14,425 research outputs found

    Effects of the galactic magnetic field upon large scale anisotropies of extragalactic Cosmic Rays

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    The large scale pattern in the arrival directions of extragalactic cosmic rays that reach the Earth is different from that of the flux arriving to the halo of the Galaxy as a result of the propagation through the galactic magnetic field. Two different effects are relevant in this process: deflections of trajectories and (de)acceleration by the electric field component due to the galactic rotation. The deflection of the cosmic ray trajectories makes the flux intensity arriving to the halo from some direction to appear reaching the Earth from another direction. This applies to any intrinsic anisotropy in the extragalactic distribution or, even in the absence of intrinsic anisotropies, to the dipolar Compton-Getting anisotropy induced when the observer is moving with respect to the cosmic rays rest frame. For an observer moving with the solar system, cosmic rays traveling through far away regions of the Galaxy also experience an electric force coming from the relative motion (due to the rotation of the Galaxy) of the local system in which the field can be considered as being purely magnetic. This produces small changes in the particles momentum that can originate large scale anisotropies even for an isotropic extragalactic flux.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Remarks Concerning the Study of Four-Jet Events from Hadronic Decays of the Z0

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    The angular correlations of four-jet events from hadronic decays of the Z0 have been studied in the past mainly to extract from them the fundamental constants of quantum chromodynamics called colour factors. Previous studies have used all the available phase-space in order to maximize statistics. In this note we want to point out the possibility that significant differences between experiment and theory in restricted regions of phase-space might have escaped detection. Such differences could be a harbinger of the existence of new particles. Some preliminary results are presented.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Pentaquarks: review of the experimental evidence

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    Pentaquarks, namely baryons made by 4 quarks and one antiquark have been predicted and searched for since several decades without success. Theoretical and experimental advances in the last 2 years led to the observation of a number of pentaquark candidates. We review the experimental evidence for pentaquarks as well as their non-observations by some experiments, and discuss to which extend these sometimes contradicting informations may lead to a consistent picture.Comment: Contribution to the International Conference on 'Strangeness in Quark Matter', 15-21 Sept. 2004, Cape Tawn, South Afric

    Centrality and sNNDependenceofthe\sqrt{s_{NN}} Dependence of the dE_{T}/d\etaand and dN_{ch}/d\eta$ in Heavy Ion Collisions at Mid-Rapidity

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    The PHENIX experiment at RHIC has measured transverse energy and charged particle multiplicity at mid-rapidity in Au + Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 19.6, 130, 62.4 and 200 GeV as a function of centrality. The presented results are compared to measurements from other RHIC experiments, and experiments at lower energies. The sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} dependence of dET/dηdE_{T}/d\eta and dNch/dηdN_{ch}/d\eta per pair of participants is consistent with logarithmic scaling for the most central events. The centrality dependence of dET/dηdE_{T}/d\eta and dNch/dηdN_{ch}/d\eta is similar at all measured incident energies. At RHIC energies the ratio of transverse energy per charged particle was found independent of centrality and growing slowly with sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}. A survey of comparisons between the data and available theoretical models is also presented.Comment: Proccedings of the Workshop: Focus on Multiplcity at Bari, Italy, June 17-19,2004. To be submitted to the Jornal of Physics, "Conference series". Includes: 20 Pages, 15 figures, 3 Tables, 80 Referencie

    Probing jet properties via two particle correlation method

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    The formulae for calculating jet fragmentation momentum, ,andpartontransversemomentum,, and parton transverse momentum, , and conditional yield are discussed in two particle correlation framework. Additional corrections are derived to account for the limited detector acceptance and inefficiency, for cases when the event mixing technique is used. The validity of our approach is confirmed with Monte-carlo simulation.Comment: Proceeding for HotQuarks2004 conference. 11 pages, 8 figures, corrected for typo

    CGC, QCD Saturation and RHIC data (Kharzeev-Levin-McLerran-Nardi point of view)

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    This is the talk given at the Workshop:"Focus on Multiplicitioes", Bari, Italy, 17-19 June,2004.. In this talk, we are going to discuss ion-ion and deuteron - nucleus RHIC data and show that they support, if not more, the idea of the new QCD phase: colour glass condensate with saturated parton density. .Comment: 26 pages with 33 figure

    The strange-quark chemical potential as an experimentally accessible "order parameter" of the deconfinement phase transition for finite baryon-density

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    We consider the change of the strange-quark chemical potential in the phase diagram of nuclear matter, employing the Wilson loop and scalar quark condensate order parameters, mass-scaled partition functions and enforcing flavor conservation. Assuming the region beyond the hadronic phase to be described by massive, correlated and interacting quarks, in the spirit of lattice and effective QCD calculations, we find the strange-quark chemical potential to change sign: from positive in the hadronic phase - to zero upon deconfinement - to negative in the partonic domain. We propose this change in the sign of the strange-quark chemical potential to be an experimentally accessible order parameter and a unique, concise and well-defined indication of the quark-deconfinement phase transition in nuclear matter.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures within text, 2 figures(6,B3) as separate files. To be published in J.Phys.G: Nucl.&Part.Phys. G28 (2002

    LHC Coverage of RPV MSSM with Light Stops

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    We examine the sensitivity of recent LHC searches to signatures of supersymmetry with R-parity violation (RPV). Motivated by naturalness of the Higgs potential, which would favor light third-generation squarks, and the stringent LHC bounds on spectra in which the gluino or first and second generation squarks are light, we focus on scenarios dominated by the pair production of light stops. We consider the various possible direct and cascade decays of the stop that involve the trilinear RPV operators. We find that in many cases, the existing searches exclude stops in the natural mass range and beyond. However, typically there is little or no sensitivity to cases dominated by UDD operators or LQD operators involving taus. We propose several ideas for searches which could address the existing gaps in experimental coverage of these signals.Comment: 41 pages, 12 figures; v2: included new searches (see footnote 10), minor corrections and improvement

    Effects to Scalar Meson Decays of Strong Mixing between Low and High Mass Scalar Mesons

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    We analyze the mass spectroscopy of low and high mass scalar mesons and get the result that the coupling strengths of the mixing between low and high mass scalar mesons are very strong and the strengths of mixing for I=1,1/2I=1, 1/2 scalar mesons and those of I=0 scalar mesons are almost same. Next, we analyze the decay widths and decay ratios of these mesons and get the results that the coupling constants AA' for I=1,1/2I=1, 1/2 which represents the coupling of high mass scalar meson NN' -> two pseudoscalar mesons PPPP are almost same as the coupling AA' for the I=0. On the other hand, the coupling constant AA for I=1,I=1/2I=1, I=1/2 which represents the low mass scalar meson NN -> PPPP are far from the coupling constant AA for I=0. We consider a resolution for this discrepancy. Coupling constant AA'' for glueball GG -> PPPP is smaller than the coupling AA'. θP\theta_P is 405040^\circ \sim 50^\circ.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Dark matter searches at LHC

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    Besides Standard Model measurements and other Beyond Standard Model studies, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC will search for Supersymmetry, one of the most attractive explanation for dark matter. The SUSY discovery potential with early data is presented here together with some first results obtained with 2010 collision data at 7 TeV. Emphasis is placed on measurements and parameter determination that can be performed to disentangle the possible SUSY models and SUSY look-alike and the interpretation of a possible positive supersymmetric signal as an explanation of dark matter.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, Invited plenary talk given at DISCRETE 2010: Symposium On Prospects In The Physics Of Discrete Symmetries, 6-11 Dec 2010, Rome, Ital