3 research outputs found

    An assessment of the impact of a single-Alter windshield on snowfall accumulation reported by a heated tipping bucket gauge

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    Póster presentado en: WMO Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation celebrada del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2018 en Amsterdam

    Assessment of snowfall accumulation underestimation by tipping bucket gauges in the Spanish operational network

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    Within the framework of the World Meteorological Organization Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (WMO-SPICE), the Thies tipping bucket precipitation gauge was assessed against the SPICE reference configuration at the Formigal–Sarrios test site located in the Pyrenees mountain range of Spain. The Thies gauge is the most widely used precipitation gauge by the Spanish Meteorological State Agency (AEMET) for the measurement of all precipitation types including snow. It is therefore critical that its performance is characterized. The first objective of this study is to derive transfer functions based on the relationships between catch ratio and wind speed and temperature. Multiple linear regression was applied to 1 and 3 h accumulation periods, confirming that wind is the most dominant environmental variable affecting the gauge catch efficiency, especially during snowfall events. At wind speeds of 1.5 m s−1 the tipping bucket recorded only 70 % of the reference precipitation. At 3 m s−1, the amount of measured precipitation decreased to 50 % of the reference, was even lower for temperatures colder than −2 °C and decreased to 20 % or less for higher wind speeds

    The WMO SPICE snow-on-ground intercomparison: an overview of sensor assessment and recommendations on best practices

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    Comunicación presentada en: TECO-2016 (Technical Conference on Meteorological and Environmental Instruments and Methods of Observation) celebrada en Madrid, del 27 al 30 de septiembre de 2016.One of the objectives of the WMO Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (SPICE) was to assess the performance and capabilities of automated sensors for measuring snow on the ground (SoG), including sensors that measure snow depth and snow water equivalent (SWE). The intercomparison focused on five snow depth sensors (models SHM30, SL300, SR50A, FLS-CH 10 and USH-8) and two SWE sensors (models CS725 and SSG1000) over two winter seasons (2013/2014 and 2014/2015). A brief discussion of the measurement reference(s) and an example of the intercomparisons are included. Generally, each of the sensors under test operated according to the manufacturer’s specifications and compared well with the site references, exhibiting high correlations with both the manual and automated reference measurements. The use of natural and artificial surface targets under snow depth sensors were examined in the context of providing a stable and representative surface for snow depth measurements. An assessment of sensor derived measurement quality and sensor return signal strength, where available as an output option, were analysed to help explain measurement outliers and sources of uncertainty with the goal of improving data quality and maximizing the sensor capabilities. Finally, where possible, relationships are established between the gauge measurement of solid precipitation and the measurement of snow on the ground. This paper will provide a brief summary of these results with more detail included in the WMO SPICE Final Report