27 research outputs found

    The Digital Classroom Project at the University of Kent

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    The Digital Classroom Project at the University of Kent aimed to investigate the relationship between space, technology and pedagogy in two new seminar rooms equipped with special furniture and technology. A key aspect of the project was the close collaboration between academics, professional services and students. The analysis of qualitative and quantitative data shows that both students and staff benefitted from working in these rooms and that the spaces allowed opportunities to experiment with new pedagogical approaches tailored on students needs

    Harnessing the benefits of sanctuary scholarship: opportunities for community enhancement, widening participation and internationalisation at home

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    The paper focuses on the importance of Internationalisation at Home, access and support mechanisms which are provided and co-created by students and university departments to encourage sanctuary scholarship. The paper gives particular attention to activities that encourage meaningful interaction with local communities and widen international participation of marginalised groups, such as students from the global south and asylum seeker communities. The paper presents two case studies. The first case study focuses on a student-led project developed by the students and staff of Canterbury Christ Church University. The second case study projects students’ voices from the global south and refugee communities at The University of Kent and University College London (UCL). The experiences of these students highlight the importance of welcoming and supporting students from marginalised backgrounds. They also demonstrate the need for both curriculum-based and co-curricular activity and student services which provided tailored support and encouragement

    Chest CT score in COVID-19 patients: correlation with disease severity and short-term prognosis

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    Objectives: To correlate a CT-based semi-quantitative score of pulmonary involvement in COVID-19 pneumonia with clinical staging of disease and laboratory findings. We also aimed to investigate whether CT findings may be predictive of patients’ outcome. Methods: From March 6 to March 22, 2020, 130 symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 patients were enrolled for this single-center analysis and chest CT examinations were retrospectively evaluated. A semi-quantitative CT score was calculated based on the extent of lobar involvement (0:0%; 1, < 5%; 2:5–25%; 3:26–50%; 4:51–75%; 5, > 75%; range 0–5; global score 0–25). Data were matched with clinical stages and laboratory findings. Survival curves and univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to evaluate the role of CT score as a predictor of patients’ outcome. Results: Ground glass opacities were predominant in early-phase (≤ 7 days since symptoms’ onset), while crazy-paving pattern, consolidation, and fibrosis characterized late-phase disease (> 7 days). CT score was significantly higher in critical and severe than in mild stage (p < 0.0001), and among late-phase than early-phase patients (p < 0.0001). CT score was significantly correlated with CRP (p < 0.0001, r = 0.6204) and D-dimer (p < 0.0001, r = 0.6625) levels. A CT score of ≥ 18 was associated with an increased mortality risk and was found to be predictive of death both in univariate (HR, 8.33; 95% CI, 3.19–21.73; p < 0.0001) and multivariate analysis (HR, 3.74; 95% CI, 1.10–12.77; p = 0.0348). Conclusions: Our preliminary data suggest the potential role of CT score for predicting the outcome of SARS-CoV-2 patients. CT score is highly correlated with laboratory findings and disease severity and might be beneficial to speed-up diagnostic workflow in symptomatic cases. Key Points: • CT score is positively correlated with age, inflammatory biomarkers, severity of clinical categories, and disease phases. • A CT score ≥ 18 has shown to be highly predictive of patient’s mortality in short-term follow-up. • Our multivariate analysis demonstrated that CT parenchymal assessment may more accurately reflect short-term outcome, providing a direct visualization of anatomic injury compared with non-specific inflammatory biomarkers

    Feasibility of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) with fibre tractography of the normal female pelvic floor

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    To prospectively determine the feasibility of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) with fibre tractography as a tool for the three-dimensional (3D) visualisation of normal pelvic floor anatomy. Five young female nulliparous subjects (mean age 28 ± 3 years) underwent DTI at 3.0T. Two-dimensional diffusion-weighted axial spin-echo echo-planar (SP-EPI) pulse sequence of the pelvic floor was performed, with additional T2-TSE multiplanar sequences for anatomical reference. Fibre tractography for visualisation of predefined pelvic floor and pelvic wall muscles was performed offline by two observers, applying a consensus method. Three eigenvalues (λ1, λ2, λ3), fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) were calculated from the fibre trajectories. In all subjects fibre tractography resulted in a satisfactory anatomical representation of the pubovisceral muscle, perineal body, anal - and urethral sphincter complex and internal obturator muscle. Mean FA values ranged from 0.23 ± 0.02 to 0.30 ± 0.04, MD values from 1.30 ± 0.08 to 1.73 ± 0.12 × 10(-)³ mm²/s. Muscular structures in the superficial layer of the pelvic floor could not be satisfactorily identified. This study demonstrates the feasibility of visualising the complex three-dimensional pelvic floor architecture using 3T-DTI with fibre tractography. DTI of the deep female pelvic floor may provide new insights into pelvic floor disorder

    Imaging of median sternotomy complications

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    Median sternotomy is the surgical technique of chosen for cardiac surgery. Although the complications after median sternotomy are not so frequent, these are associated to elevated mortality. The complications can interest the presternal compartment, the sternal compartment or the retrosternal compartment. Even if the clinical diagnosis of infection is not difficult for the clinician, it is nearly impossible to establish the depth of the infection. Multislice CT, thanks to the possibility to obtain thin layers and three-dimensional multiplanar reconstructions and Volume Rendering, turns out extremely useful for being able to demonstrate the extension and the depth of the infection. Of fundamental importance it is the elaboration of the images, executed on workstation, with which multiplanar reformatted and Volume Rendering images are obtained. The CT turns out useful moreover like guide for the execution of interventional procedures such as aspiration of material for bacteriological characterization or eventual positioning of a catheter for abscess drainage. The Magnetic Resonance, thanks to its high resolution of contrast and to its multiplanarity, finds one of its elective applications in the study of the flogistic and neoplastic processes of the soft tissues. A great limit of the MR is the possible generation of artifacts due to sternal suture

    Imaging of simple and complicated acute cholecystitis

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    Acute Cholecystitis is a common disease and it needs to be treated in emergency. In case of complication, surgery is mandatory in 48-72 hours. Ultrasonography (US) is the first diagnostic step in that it allows to identify the signs of major complications, not always visible. Spiral CT identifies complications misdiagnosed at US and allows a correct classification. However, spiral CT is able to depict fluid collections or gas in the wall or in the lumen of the gallbladder or free air in the peritoneum, signs not always depicted by US and which also needs surgical treatment in emergency. If one or more signs of complications are present, CT is mandatory to identify complicated cholecystitis (phlegmonous or empyematous cholecystitis, abscesses, emphysematous, gangrenous, hemorragic or perforated cholecystitis) and to indicate its urgent surgery

    MRI of the small-bowel: How to differentiate primary neoplasms and mimickers

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    MRI of the gastrointestinal tract is gaining clinical acceptance and is increasingly used to evaluate patients with suspected small-bowel diseases. MRI may be performed with enterography or enteroclysis, both of which combine the advantages of cross-sectional imaging with those of conventional enteroclysis. In this paper, MRI features of primary small-bowel neoplasms, the most important signs for differential diagnosis and the diseases that can be considered as mimickers of small-bowel neoplasms, are discussed. © 2012 The British Institute of Radiology