170 research outputs found

    Critical clearing time determination and enhancement of grid-forming converters embedding virtual impedance as current limitation algorithm

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    International audienceThe present paper deals with the post-fault synchronization of a voltage source converter based on the droop control. In case of large disturbances on the grid, the current is limited via current limitation algorithms such as the virtual impedance. During the fault, the power converter internal frequency deviates resulting in a converter angle divergence. Thereby, the system may lose the synchronism after fault clearing and which may lead to instability. Hence, this paper proposes a theoretical approach to explain the dynamic behavior of the grid forming converter subject to a three phase bolted fault. A literal expression of the critical clearing time is defined. Due to the precise analysis of the phenomenon, a simple algorithm can be derived to enhance the transient stability. It is based on adaptive gain included in the droop control. These objectives have been achieved with no external information and without switching from one control to the other. To prove the effectiveness of the developed control, experimental test cases have been performed in different faulted conditions

    Décodage des codes LDPC définis sur des groupes abéliens

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    Une large classe de codes LDPC est définie et qui comprend les codes LDPC définis sur les corps finis, les anneaux et les groupes mais aussi des codes non-linéaires. Cela est rendu possible en étendant la notion de parité du code. Un algorithme rapide de type propagation de croyance est développé pour ce type de parité. Des exemples montrent des utilisations possibles de tels codes

    Utilisation raisonnée de contaminants pour caractériser la rhéologie des 1ers et 3ème corps solides (Application à la tribologie en ambiances spatiales)

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    Dès les débuts de la conquête spatiale, la tribologie spatiale est considérée comme une discipline à part entière car il s agit de lubrifier un mécanisme non seulement dans le vide spatial, mais aussi lors des opérations au sol, et ceci dans différents environnements (vide simulé, air sec et humide, azote sec). Un lubrifiant spatial, fluide ou solide, doit donc relever le défi de procurer le comportement tribologique désiré dans ces environnements successifs, mais doit aussi résister aux sollicitations dynamiques induites par le lancement. Dans l espace, le mécanisme doit y être autonome sans maintenance et sa lubrification doit être maintenue pendant au moins 15 ans (800 millions de cycles pour un roulement) tout en conservant fiabilité et précision de positionnement ( rad). Malgré ces enjeux, la maîtrise tribologique spatiale se limite à de l empirisme et du conservatisme de solutions techniques, notamment lors de l emploi des matériaux sources de lubrifiants solides qui font l objet de cette étude. Dans les faits, seules des recommandations d utilisation existent sans pouvoir prédire le comportement tribologique des solutions. Cette prédiction nécessite la reconstitution de la vie des contacts . Cette dernière nécessite l évaluation des débits de 1ers et 3ème corps. Ces débits dépendent d un couplage multi-échelles et multi-physique forcé par les sollicitations tribologiques. Pour décrypter ces débits, une démarche expérimentale qui couple des mesures mécano-chimiques en temps réel et des analyses post-essai a été développée (forces, analyse de gaz, visualisation électronique et photonique). La simultanéité des mesures permet d étudier le couplage entre les phénomènes mécaniques (créations de particules de 3ème corps, déformations plastiques des 1er corps) et physicochimiques (adsorption/désorption, modifications chimiques des 1ers et 3ème corps). La démarche est appliquée à l étude de deux triplets tribologiques ayant respectivement des 1ers corps en MoS2 et MoS2+Ti dont les comportements tribologiques sous vide et sous air humide sont antagonistes. L utilisation de leur antagonisme permet de mieux comprendre la réponse des 1er et 3ème corps aux sollicitations tribologiques. La reconstitution de la vie de ces triplets a montré : (1) le rôle bénéfique de la structure colonnaire dans l obtention d un facteur de frottement faible et d une longue durée de vie, non parce qu elle est intrinsèquement colonnaire mais parce qu elle localise la production de 3ème corps; (2) le rôle bénéfique des contaminations internes et externes aux 1ers et 3ème corps qui délocalisent l accommodation du volume du 3ème corps vers les complexes de surface, ce qui explique par exemple que l environnement N2 sec ne puisse, même pour des raisons économiques, simuler l ultravide. In fine, ces travaux permettent de spécifier une démarche de conception de triplets tribologiques qui sera généralisée ultérieurement grâce à la tribologie numériqueFrom the very beginning of space exploration, space tribology became a specific field of competences in its own right because it implies lubricating a mechanism not only in the vacuum of space but also in several environments (simulated vacuum, dry and humid air, dry N2 environment, etc.) on Earth. Consequently, a lubricant, fluid or solid, must provide the desired tribological behaviour in all those successive environments, but it must also resist to the dynamic loading induced by the launch operations. Once in space, a space mechanism must be autonomous, with no possible maintenance, and its lubrication must be sustained during 15 to 30 years (i.e. up to 800 millions cycles for a ball bearing) in space while sustaining high reliability and great precision (to within a few rad). Despite those stakes, the mastery of space tribology is limited to empiricism and conservatism of technical solutions, especially when solid lubricants, whose are studied in this study, are used. In facts, only directions for use exist without allowing predicting the tribological behaviour of the solutions. That prediction requires the reconstitution of the contacts life . The latter requires evaluating the 1st and 3rd bodies flows. Those flows depend on a multiscale and multiphysical coupling effect forced by the tribological stresses. To decrypt those flows, an experimental procedure which couples both real time and post-mortem mechano-chemical measurements (friction forces, gas analysis, photonic and electronic visualization,) has thus been developed. The simultaneity in the measure allows studying the relationship between mechanical (3rd body particles creation, plastic deformations of 1st bodies, etc.) and physicochemical (adsorption/desorption, chemical changes of 1st and 3rd bodies, etc.) phenomena. The procedure is applied to two tribological triplets respectively containing 1st bodies comprised of MoS2 and MoS2+Ti coatings whose tribological behaviours in vacuum and humid air are antagonistic. Such antagonism allows better understanding the responses of the 1st and 3rd bodies to the tribological stresses. The reconstruction of the contact life of those triplets allowed showing, among others: (1) the beneficial role of coating columnar structure in the obtaining of both a low friction coefficient and a long wear life. This is not because it is columnar but because such a structure localizes the 3rd body creation; (2) the beneficial role of contaminations, which is either internal or external to the 1st and 3rd bodies, by delocalizing the accommodation from the 3rd body volume to the surface complexes, which explains, for example, that dry N2 environment can not, even for financial reasons, mimic ultrahigh vacuum. In fine, the study allows specifying a procedure for designing tribological triplets which will be generalized at a latter stage thanks to the numerical tribology.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Self-lubricating polymer composites : using numerical trbology to hightlight their design criterion

