12 research outputs found

    Major Role of Microbes in Carbon Fluxes during Austral Winter in the Southern Drake Passage

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    Carbon cycling in Southern Ocean is a major issue in climate change, hence the need to understand the role of biota in the regulation of carbon fixation and cycling. Southern Ocean is a heterogeneous system, characterized by a strong seasonality, due to long dark winter. Yet, currently little is known about biogeochemical dynamics during this season, particularly in the deeper part of the ocean. We studied bacterial communities and processes in summer and winter cruises in the southern Drake Passage. Here we show that in winter, when the primary production is greatly reduced, Bacteria and Archaea become the major producers of biogenic particles, at the expense of dissolved organic carbon drawdown. Heterotrophic production and chemoautotrophic CO2 fixation rates were substantial, also in deep water, and bacterial populations were controlled by protists and viruses. A dynamic food web is also consistent with the observed temporal and spatial variations in archaeal and bacterial communities that might exploit various niches. Thus, Southern Ocean microbial loop may substantially maintain a wintertime food web and system respiration at the expense of summer produced DOC as well as regenerate nutrients and iron. Our findings have important implications for Southern Ocean ecosystem functioning and carbon cycle and its manipulation by iron enrichment to achieve net sequestration of atmospheric CO2

    Grazing on Microcystis (Cyanophyceae) by testate amoebae with special reference to cyanobacterial abundance and physiological state

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    We examined the growth of testate amoebae preying on Microcystis whose physiological states were different in laboratory experiments and a hypertrophic pond. We prepared three experimental systems using water samples dominated by Microcystis aeruginosa: light incubation (control), dark incubation (dark), and light incubation with addition of nitrogen and phosphorus (+NP). In all the systems, the colony density of M. aeruginosa decreased slightly during incubation. Physiological activity of phytoplankton as determined by chlorophyll fluorescence was high and almost constant in the control and +NP systems, whereas it decreased in the dark system. Cell densities of testate amoebae increased in the control and +NP systems, whereas in the dark system they remained low. Thus, growth of the amoebae was low in the systems where physiological activity of Microcystis was low. In a hypertrophic pond, cell density of testate amoebae increased and remained high when M. aeruginosa predominated. Cell density of testate amoebae increased remarkably, simultaneously with the increases in M. aeruginosa colony density and phytoplankton physiological activity. We also found a significant correlation between densities of M. aeruginosa colonies and testate amoebae. We suggested that the physiological activity of Microcystis is one important factor affecting the growth of testate amoebae grazing on Microcystis

    Carbon and nitrogen cycling in a shallow productive sub-tropical coastal embayment (western Moreton Bay, Australia)

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    Climatic variables, water quality, benthic fluxes, sediment properties, and infauna were measured six times over an annual cycle in a shallow sub-tropical embayment to characterize carbon and nutrient cycling, and elucidate the role of pelagic–benthic coupling. Organic carbon (OC) inputs to the bay are dominated by phytoplankton (mean 74%), followed by catchment inputs (15%), and benthic microalgae (BMA; 9%). The importance of catchment inputs was highly variable and dependent on antecedent rainfall, with significant storage of allochthonous OC in sediments following high flow events and remineralization of this material supporting productivity during the subsequent period. Outputs were dominated by benthic mineralization (mean 59% of total inputs), followed by pelagic mineralization (16%), burial (1%), and assimilation in macrofaunal biomass (2%). The net ecosystem metabolism (NEM = production minus respiration) varied between −4 and 33% (mean 9%) of total primary production, whereas the productivity/respiration (p/r) ranged between 0.96 and 1.5 (mean 1.13). Up to 100% of the NEM is potentially removed via the demersal detritivore pathway. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) inputs from the catchment contributed less than 1% of the total phytoplankton demand, implicating internal DIN recycling (pelagic 23% and benthic 19%) and potentially benthic dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) fluxes (27%) or N fixation (up to 47%) as important processes sustaining productivity. Although phytoplankton dominated OC inputs in this system, BMA exerted strong seasonal controls over benthic DIN fluxes, limiting pelagic productivity when mixing/photic depth approached 1.3. The results of this study suggest low DIN:TOC and net autotrophic NEM may be a significant feature of shallow sub-tropical systems where the mixing/photic depth is consistently less than 4