70 research outputs found

    Poynting Jets from Accretion Disks

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    The powerful narrow jets observed to emanate from many compact accreting objects may arise from the twisting of a magnetic field threading a differentially rotating accretion disk which acts to magnetically extract angular momentum and energy from the disk. Two main regimes have been discussed, {\it hydromagnetic outflows}, which have a significant mass flux and have energy and angular momentum carried by both the matter and the electromagnetic field and, Poynting outflows, where the mass flux is negligible and energy and angular momentum are carried predominantly by the electromagnetic field. Here we consider a Keplerian disk initially threaded by a dipole-like magnetic field and we present solutions of the force-free Grad-Shafranov equation for the coronal plasma. We find solutions with Poynting jets where there is a continuous outflow of energy and toroidal magnetic flux from the disk into the external space. This behavior contradicts the commonly accepted ``theorem'' of Solar plasma physics that the motion of the footpoints of a magnetic loop structure leads to a stationary magnetic field configuration with zero power and flux outflows. In addition we discuss recent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations which establish that quasi-stationary collimated Poynting jets similar to our Grad-Shafranov solutions arise from the inner part of a disk threaded by a dipole-like magnetic field. At the same time we find that there is a steady uncollimated hydromagnetic outflow from the outer part of the disk. The Poynting jets represent a likely model for the jets from active galactic nuclei, microquasars, and gamma ray burst sources.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, for Proc. of 20th Texas Symposiu

    Magnetic Helix Formation Driven by Keplerian Disk Rotation in an External Plasma Pressure --- The Initial Expansion Stage

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    We study the evolution of a magnetic arcade that is anchored to an accretion disk and is sheared by the differential rotation of a Keplerian disk. By including an extremely low external plasma pressure at large distances, we obtain a sequence of axisymmetric magnetostatic equilibria and show that there is a fundamental difference between field lines that are affected by the plasma pressure and those are not (i.e., force-free). Force-free fields, while being twisted by the differential rotation of the disk, expand outward at an angle of ∼60∘\sim 60^\circ away from the rotation axis, consistent with the previous studies. These force-free field lines, however, are enclosed by the outer field lines which originate from small disk radii and come back to the disk at large radii. These outer fields experience most of the twist, and they are also affected most by the external plasma pressure. At large cylindrical radial distances, magnetic pressure and plasma pressure are comparable so that any further radial expansion of magnetic fields is prevented or slowed down greatly by this pressure. This hindrance to cylindrical radial expansion causes most of the added twist to be distributed on the ascending portion of the field lines, close to the rotation axis. Since these field lines are twisted most, the increasing ratio of the toroidal BϕB_{\phi} component to the poloidal component BR,zB_{R,z} eventually results in the collimation of magnetic energy and flux around the rotation axis. We discuss the difficulty with adding a large number of twists within the limitations of the magnetostatic approximation.Comment: 9 pages text, 7 figures (fig7 in color), accepted to Ap

    Spectra of supernovae in the nebular phase

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    When supernovae enter the nebular phase after a few months, they reveal spectral fingerprints of their deep interiors, glowing by radioactivity produced in the explosion. We are given a unique opportunity to see what an exploded star looks like inside. The line profiles and luminosities encode information about physical conditions, explosive and hydrostatic nucleosynthesis, and ejecta morphology, which link to the progenitor properties and the explosion mechanism. Here, the fundamental properties of spectral formation of supernovae in the nebular phase are reviewed. The formalism between ejecta morphology and line profile shapes is derived, including effects of scattering and absorption. Line luminosity expressions are derived in various physical limits, with examples of applications from the literature. The physical processes at work in the supernova ejecta, including gamma-ray deposition, non-thermal electron degradation, ionization and excitation, and radiative transfer are described and linked to the computation and application of advanced spectral models. Some of the results derived so far from nebular-phase supernova analysis are discussed.Comment: Book chapter for 'Handbook of Supernovae,' edited by Alsabti and Murdin, Springer. 51 pages, 14 figure

    X-Ray Flares of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Quakes of Solid Quark Stars?

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    We propose a star-quake model to understand X-ray flares of both long and short Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in a solid quark star regime. Two kinds of central engines for GRBs are available if pulsar-like stars are actually (solid) quark stars, i.e., the SNE-type GRBs and the SGR-type GRBs. It is found that a quark star could be solidified about 10^3 to 10^6 s later after its birth if the critical temperature of phase transition is a few MeV, and then a new source of free energy (i.e., elastic and gravitational ones, rather than rotational or magnetic energy) could be possible to power GRB X-ray flares.Comment: 8 pages, latex file. 2 figures. To appear in Science in China Series
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