319 research outputs found

    T-cell Growth Factor: Complete Nucleotide Sequence and Organization of the Gene in Normal and Malignant Cells

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    Using a cloned cDNA copy of T-cell growth factor (TCGF) mRNA from the Jurkat leukemic T-cell line, we have isolated three overlapping TCGF genomic clones from a human DNA library. The entire TCGF gene is contained within two adjacent EcoRI fragments spanning about 8 kilobases. The complete nucleic acid sequence was determined. The gene is divided into four exons. The 5\u27 untranslated region and the first 49 amino acids of the protein, 20 of which constitute a signal polypeptide and are not present in the secreted protein, are encoded by the first exon. Exons 2 and 3, separated from each other by a long intervening sequence, contain coding information for the next 20 and 48 amino acids, respectively. The remaining 36 amino acids and the 3\u27 untranslated region are contained in the fourth exon. A promoter sequence T-A-T-A-A-A is present 77 base pairs (bp) upstream from the translation initiation site, and a CAT homology region occurs 104 bp upstream from the initiation site. A putative site for initiation of mRNA transcription was identified 53 bp 5\u27 of the translation initiation codon. The organization of the gene was shown by Southern blot analysis to be identical in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes and in a variety of malignant lymphoid cell types. Restriction analysis of these cellular DNAs produced results exactly as predicted by the map for the cloned genomic TCGF, indicating that there is only a single copy of the human TCGF gene

    Heterobifunctional cross-linking of a monoclonal antibody with 2-methyl-N1-benzenesulfonyl-N4-bromoacetylquinonediimide

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    The Cyssor reagent, 2-methyl-N1-benzenesulfonyl-N4-bromoacetylquinonediimide, which will cleave a protein chain at Cys under acidic conditions, cross-linked unreduced and partially reduced antibody at pH 8.0. No cleavage of the antibody occurred suggesting that the Cyssor reagent may be useful with certain proteins as a heterobifunctional cross-linker.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/28052/1/0000491.pd

    Enlèvement de la matière organique par les étangs aérés facultatifs: facteurs influençant la performance

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    Résumé: Les étangs aérés facultatifs sont très performants pour l’enlèvement de la pollution organique soluble et ce dès les premiers étangs. Avec la mise en œuvre du ROMAEU, des normes de rejet en MES ont été ajoutées. La règle couramment reconnue veut que si l’effluent d’une StaRRE d’étangs aérés facultatifs respecte la norme de rejet en DBO5C, elle devrait également respecter la norme en MES. Or il s’avère que ce n’est pas tout le temps le cas. Le respect des exigences de rejet pour ce paramètre doit donc passer par une gestion des matières particulaires biodégradables qui expriment une DBO5C. Dans le cadre de cette étude, deux équations ont été développées qui permettent de mieux caractériser l’effluent d’étangs aérés facultatifs et d’approximer la concentration en MES à l’effluent. Les analyses réalisées dans le cadre de cette étude ont également montré que l’exigence d’un TRH d’au moins 12 jours en aval d’un étang « complètement mélangé » ou d’un RBGS pourrait être remise en question. ---------- Abstract: Facultative aerated lagoons are very effective in removing soluble organic pollution as early as in the first lagoons. With the implementation of the ROMAEU, total suspended solids (TSS) discharge requirements were added. The commonly accepted rule is that if the effluent from a facility consisting in facultative aerated lagoons meets the 5-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD5) discharge requirement, it should also meet the TSS requirement. It turns out, however, that this is not always the case. Compliance with the discharge requirement for this parameter requires managing particulate matter that consumes some CBOD5. In the context of this study, two equations were developed to better characterize the effluent of facultative aerated lagoons and to estimate the effluent TSS concentration. Analyzes conducted showed that the requirement for a hydraulic retention time of at least 12 days downstream a "complete mixed" aerated lagoon or a moving bed bioreactor could be reconsidered
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