15 research outputs found

    Dgp71WD is required for the assembly of the acentrosomal meiosis I spindle, and is not a general targeting factor for the γ-TuRC

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    Dgp71WD/Nedd1 proteins are essential for mitotic spindle formation. In human cells, Nedd1 targets γ-tubulin to both centrosomes and spindles, but in other organisms the function of Dgp71WD/Nedd1 is less clear. In Drosophila cells, Dgp71WD plays a major part in targeting γ-tubulin to spindles, but not centrosomes, while in Xenopus egg extracts, Nedd1 acts as a more general microtubule (MT) organiser that can function independently of γ-tubulin. The interpretation of these studies, however, is complicated by the fact that some residual Dgp71WD/Nedd1 is likely present in the cells/extracts analysed. Here we generate a Dgp71WD null mutant lacking all but the last 12 nucleotides of coding sequence. The complete loss of Dgp71WD has no quantifiable effect on γ-tubulin or Centrosomin recruitment to the centrosome in larval brain cells. The recruitment of γ-tubulin to spindle MTs, however, is severely impaired, and spindle MT density is reduced in a manner that is indistinguishable from cells lacking Augmin or γ-TuRC function. In contrast, the absence of Dgp71WD leads to defects in the assembly of the acentrosomal female Meiosis I spindle that are more severe than those seen in Augmin or γ-TuRC mutants, indicating that Dgp71WD has additional functions that are independent of these complexes in oocytes. Moreover, the localisation of bicoid RNA during oogenesis, which requires γ-TuRC function, is unperturbed in Dgp71WD(120) mutants. Thus, Dgp71WD is not simply a general cofactor required for γ-TuRC and/or Augmin targeting, and it appears to have a crucial role independent of these complexes in the acentrosomal Meiosis I spindle

    Dual roles of Incenp crucial to the assembly of the acentrosomal metaphase spindle in female meiosis

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    Spindle formation in female meiosis differs from mitosis in many animals, as it takes place independently from centrosomes, and the molecular requirements of this pathway remain to be understood. Here we report two crucial roles of Incenp, an essential subunit of the chromosomal passenger complex (the Aurora B complex), in centrosome-independent spindle formation in Drosophila female meiosis. Firstly, the initial assembly of spindle microtubules is drastically delayed in an incenp mutant. This clearly demonstrates, for the first time, a crucial role for Incenp in chromosome-driven spindle microtubule assembly in living oocytes. Additionally, Incenp is necessary to stabilise the equatorial region of the metaphase I spindle, in contrast to mitosis, where the equivalent function becomes prominent after anaphase onset. Our analysis suggests that Subito, a kinesin-6 protein, cooperates with Incenp for this latter function, but not microtubule assembly. We propose that the two functions of Incenp are part of the mechanisms that compensate for the lack of centrosomes during meiotic spindle formation

    Modelling metabolic fluxes of tomato stems reveals that nitrogen shapes central metabolism for defence against Botrytis cinerea

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    Among plant pathogens, the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea is one of the most prevalent, leading to severe crop damage. Studies related to its colonization of different plant species have reported variable host metabolic responses to infection. In tomato, high N availability leads to decreased susceptibility. Metabolic flux analysis can be used as an integrated method to better understand which metabolic adaptations lead to effective host defence and resistance. Here, we investigated the metabolic response of tomato infected by B. cinerea in symptomless stem tissues proximal to the lesions, with a reconstructed metabolic model constrained with a large and consistent metabolic dataset acquired under four different N supplies, throughout 7 days post inoculation (dpi). An overall comparison of 48 flux solution vectors of Botrytis- and mock-inoculated plants showed that fluxes were higher in Botrytis-inoculated plants, and the difference increased with a reduction in available N, accompanying an unexpected increase in radial growth. Despite higher fluxes, such as those involved in cell wall synthesis and other pathways, fluxes related to glycolysis, the TCA cycle, amino acids and protein synthesis were limited under very low N, which might explain the enhanced susceptibility. Limiting starch synthesis and enhancing fluxes towards redox and specialized metabolism also contributed to defence independent of N supply