74 research outputs found

    UV-mediated Regulation of the anti-senescence factor Tbx2

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    Several lines of evidence have implicated members of the developmentally important T-box gene family in cell cycle regulation and in cancer. Importantly, the highly related T-box factors Tbx2 and Tbx3 can suppress senescence through repressing the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p19(ARF) and p21(WAF1/CIP1/SDII). Furthermore, Tbx2 is up-regulated in several cancers, including melanomas where it was shown to function as an anti-senescence factor, suggesting that this may be one of the mechanisms by which T-box proteins contribute to the oncogenic process. However, very little is known about whether Tbx2 is regulated by p21-mediated stress-induced senescence signaling pathways. In this study, using the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line known to overexpress Tbx2, we show that in response to stress induced by ultraviolet irradiation the Tbx2 protein is specifically phosphorylated by the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Using site-directed mutagenesis and in vitro kinase assays, we have identified serine residues 336, 623, and 675 in the Tbx2 protein as the p38 target sites and show that these sites are phosphorylated in vivo. Importantly, we show by Western blotting, immunofluorescence, and reporter assays that this phosphorylation leads to increased Tbx2 protein levels, predominant nuclear localization of the protein, and an increase in the ability of Tbx2 to repress the p21(WAF1/CIP1/SDII) promoter. These results show for the first time that the ability of Tbx2 to repress the p21 gene is enhanced in response to a stress-induced senescence pathway, which leads to a better understanding of the regulation of the anti-senescence function of Tbx2

    The lipid droplet protein DHRS3 is a regulator of melanoma cell state

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    Lipid droplets are fat storage organelles composed of a protein envelope and lipid rich core. Regulation of this protein envelope underlies differential lipid droplet formation and function. In melanoma, lipid droplet formation has been linked to tumor progression and metastasis, but it is unknown whether lipid droplet proteins play a role. To address this, we performed proteomic analysis of the lipid droplet envelope in melanoma. We found that lipid droplet proteins were differentially enriched in distinct melanoma states; from melanocytic to undifferentiated. DHRS3, which converts all-trans-retinal to all-trans-retinol, is upregulated in the MITFLO/undifferentiated/neural crest-like melanoma cell state and reduced in the MITFHI/melanocytic state. Increased DHRS3 expression is sufficient to drive MITFHI/melanocytic cells to a more undifferentiated/invasive state. These changes are due to retinoic acid mediated regulation of melanocytic genes. Our data demonstrate that melanoma cell state can be regulated by expression of lipid droplet proteins which affect downstream retinoid signaling

    Single-cell profiling of MC1R-inhibited melanocytes

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    The human red hair color (RHC) trait is caused by increased pheomelanin (red-yellow) and reduced eumelanin (black-brown) pigment in skin and hair due to diminished melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) function. In addition, individuals harboring the RHC trait are predisposed to melanoma development. While MC1R variants have been established as causative of RHC and are a well-defined risk factor for melanoma, it remains unclear mechanistically why decreased MC1R signaling alters pigmentation and increases melanoma susceptibility. Here, we use single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of melanocytes isolated from RHC mouse models to define a MC1R-inhibited Gene Signature (MiGS) comprising a large set of previously unidentified genes which may be implicated in melanogenesis and oncogenic transformation. We show that one of the candidate MiGS genes, TBX3, a well-known anti-senescence transcription factor implicated in melanoma progression, binds both E-box and T-box elements to regulate genes associated with melanogenesis and senescence bypass. Our results provide key insights into further mechanisms by which melanocytes with reduced MC1R signaling may regulate pigmentation and offer new candidates of study toward understanding how individuals with the RHC phenotype are predisposed to melanoma

    The protective role of DOT1L in UV-induced melanomagenesis

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    The DOT1L histone H3 lysine 79 (H3K79) methyltransferase plays an oncogenic role in MLL-rearranged leukemogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that, in contrast to MLL-rearranged leukemia, DOT1L plays a protective role in ultraviolet radiation (UVR)-induced melanoma development. Specifically, the DOT1L gene is located in a frequently deleted region and undergoes somatic mutation in human melanoma. Specific mutations functionally compromise DOT1L methyltransferase enzyme activity leading to reduced H3K79 methylation. Importantly, in the absence of DOT1L, UVR-induced DNA damage is inefficiently repaired, so that DOT1L loss promotes melanoma development in mice after exposure to UVR. Mechanistically, DOT1L facilitates DNA damage repair, with DOT1L-methylated H3K79 involvement in binding and recruiting XPC to the DNA damage site for nucleotide excision repair (NER). This study indicates that DOT1L plays a protective role in UVR-induced melanomagenesis

    DNA damage-induced interaction between a lineage addiction oncogenic transcription factor and the MRN complex shapes a tissue-specific DNA Damage Response and cancer predisposition

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    Since genome instability can drive cancer initiation and progression, cells have evolved highly effective and ubiquitous DNA Damage Response (DDR) programs. However, some cells, in skin for example, are normally exposed to high levels of DNA damaging agents. Whether such high-risk cells possess lineage-specific mechanisms that tailor DNA repair to the tissue remains largely unknown. Here we show, using melanoma as a model, that the microphthalmia-associated transcription factor MITF, a lineage addition oncogene that coordinates many aspects of melanocyte and melanoma biology, plays a non-transcriptional role in shaping the DDR. On exposure to DNA damaging agents, MITF is phosphorylated by ATM/DNA-PKcs, and unexpectedly its interactome is dramatically remodelled; most transcription (co)factors dissociate, and instead MITF interacts with the MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) complex. Consequently, cells with high MITF levels accumulate stalled replication forks, and display defects in homologous recombination-mediated repair associated with impaired MRN recruitment to DNA damage. In agreement, high MITF levels are associated with increased SNV burden in melanoma. Significantly, the SUMOylation-defective MITF-E318K melanoma predisposition mutation recapitulates the effects of ATM/DNA-PKcs-phosphorylated MITF. Our data suggest that a non-transcriptional function of a lineage-restricted transcription factor contributes to a tissue-specialised modulation of the DDR that can impact cancer initiation

