33 research outputs found

    Comment on "Collective excitations of a degenerate gas at the BEC-BCS crossover"

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    Very recent experiments have studied for the first time collective excitations of an ultracold 6^6Li gas covering in particular the BEC-BCS crossover domain. We point out that the results for the axial mode, through hydrodynamics, give direct access to the (3D) equation of state of the strongly interacting gas, mostly near the unitarity limit. On the other hand the surprising results found for the radial mode are actually not necessarily in contradiction with the expectations from superfluid hydrodynamics.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Analytical theory of the dressed bound state in highly polarized Fermi gases

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    We present an analytical treatment of a single \down atom within a Fermi sea of \up atoms, when the interaction is strong enough to produce a bound state, dressed by the Fermi sea. Our method makes use of a diagrammatic analysis, with the involved diagrams taking only into account at most two particle-hole pairs excitations. The agreement with existing Monte-Carlo results is excellent. In the BEC limit our equation reduces exactly to the Skorniakov and Ter-Martirosian equation. We present results when \up and \down atoms have different masses, which is of interest for experiments in progress.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A simple theory for high Δ/Tc\Delta / T_{c} ratio in d-wave superconductors

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    We investigate a simple explanation for the high maximum gap to TcT_{c} ratio found experimentally in high TcT_{c} compounds. We ascribe this observation to the lowering of TcT_{c} by boson scattering of electrons between parts of the Fermi surface with opposite sign for the order parameter. We study the simplest possible model within this picture. Our quantitative results show that we can account for experiment for a rather small value of the coupling constant, all the other ingredients of our model being already known to exist in these compounds. A striking implication of this theory is the fairly high value of the critical temperature in the absence of boson scattering.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, 2 figure

    Collective modes of a trapped Lieb-Liniger gas: a hydrodynamic approach

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    We consider a trapped repulsive one-dimensional (1D) Bose gas at very low temperature. In order to study the collective modes of this strongly interacting system, we use a hydrodynamic approach, where the gas is locally described by the Lieb-Liniger model of bosons interacting via a repulsive delta potential. Solving the corresponding linearized hydrodynamic equations, we obtain the collective modes and concentrate more specifically on the lowest compressional mode. This is done by finding models, approaching very closely the exact equation of stae of the gas, for which the linearized hydrodynamic equations are exactly solvable. Results are in excellent agreement with those of the sum rule approach of Menotti and Stringari.Comment: Proceedings of the Laser Physics Workshop held in Hamburg (August 2003), Seminar on the Physics of Cold Trapped Atom

    Equation of state and collective frequencies of a trapped Fermi gas along the BEC-unitarity crossover

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    We show that the study of the collective oscillations in a harmonic trap provides a very sensitive test of the equation of state of a Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance. Using a scaling approach, whose high accuracy is proven by comparison with exact hydrodynamic solutions, the frequencies of the lowest compressional modes are calculated at T=0 in terms of a dimensionless parameter characterizing the equation of state. The predictions for the collective frequencies, obtained from the equations of state of mean field BCS theory and of recent Monte-Carlo calculations, are discussed in detail.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Axial collective excitations of a degenerate Fermi gas in the BEC to unitarity crossover

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    We show that, with reasonable hypotheses leading to a simple modeling,a link can be obtained from experiments on the axial low frequency collective modes between the molecular scattering length aMa_M and the energy parameter ξ≡1+β\xi \equiv 1 + \beta of the gas at the unitarity limit. We also point out that, in order to reach the range where the features of the Bose limit can be clearly seen, experiments have to go to more dilute situations than have been achieved presently.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, 2 figure

    Atom-dimer scattering length for fermions with different masses: analytical study of limiting cases

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    We consider the problem of obtaining the scattering length for a fermion colliding with a dimer, formed from a fermion identical to the incident one and another different fermion. This is done in the universal regime where the range of interactions is short enough so that the scattering length aa for non identical fermions is the only relevant quantity. This is the generalization to fermions with different masses of the problem solved long ago by Skorniakov and Ter-Martirosian for particles with equal masses. We solve this problem analytically in the two limiting cases where the mass of the solitary fermion is very large or very small compared to the mass of the two other identical fermions. This is done both for the value of the scattering length and for the function entering the Skorniakov-Ter-Martirosian integral equation, for which simple explicit expressions are obtained.Comment: Very simple form for the solution added; conclusion adde