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    International audienceAfter the cessation of RT/Duroid 5813, manufacturing tests were performed by CNES and ESA/ESTL in order to find an alternative material. Although PGM-HT was selected as the best candidate, limitations about its tribological capabilities to replace RT/Duroid 5813 were later pointed out. Today, the predictability of the tribological behaviour of those materials is not fully overcome. The motivation to this work is to complement studies of self-lubricating materials by coupling experimental analyses with numerical modelling, in order to predict their tribological behaviour. A Discrete Element Method is chosen to construct the numerical material, because it allows to represent wear and the third body generation at the scale of the ball/retainer contact. An underlying role of the adhesion between components in controlling the tribological properties of the transfer film has been observed

    Self-lubricating composite bearings: Effect of fibre length on its tribological properties by DEM modelling

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    International audienceSelf-lubricating polymer-based composites are used in space and in aircraft mechanisms as materials for solid lubricated systems. Such composites mostly consist of a polymeric matrix and fillers of two kinds: hard fillers (fibres made of glass, or of minerals) and solid lubricating particles (made of MoS 2). Their advantages are that they provide their own lubrication, and they can be used in both very high and very low temperatures (from −40 up to ~200 F). Precision ball bearings with these composites are manufactured since the 60's in these bearings the retainer material itself provides the lubrication. From the experimental analyses implemented (X-ray tomography, SEM observations, and experiences in a tribometer); it is possible to observe that the geometry of the fillers has a strong influence on the third body rheology. Nevertheless, the confined nature of the contact does not allow in-situ observation. To overcome this difficulty a combined numerical/experimental approach is carried out. To be able to reproduce the evolution of third-body particles within the contact, Discrete Element Methods (DEM) is used. Such an approach allows to represent wear: by the construction of an equivalent continuous medium resulting from the incorporation of interaction laws between the discrete particles. The motivation to this work is the understanding of the impact of filler geometry o tribological behaviour of these materials. More specifically, the goal is to study the influence of the fibre length in the tribological behaviour of self-lubricating composites by Discrete Element Methods (DEM)