    The integrated stress response effector ATF4 is an obligatory metabolic activator of NRF2

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    The redox regulator NRF2 becomes activated upon oxidative and electrophilic stress and orchestrates a response program associated with redox regulation, metabolism, tumor therapy resistance, and immune suppression. Here, we describe an unrecognized link between the integrated stress response (ISR) and NRF2 mediated by the ISR effector ATF4. The ISR is commonly activated after starvation or ER stress and plays a central role in tissue homeostasis and cancer plasticity. ATF4 increases NRF2 transcription and induces the glutathione-degrading enzyme CHAC1, which we now show to be critically important for maintaining NRF2 activation. In-depth analyses reveal that NRF2 supports ATF4-induced cells by increasing cystine uptake via the glutamate-cystine antiporter xCT. In addition, NRF2 upregulates genes mediating thioredoxin usage and regeneration, thus balancing the glutathione decrease. In conclusion, we demonstrate that the NRF2 response serves as second layer of the ISR, an observation highly relevant for the understanding of cellular resilience in health and disease

    DNA damage remodels the MITF interactome to increase melanoma genomic instability

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    Since genome instability can drive cancer initiation and progression, cells have evolved highly effective and ubiquitous DNA damage response (DDR) programs. However, some cells (for example, in skin) are normally exposed to high levels of DNA-damaging agents. Whether such high-risk cells possess lineage-specific mechanisms that tailor DNA repair to the tissue remains largely unknown. Using melanoma as a model, we show here that the microphthalmia-associated transcription factor MITF, a lineage addition oncogene that coordinates many aspects of melanocyte and melanoma biology, plays a nontranscriptional role in shaping the DDR. On exposure to DNA-damaging agents, MITF is phosphorylated at S325, and its interactome is dramatically remodeled; most transcription cofactors dissociate, and instead MITF interacts with the MRE11–RAD50–NBS1 (MRN) complex. Consequently, cells with high MITF levels accumulate stalled replication forks and display defects in homologous recombination-mediated repair associated with impaired MRN recruitment to DNA damage. In agreement with this, high MITF levels are associated with increased single-nucleotide and copy number variant burdens in melanoma. Significantly, the SUMOylation-defective MITF-E318K melanoma predisposition mutation recapitulates the effects of DNA-PKcs-phosphorylated MITF. Our data suggest that a nontranscriptional function of a lineage-restricted transcription factor contributes to a tissue-specialized modulation of the DDR that can impact cancer initiation

    Oncogenic B-RAFV600E Signaling Induces the T-Box3 Transcriptional Repressor to Repress E-Cadherin and Enhance Melanoma Cell Invasion

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    Approximately 50% of melanomas require oncogenic B-RAFV600E signaling for proliferation, survival, and metastasis, and the use of highly selective B-RAF inhibitors has yielded remarkable, although short-term, clinical responses. Reactivation of signaling downstream of B-RAF is frequently associated with acquired resistance to B-RAF inhibitors, and the identification of B-RAF targets may therefore provide new strategies for managing melanoma. In this report, we applied whole-genome expression analyses to reveal that oncogenic B-RAFV600E regulates genes associated with epithelial–mesenchymal transition in normal cutaneous human melanocytes. Most prominent was the B-RAF-mediated transcriptional repression of E-cadherin, a keratinocyte–melanoma adhesion molecule whose loss is intimately associated with melanoma invasion and metastasis. Here we identify a link between oncogenic B-RAF, the transcriptional repressor Tbx3, and E-cadherin. We show that B-RAFV600E induces the expression of Tbx3, which potently represses E-cadherin expression in melanocytes and melanoma cells. Tbx3 expression is normally restricted to developmental embryonic tissues and promoting cell motility, but it is also aberrantly increased in various cancers and has been linked to tumor cell invasion and metastasis. We propose that this B-RAF/Tbx3/E-cadherin pathway has a critical role in promoting the metastasis of B-RAF-mutant melanomas

    Acetylation reprograms MITF target selectivity and residence time

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    The ability of transcription factors to discriminate between different classes of binding sites associated with specific biological functions underpins effective gene regulation in development and homeostasis. How this is achieved is poorly understood. The microphthalmia-associated transcription factor MITF is a lineage-survival oncogene that plays a crucial role in melanocyte development and melanoma. MITF suppresses invasion, reprograms metabolism and promotes both proliferation and differentiation. How MITF distinguishes between differentiation and proliferation-associated targets is unknown. Here we show that compared to many transcription factors MITF exhibits a very long residence time which is reduced by p300/CBP-mediated MITF acetylation at K206. While K206 acetylation also decreases genome-wide MITF DNA-binding affinity, it preferentially directs DNA binding away from differentiation-associated CATGTG motifs toward CACGTG elements. The results reveal an acetylation-mediated switch that suppresses differentiation and provides a mechanistic explanation of why a human K206Q MITF mutation is associated with Waardenburg syndrome
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