1,650 research outputs found

    Auxiliary propulsion system flight package

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    Hughes Aircraft Company developed qualified and integrated flight, a flight test Ion Auxiliary Propulsion System (IAPS), on an Air Force technology satellite. The IAPS Flight Package consists of two identical Thruster Subsystems and a Diagnostic Subsystem. Each thruster subsystem (TSS) is comprised of an 8-cm ion Thruster-Gimbal-Beam Shield Unit (TGBSU); Power Electronics Unit; Digital Controller and Interface Unit (DCIU); and Propellant Tank, Valve and Feed Unit (PTVFU) plus the requisite cables. The Diagnostic Subsystem (DSS) includes four types of sensors for measuring the effect of the ion thrusters on the spacecraft and the surrounding plasma. Flight qualifications of IAPS, prior to installation on the spacecraft, consisted of performance, vibration and thermal-vacuum testing at the unit level, and thermal-vacuum testing at the subsystem level. Mutual compatibility between IAPS and the host spacecraft was demonstrated during a series of performance and environmental tests after the IAPS Flight Package was installed on the spacecraft. After a spacecraft acoustic test, performance of the ion thrusters was reverified by removing the TGBSUs for a thorough performance test at Hughes Research Laboratories (HRL). The TGBSUs were then reinstalled on the spacecraft. The IAPS Flight Package is ready for flight testing when Shuttle flights are resumed

    Engineering model 8-cm thruster subsystem

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    An Engineering Model (EM) 8 cm Ion Thruster Propulsion Subsystem was developed for operation at a thrust level 5 mN (1.1 mlb) at a specific impulse 1 sub sp = 2667 sec with a total system input power P sub in = 165 W. The system dry mass is 15 kg with a mercury-propellant-reservoir capacity of 8.75 kg permitting uninterrupted operation for about 12,500 hr. The subsystem can be started from a dormant condition in a time less than or equal to 15 min. The thruster has a design lifetime of 20,000 hr with 10,000 startup cycles. A gimbal unit is included to provide a thrust vector deflection capability of + or - 10 degrees in any direction from the zero position. The EM subsystem development program included thruster optimization, power-supply circuit optimization and flight packaging, subsystem integration, and subsystem acceptance testing including a cyclic test of the total propulsion package

    Narrowband frequency tunable light source of continuous quadrature entanglement

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    We report the observation of non-classical quantum correlations of continuous light variables from a novel type of source. It is a frequency non-degenerate optical parametric oscillator below threshold, where signal and idler fields are separated by 740MHz corresponding to two free spectrum ranges of the parametric oscillator cavity. The degree of entanglement observed, - 3.8 dB, is the highest to-date for a narrowband tunable source suitable for atomic quantum memory and other applications in atomic physics. Finally we use the latter to visualize the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, LaTe

    Achromatizing a liquid-crystal spectropolarimeter: Retardance vs Stokes-based calibration of HiVIS

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    Astronomical spectropolarimeters can be subject to many sources of systematic error which limit the precision and accuracy of the instrument. We present a calibration method for observing high-resolution polarized spectra using chromatic liquid-crystal variable retarders (LCVRs). These LCVRs allow for polarimetric modulation of the incident light without any moving optics at frequencies >10Hz. We demonstrate a calibration method using pure Stokes input states that enables an achromatization of the system. This Stokes-based deprojection method reproduces input polarization even though highly chromatic instrument effects exist. This process is first demonstrated in a laboratory spectropolarimeter where we characterize the LCVRs and show example deprojections. The process is then implemented the a newly upgraded HiVIS spectropolarimeter on the 3.67m AEOS telescope. The HiVIS spectropolarimeter has also been expanded to include broad-band full-Stokes spectropolarimetry using achromatic wave-plates in addition to the tunable full-Stokes polarimetric mode using LCVRs. These two new polarimetric modes in combination with a new polarimetric calibration unit provide a much more sensitive polarimetric package with greatly reduced systematic error.Comment: Accepted in PAS

    Variation between centres in access to renal transplantation in UK: longitudinal cohort study

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    Objective To assess whether equity exists in access to renal transplantation in the UK after adjustment for case mix in incident patients with end stage renal disease

    Deriving Telescope Mueller Matrices Using Daytime Sky Polarization Observations

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    Telescopes often modify the input polarization of a source so that the measured circular or linear output state of the optical signal can be signficantly different from the input. This mixing, or polarization "cross-talk", is defined by the optical system Mueller matrix. We describe here an efficient method for recovering the input polarization state of the light and the full 4 x 4 Mueller matrix of the telescope with an accuracy of a few percent without external masks or telescope hardware modification. Observations of the bright, highly polarized daytime sky using the Haleakala 3.7m AEOS telescope and a coude spectropolarimeter demonstrate the technique.Comment: Accepted for publication in PAS

    Problems and Aspects of Energy-Driven Wavefunction Collapse Models

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    Four problematic circumstances are considered, involving models which describe dynamical wavefunction collapse toward energy eigenstates, for which it is shown that wavefunction collapse of macroscopic objects does not work properly. In one case, a common particle position measuring situation, the apparatus evolves to a superposition of macroscopically distinguishable states (does not collapse to one of them as it should) because each such particle/apparatus/environment state has precisely the same energy spectrum. Second, assuming an experiment takes place involving collapse to one of two possible outcomes which is permanently recorded, it is shown in general that this can only happen in the unlikely case that the two apparatus states corresponding to the two outcomes have disjoint energy spectra. Next, the progressive narrowing of the energy spectrum due to the collapse mechanism is considered. This has the effect of broadening the time evolution of objects as the universe evolves. Two examples, one involving a precessing spin, the other involving creation of an excited state followed by its decay, are presented in the form of paradoxes. In both examples, the microscopic behavior predicted by standard quantum theory is significantly altered under energy-driven collapse, but this alteration is not observed by an apparatus when it is included in the quantum description. The resolution involves recognition that the statevector describing the apparatus does not collapse, but evolves to a superposition of macroscopically different states.Comment: 17 page