359 research outputs found

    Enthalpy-entropy balance and convergence temperatures in protein unfolding.

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    We find that isoenthalpic and isoentropic temperatures characterizing the unfolding of small globular proteins are linked by a simple relationship, which takes into account the occurrence of common values of specific unfolding enthalpy and entropy changes. The difference between these temperatures implies that the hydration effect favors protein folding over a quite large range of temperatures

    The Value of the Cytokinome Profile

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    FASMA: A Service to Format and Analyze Sequences in Multiple Alignments

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    Multiple sequence alignments are successfully applied in many studies for understanding the structural and functional relations among single nucleic acids and protein sequences as well as whole families. Because of the rapid growth of sequence databases, multiple sequence alignments can often be very large and difficult to visualize and analyze. We offer a new service aimed to visualize and analyze the multiple alignments obtained with different external algorithms, with new features useful for the comparison of the aligned sequences as well as for the creation of a final image of the alignment. The service is named FASMA and is available at http://bioinformatica.isa.cnr.it/FASMA/

    Evaluation of the structural quality of modeled proteins by using globularity criteria

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    BACKGROUND: The knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of globular proteins is fundamental for a detailed investigation of their functional properties. Experimental methods are too slow for structure investigation on a large scale, while computational prediction methods offer alternatives that are continuously being improved. The international Comparative Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP), an "a posteriori" evaluation of the quality of theoretical models when the experimental structure becomes available, demonstrates that predictions can be successful as well as unsuccessful, and this suggests the necessity for evaluations able to discard "a priori" the wrong models. RESULTS: We analyzed different structural properties of globular proteins for experimentally solved proteins belonging to the four different structural classes: "mainly alpha", "mainly beta", "alpha/beta" and "alpha+beta". The properties were found to be linearly correlated to protein molecular weight, but with some differences among the four classes. These results were applied to develop an evaluation test of theoretical models based on the expected globular properties of proteins. To verify the success of our test, we applied it to several protein models submitted to the sixth edition of CASP. The best theoretical models, as judged by CASP assessors, were in agreement with the expected properties, while most of the low-quality models had not passed our evaluations. CONCLUSION: This study supports the need for careful checks to avoid the diffusion of incorrect structural models. Our test allows the evaluation of models in the absence of experimental reference structures, thereby preventing the diffusion of incorrect structural models and the formulation of incorrect functional hypotheses. It can be used to check the globularity of predicted models, and to supplement other methods already used to evaluate their quality

    Dynamic response of aerospace structures by means of refined beam theories

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    The present paper is devoted to the investigation of the dynamic response of typical aerospace structures subjected to different time-dependent loads. These analyses have been performed using the mode superposition method combined with refined one-dimensional models, which have been developed in the framework of the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF). The Finite Element Method (FEM) and the principle of virtual displacements are used to compute the stiffness and mass matrices of these models. Using CUF, one has the great advantage to obtain these matrices in terms of fundamental nuclei, which depend neither on the adopted class of beam theory nor on the FEM approximation along the beam axis. In this paper, Taylor-like expansions (TE), Chebyshev expansion (CE) and Lagrange expansion (LE) have been employed in the framework of CUF. In particular, the latter class of polynomials has been used to develop pure translational displacement-based refined beam models, which are referred to as Component Wise (CW). This approach allows to model each structural component as a 1D element. The dynamic response analysis has been carried out for several aerospace structures, including thin-walled, open section and reinforced thin-shells. The capabilities of the proposed models are demonstrated, since this formulation allows to detect shell-like behavior with enhanced performances in terms of computational efforts

    Modeling of the Bacterial Mechanism of Methicillin-Resistance by a Systems Biology Approach

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    BACKGROUND: A microorganism is a complex biological system able to preserve its functional features against external perturbations and the ability of the living systems to oppose to these external perturbations is defined "robustness". The antibiotic resistance, developed by different bacteria strains, is a clear example of robustness and of ability of the bacterial system to acquire a particular functional behaviour in response to environmental changes. In this work we have modeled the whole mechanism essential to the methicillin-resistance through a systems biology approach. The methicillin is a beta-lactamic antibiotic that act by inhibiting the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). These PBPs are involved in the synthesis of peptidoglycans, essential mesh-like polymers that surround cellular enzymes and are crucial for the bacterium survival. METHODOLOGY: The network of genes, mRNA, proteins and metabolites was created using CellDesigner program and the data of molecular interactions are stored in Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML). To simulate the dynamic behaviour of this biochemical network, the kinetic equations were associated with each reaction. CONCLUSIONS: Our model simulates the mechanism of the inactivation of the PBP by methicillin, as well as the expression of PBP2a isoform, the regulation of the SCCmec elements (SCC: staphylococcal cassette chromosome) and the synthesis of peptidoglycan by PBP2a. The obtained results by our integrated approach show that the model describes correctly the whole phenomenon of the methicillin resistance and is able to respond to the external perturbations in the same way of the real cell. Therefore, this model can be useful to develop new therapeutic approaches for the methicillin control and to understand the general mechanism regarding the cellular resistance to some antibiotics

    Interactomic and Pharmacological Insights on Human Sirt-1

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    Sirt-1 is defined as a nuclear protein involved in the molecular mechanisms of inflammation and neurodegeneration through the de-acetylation of many different substrates even if experimental data in mouse suggest both its cytoplasmatic presence and nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling upon oxidative stress. Since the experimental structure of human Sirt-1 has not yet been reported, we have modeled its 3D structure, highlighted that it is composed by four different structural regions: N-terminal region, allosteric site, catalytic core and C-terminal region, and underlined that the two terminal regions have high intrinsic disorder propensity and numerous putative phosphorylation sites. Many different papers report experimental studies related to its functional activators because Sirt-1 is implicated in various diseases and cancers. The aim of this article is (i) to present interactomic studies based human Sirt-1 to understand its most important functional relationships in the light of the gene–protein interactions that control major metabolic pathways and (ii) to show by docking studies how this protein binds some activator molecules in order to evidence structural determinants, physico-chemical features and those residues involved in the formation of complexes