3 research outputs found

    Lessons Learned from the Dying2Learn MOOC: Pedagogy, Platforms and Partnerships

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    (1) Background: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are becoming more commonplace in the delivery of free online education and a Dying2Learn MOOC was offered by a team at Palliative and Supportive Services, Flinders University, South Australia; (2) Methods: Working with the OpenLearning platform developer, a research study and MOOC evaluation were embedded in the course, and content was delivered in innovative ways without compromising pedagogical approaches; (3) Results: This MOOC provided the facilitators with the opportunity to view education as an intervention, with testing undertaken, including measuring attitudinal change. Research, clinical and community partnerships were developed or reaffirmed and the value of ongoing partnerships with developers in creating platforms and tools that can expand the options for online learning is highlighted. Opportunities for future health professional and consumer education were also explored; (4) Conclusion: MOOCs can provide innovative opportunities to redesign educational approaches, which can be achieved by working with new technologies and with platform developers, while still adhering to pedagogical principles

    Lessons learned from the Dying2Learn MOOC: Pedagogy, platforms and partnerships

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    (1) Background: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are becoming more commonplace in the delivery of free online education and a Dying2Learn MOOC was offered by a team at Palliative and Supportive Services, Flinders University, South Australia; (2) Methods: Working with the OpenLearning platform developer, a research study and MOOC evaluation were embedded in the course, and content was delivered in innovative ways without compromising pedagogical approaches; (3) Results: This MOOC provided the facilitators with the opportunity to view education as an intervention, with testing undertaken, including measuring attitudinal change. Research, clinical and community partnerships were developed or reaffirmed and the value of ongoing partnerships with developers in creating platforms and tools that can expand the options for online learning is highlighted. Opportunities for future health professional and consumer education were also explored; (4) Conclusion: MOOCs can provide innovative opportunities to redesign educational approaches, which can be achieved by working with new technologies and with platform developers, while still adhering to pedagogical principles

    Interne Krisenkommunikation - eine Möglichkeit fĂŒr Kommunikatoren, strategischen Wert zu demonstrieren

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    Intern kommunikation Àr ett omrÄde som oftast har negligerats bland sÄvÀl forskare som praktiker. Merparten av forskningen och praktiken inom kriskommunikation har fokuserats pÄ extern kommunikation vilket kan förklaras med att de flesta forskare inom fÀltet har sin bakgrund inom public relations och att den externa kommunikationen mÄnga gÄnger Àr mer tydlig för praktikerna. Men att intern kriskommunikation i stor utstrÀckning har negligerats kan tyckas mÀrkligt med tanke pÄ att det Àr organisationsmedlemmarna som pÄ ett tidigt stadium kan upptÀcka svaga signaler pÄ förÀndringar, de kan agera ambassadör under en kris och Àven agera för att lösa krisen och de Àr ocksÄ med i lÀrandeprocessen efter en kris har avklingat. I detta kapitel beskriver jag omrÄdet intern kriskommunikation. Jag diskuterar sÀrskilt de tvÄ processerna anticipation (upptÀckt av svaga signaler pÄ kris) och resiliens (konsten att hantera och lÀra av en kris). I kapitlet ges förslag pÄ vad en kommunikatör kan göra före en kris, under en kris och efter en kris nÀr det gÀller den interna kriskommunikationen. Intern kriskommunikation Àr ett omrÄde dÀr det finns möjligheter för kommunikatörer att pÄvisa ett strategiskt vÀrde för organisationen