes a methodology with a multiscale top-down approach to identify the areas affected by fire, landslide, and safety in road and rail infrastructures in Galicia (Northwest Spain).Methodology: The methodology is developed in three steps, coinciding with the three scales considered in this work: network-, system-, and object-level. In the first step, risk areas are identified and prioritized, resulting in the most critical safety risk in a motorway section. This area defines a study scenario composed of a location (A-55 motorway) and the associated risk (road safety). In the second step, the road safety factors within this scenario are selected, hierarchized, and weighted using a combination of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making methods including the Analytical Hierarchy Process and the Best–Worst Method. Finally, a risk map is generated based on the weighting of infrastructure-related safety factors and compared to real historical accident data for validation. The methodology is based on road and risk assessment standards and only information in the public domain is used.Results: Results show that only 3 segments out of 153 were classified incorrectly, which supports a probability higher than 95% of agreement with real data (at 5% significance level). In a conclusion, the overall methodology exhibits a high potential for hazard prevention and road-safety enhancement.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-108816RB-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PRE2020-09622

    Heuristic generation of multispectral labeled point cloud datasets for deep learning models

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    Abstract. Deep Learning (DL) models need big enough datasets for training, especially those that deal with point clouds. Artificial generation of these datasets can complement the real ones by improving the learning rate of DL architectures. Also, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanners can be studied by comparing its performing with artificial point clouds. A methodology for simulate LiDAR-based artificial point clouds is presented in this work in order to get train datasets already labelled for DL models. In addition to the geometry design, a spectral simulation will be also performed so that all points in each cloud will have its 3 dimensional coordinates (x, y, z), a label designing which category it belongs to (vegetation, traffic sign, road pavement, …) and an intensity estimator based on physical properties as reflectance.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. PCI2020-120705-

    Transport infrastructure management based on LiDAR synthetic data: a deep learning approach with a ROADSENSE simulator

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    In the realm of transportation system management, various remote sensing techniques have proven instrumental in enhancing safety, mobility, and overall resilience. Among these techniques, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) has emerged as a prevalent method for object detection, facilitating the comprehensive monitoring of environmental and infrastructure assets in transportation environments. Currently, the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based methods, particularly in the domain of semantic segmentation of 3D LiDAR point clouds by Deep Learning (DL) models, is a powerful method for supporting the management of both infrastructure and vegetation in road environments. In this context, there is a lack of open labeled datasets that are suitable for training Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in transportation scenarios, so, to fill this gap, we introduce ROADSENSE (Road and Scenic Environment Simulation), an open-access 3D scene simulator that generates synthetic datasets with labeled point clouds. We assess its functionality by adapting and training a state-of-the-art DL-based semantic classifier, PointNet++, with synthetic data generated by both ROADSENSE and the well-known HELIOS++ (HEildelberg LiDAR Operations Simulator). To evaluate the resulting trained models, we apply both DNNs on real point clouds and demonstrate their effectiveness in both roadway and forest environments. While the differences are minor, the best mean intersection over union (MIoU) values for highway and national roads are over 77%, which are obtained with the DNN trained on HELIOS++ point clouds, and the best classification performance in forested areas is over 92%, which is obtained with the model trained on ROADSENSE point clouds. This work contributes information on a valuable tool for advancing DL applications in transportation scenarios, offering insights and solutions for improved road and roadside management.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2022-140662OB-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PCI2020-120705-2-I0

    Wildfire response of forest species from multispectral LiDAR data. A deep learning approach with synthetic data

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    Forests play a crucial role as the lungs and life-support system of our planet, harbouring 80% of the Earth's biodiversity. However, we are witnessing an average loss of 480 ha of forest every hour because of destructive wildfires spreading across the globe. To effectively mitigate the threat of wildfires, it is crucial to devise precise and dependable approaches for forecasting fire dynamics and formulating efficient fire management strategies, such as the utilisation of fuel models The objective of this study was to enhance forest fuel classification that considers only structural information, such as the Prometheus model, by integrating data on the fire responses of various tree species and other vegetation elements, such as ground litter and shrubs. This distinction can be achieved using multispectral (MS) Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data in mixed forests. The methodology involves a novel approach in semantic classifications of forests by generating synthetic data with semantic labels regarding fire responses and reflectance information at different spectral bands, as a real MS scanner device would detect. Forests, which are highly intricate environments, present challenges in accurately classifying point clouds. To address this complexity, a deep learning (DL) model for semantic classification was trained on synthetic point clouds in different formats to achieve the best performance when leveraging MS data Forest plots in the study region were scanned using different Terrestrial Laser Scanning sensors at wavelengths of 905 and 1550 nm. Subsequently, an interpolation process was applied to generate the MS point clouds of each plot, and the trained DL model was applied to classify them. These classifications surpassed the average thresholds of 90% and 75% for accuracy and intersection over union, respectively, resulting in a more precise categorisation of fuel models based on the distinct responses of forest elements to fire. The results of this study reveal the potential of MS LiDAR data and DL classification models for improving fuel model retrieval in forest ecosystems and enhancing wildfire management effortsMinisterio de Universidades | Ref. FPU16/00855Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PCI2020-120705-2Universidade de Vigo/CISU