4 research outputs found

    SIM Regional Supplementary Comparison : SIM.L-S6. Calibration of gauge blocks by mechanical comparison

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    This supplementary comparison concerns the calibration of gauge blocks by mechanical comparison, which is a technique of paramount importance as it is at the highest level in the traceability chain of length for most countries of the American Continent. This comparison is designed to support the submitted CMC claims of these countries. The measurand is the central length of several gauge blocks as defined in ISO 3650 and the circulated gauge blocks were used for two comparisons carried out in two stages: the first stage, SIM.L-K1:2007, Calibration of gauge blocks by optical interferometry (2007–2010); the gauge blocks were also measured by mechanical comparison for those NMI also participating in SIM.L-S6:2007; the second stage, SIM.L-S6:2007, Calibration of gauge blocks by mechanical comparison (2010–2011) for the participants that measured only by mechanical comparison. In this second comparison there were 16 participants, 14 from the Americas, and 2 invited NMIs from other regions. The circulation in the second stage had 10 participants.Fil: Viliesid, Miguel. Centro Nacional de MetrologĂ­a (CENAM); MĂ©xicoFil: ColĂ­n Castellanos, Carlos. Centro Nacional de MetrologĂ­a (CENAM); MĂ©xicoFil: ChĂĄvez, T. Centro Nacional de MetrologĂ­a (CENAM); MĂ©xicoFil: Chaudhary, K. P. National Physical Laboratory (NPL); IndiaFil: Dvoƙáček, Frantisek. Czech Metrology Institute (CMI); RepĂșblica ChecaFil: Stoup, John. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); Estados UnidosFil: Santos Barros, Wellington. Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia (INMetro); BrasilFil: Vaudagna, Leandro. Instituto Nacional de TecnologĂ­a Industrial (INTI); ArgentinaFil: Morales, Roberto. Laboratorio Nacional de Longitud (DICTUC); ChileFil: Acquarone, Alejandro. Laboratorio TecnolĂłgico del Uruguay (LATU); UruguayFil: Carrasco, J. Servicio Nacional de MetrologĂ­a (INDECOPI); PerĂșFil: Vega, M. Instituto Boliviano de MetrologĂ­a (IBMetro); BoliviaFil: Salazar, M. Instituto Ecuatoriano de NormalizaciĂłn (INEN); EcuadorFil: Gil, V. Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC); ColombiaFil: Dimas, J. Centro Nacional de MetrologĂ­a de PanamĂĄ (CENAMEP); PanamĂĄFil: Reyes, E. Laboratorio Costarricense de MetrologĂ­a (LACOMET); Costa RicaFil: Hamilton, F. Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS); Trinidad y TobagoFil: Reddock, T. Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS); Trinidad y TobagoFil: Durga, S. Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ); JamaicaFil: Burton, T. Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ); Jamaic

    Identification of morphometric traits for screening of tejocote (

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    Introduction. Tejocote (Crataegus spp.) is an edible fruit species that some Mesoamerican cultures have cultivated since pre-Hispanic times in Mexico; however, this fruit crop has not undergone formal breeding. It is unknown whether morphological markers associated with fruit size exist to be used for indirect selection; this could be important, because this species has a large cycle. Our research aimed at studying phenotypic correlations between leaf and stomata characters with fruit weight; such correlations might be used as morphological markers for selection of superior germplasm for fruit weight. Materials and methods. Pearson’s correlation coefficients of 36 leaf variables and three leaf stomata variables with fruit weight were calculated in 94 genotypes of four different species. Results. As expected, the correlations calculated for each species and for the species pool differed. However, the number of veins in leaves of reproductive shoots was positively correlated with fruit weight (P  ≀ 0.05) in the two most important horticultural species. On the other hand, C. mexicana was the best option for selecting superior germplasm, and the most significant variables correlated with fruit weight in this species were leaf major axis length of large vegetative shoots, leaf elongation ratio and number of veins of reproductive shoot leaves. Discussion. These variables could be good selection indices or morphological markers that can be used for early screening of germplasm for yield potential

    PolĂ­tica global y fĂștbol : el deporte como preocupaciĂłn de las ciencias sociales

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    Este libro colectivo enfoca el futbol pero también otros deportes- en la perspectiva de las Ciencias Sociales, en particular las Relaciones Internacionales. Partiendo de la premisa de que ese deporte dejó de tener una naturaleza estato-céntrica para adquirir ciudadanía global, los diferentes capítulos de la obra analizan tópicos tales como la geopolítica y geo-economía del futbol, instrumentalización de este (como mecanismo de poder de los Estados), el problema de los nacionalismos ligados al deporte, el enorme negocio comercial en torno al futbol, la FIFA y los escåndalos de corrupción, la importante temåtica del género y deporte, el asunto de los rituales culturales en las pråcticas futbolísticas, la diplomacia deportiva, la psicología del futbolista, entre otros. El libro pretende brindar aristas del futbol tomado como objeto social, poniendo al descubierto aspectos relevantes que el espectador de un partido no estå acostumbrado a ver. Es un esfuerzo colectivo e interdisciplinario de visibilizar lo que generalmente no vemos, de llamar la atención al lector y al aficionado acerca del telón de fondo que envuelve el deporte mås popular del mundo