    Adhesion measurements in MOS2 dry lubricated contacts to inform predictive tribological numerical models : comparison between laboratory-tested samples and ball bearings from the niriss mechanism

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    International audiencePredicting the tribological behaviour of dry lubricants remains difficult because it greatly depends on their mechanical and physicochemical environment. While it is difficult to analytically model dry lubrication, Discrete Element Method (DEM)-based modelling has been able to provide valuable insight into the tribological behaviour of dry lubricated contacts. The present study aims to experimentally define interactions between the discrete elements used for simulating different materials in contact, in order to accurately model and predict the tribological behaviour of dry lubricants. Those interactions are here defined by using the work of adhesion (W) between engineering materials: AISI440C, pristine MoS2 coating, as well as the related transfer film. A method was developed and applied on regular laboratory tribological test samples and ball bearings from the Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) instrument of the James Webb Space Telescope. Measured W values were consistent between all worn surfaces. The first DEM modelling results exhibit behaviours similar to those observed experimentally including surface plasticization and transfer

    Communication numérique sécurisée par synchronisation du chaos

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    é- Ce travail concerne les communications numériques sécurisées basées sur un principe de modulation par des signaux chaotiques. Le système de communication présenté ici repose sur un nouveau concept, l'emploi d'une rétroaction dans la chaîne de transmission. Il permet notamment d'élargir la classe de signaux chaotiques potentiels pour ce type d'applications sans alterer la vitesse de synchronisation du système

    Molecular quenching and relaxation in a plasmonic tunable system

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    Molecular fluorescence decay is significantly modified when the emitting molecule is located near a plasmonic structure. When the lateral sizes of such structures are reduced to nanometer-scale cross sections, they can be used to accurately control and amplify the emission rate. In this Rapid Communication, we extend Green's dyadic method to quantitatively investigate both radiative and nonradiative decay channels experienced by a single fluorescent molecule confined in an adjustable dielectric-metal nanogap. The technique produces data in excellent agreement with current experimental work

    Inertia effect and load sharing capability of grid forming converters connected to a transmission grid

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    The virtual synchronous machine concept (VSM) has been developed initially to reproduce the synchronous machine stabilizing effect by providing inertia with the emulation of swing equation, whereas droop control is developed initially to ensure load sharing and has no inertia. An introduction of a low pass filter to droop control has been motivated to filter the active power measurement and ensures a time decoupling with the inner control loops, whereas, this low-pass filter can also provide inertia to the system. This functionality is limited due to its negative impact on the active power dynamic. This paper proposes an analysis of the conventional droop control by showing its limitations and proposes an improved inertial droop control that allows providing the inertia to the system and ensures a good dynamic behavior of the active power at once in simple manner, and without modifying the load sharing capability. The results obtained are compared to the conventional method (Droop control and VSM) in various topologies in order to show the relevance of the proposed method

    Power Converters Classification and Characterization in Power Transmission Systems

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    Because of the throng of control strategies based Voltage Source Converters (VSC) recently proposed in the literature; their classification and characterization are becoming a trending topic. The high similarities of the proposed control strategies may lead to confusions and a misunderstanding of vocabulary. Therefore, this paper seeks first to highlight the possible features fulfilled by power converters in a large power system. The combination of these features is used to classify power converters. Furthermore, power converters can be seen by a power transmission system operators as black boxes, and they may have the same inputs and outputs, which makes their characterizations more difficult. This paper looks to show that only the fundamental nature of the source has an influence on the system dynamic behavior, thus, power converter can be characterized from their transient behavior in response to grid disturbances.Migrate, Horizon 202
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