85 research outputs found
Produksi rumput laut dipengaruhi oleh metode budidaya yang digunakan. Metode patok dasar merupakan cara menanam rumput laut pada daerah pantai yang dangkal dan masih terendam air pada surut terendah. Selain itu jarak tanam rumput laut juga berfiungsi untuk meningkatkan produksi rumput laut karena berhubungan dengan luas lahan penanaman. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jarak tanam berbeda pada budidaya rumput laut dengan metode patok dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan menggunakan Rancangan_Acak Lengkap (RAL), yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dan 4 kali_ulangan sehingga didapatkan 20 sampel penelitian. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu Jarak tanam 20 cm, 25 cm, 30 cm, 35 cm dan 40 cm. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu pertumbuhan mutlak jarak tanam terbaik di dapatkan pada jarak tanam 30cm dengan nilai 123 g. Pertumbuhan spesifik terbaik didapatkan pada jarak tanam 30 cm dengan nilai rata-rata 2,759 %/hari. Nilai karaginan tertinggi yaitu pada jarak tanam 30 cm sebesar 3,93%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan jarak tanam yang berbeda memiliki pengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan rendemen karaginan Eucheuma spinosum.Produksi rumput laut dipengaruhi oleh metode budidaya yang digunakan. Metode patok dasar merupakan cara menanam rumput laut pada daerah pantai yang dangkal dan masih terendam air pada surut terendah. Selain itu jarak tanam rumput laut juga berfiungsi untuk meningkatkan produksi rumput laut karena berhubungan dengan luas lahan penanaman. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jarak tanam berbeda pada budidaya rumput laut dengan metode patok dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan menggunakan Rancangan_Acak Lengkap (RAL), yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dan 4 kali_ulangan sehingga didapatkan 20 sampel penelitian. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu Jarak tanam 20 cm, 25 cm, 30 cm, 35 cm dan 40 cm. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu pertumbuhan mutlak jarak tanam terbaik di dapatkan pada jarak tanam 30cm dengan nilai 123 g. Pertumbuhan spesifik terbaik didapatkan pada jarak tanam 30 cm dengan nilai rata-rata 2,759 %/hari. Nilai karaginan tertinggi yaitu pada jarak tanam 30 cm sebesar 3,93%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan jarak tanam yang berbeda memiliki pengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan rendemen karaginan Eucheuma spinosum
The Weight of Seedlings Differs on the Growth of Sargassum sp.
Sargassum sp. is a brown alga containing alginate and iodine and is used in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and textile industries. Cultivation of Sargassum sp. has not been carried out, but it needs efforts to be cultivated so that its availability is sustainable. This study aims to determine the growth of Sargassum sp. cultivated with different seed weight in the longline method. This research was conducted from December 2020 to January 2021, in the waters of Ekas Bay, Ekas Buana Village, Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency. This research was conducted using experimental methods and using the weight difference treatment of the seeds of Sargassum sp. Cultivation was carried out for 30 days. The experimental design used in this study was a completely randomized design consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were treatment A (seeds weighing 25 g), B (seeds weighing 50 g), C (seeds weighing 100 g as a control), D (seeds weighing 150 g) and E (seeds with a weight of 150 g). weight 200 g). The results showed that E treatment showed the best growth results with the growth parameters measured were absolute growth, specific growth, number of leaves and number of fruits. This study concludes that different seed weight has a significant effect on the growth of seaweed Sargassum sp. with the longline method with the best seed weight in this study was the E treatment (200 g) with an absolute growth of 437.5 g, a specific growth rate of 21.50%, 4999 fruit numbers, and 3614 leaves
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan jarak tanam terhadap pertumbuhan rumput laut (Eucheuma cottonii) hasil kultur jaringan dengan metode patok dasar.Penelitian ini dilakukan perlakuan dengan perbedaan jarak tanam rumput laut hasil kultur jaringan. Beberapa refrensi budidaya rumput laut menganjurkan jarak tanam yang diterapkan adalah 25 cm. Namun, jarak tersebut diduga terlalu lebar karena ukuran bibit rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii hasil kultur jaringan lebih kecil (50 g) dari ukuran benih konvensional (100 g). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Terdapat 4 peralakuan, yaitu P0 dengan jarak 25 cm sebagai perlakuan kontrol, P1 dengan jarak 20 cm, P2 dengan jarak 15 cm dan P3 dengan jarak 10 cm, dengan masing-masing 4 ulangan.Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analisis sidik ragam atau analysis of variance (ANOVA) pada taraf nyata 5% dengan selang kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian pertumbuhan mutlak paling tinggi didapatkan pada perlakuan P1 dengan nilai rata-rata 124 g, laju pertumbuhan spesifik paling tinggi terdapat pada perlakuan P1 dengan nilai rata-rata 4,15 %/hari, dan nilai rendemen karaginan menunjukkan hasil tidak berbeda nyata.Pengamatan rendemen karaginan pada Eucheuma cottonii menunjukkan hasil berurutan pada masing-masing perlakuan yaitu kontrol sebesar 17%, P1 dan P2 sebesar 16%, dan P3 sebesar 14%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah jarak tanam memiiki pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii kultur jaringan dengan metode patok dasar (off bottom). Dengan jarak tanam terbaik dalam penelitian ini adalah P1 (20 cm)This study aims to determine the effect of different plant spacing on the growth of seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) tissue culture results using the bottom off method. This research uses a completely randomized design (CRD). This research was carried out treatment with different plant spacing tissue culture results. Some references on seaweed cultivation advocated applied planting distance is 25 cm. However, distance it is thought to be too wide due to the size of the Eucheuma cottonii tissue culture yields are smaller (50 g) than conventional seed sizes (100 g).There are 4 treatments, namely P0 with a distance of 25 cm as a control treatment, P1 with a distance of 20 cm, P2 with a distance of 15 cm and P3 with a distance of 10 cm, each with 4 replications with a seedling initial weight of 50 g. Research data were analyzed using analysis of variance or analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% significance level with a 95% confidence interval. The highest absolute growth was in the P1 treatment with an average value of 124 g, the highest specific growth rate was in the P1 treatment with an average value of 4.15%/day, and the carrageenan yield showed no significant difference. Observation of carrageenan yields on Eucheuma cottonii showed sequential results in each treatment namely control by 17%, P1 and P2 by 16%, and P3 by 14%. The conclusion of this research is distance planting has a real influence on the growth of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii tissue culture by off bottom method. The best planting distance in thid study is P1 (20 cm)
Abstrak: Sargassum aquifolium merupakan alga coklat dan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku kertas pembungkus makanan, bahan baku makanan, farmasi serta kosmetik. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mengkaji komponen yang dimiliki Sargassum aquifolium dan berpotensi sebagai hormon pemicu tumbuh untuk Eucheuma cottonii. Metode yang digunakan pada penulisan artikel ini adalah studi pustaka yang berasal dari google scholar, Elsevier dan academia. Informasi yang diperoleh selanjutnya disintesis dan dibuat formulasi rumusan kesimpulan. Data kualitatif yang digunakan pada artikel ini adalah hasil analisis berbagai referensi terkait dengan review yang disusun. Hasil sintesis yang diperoleh menerangkan bahwa Sargassum aquifolium mengandung karbohidrat (59,51%), lemak (8,41%), Ca (3,34%), Fe (0,12%), P (0,18%) Fe (0,12%), Ca (3,34%), air (12,79%), abu (12,79%), N (7.22%). Komponen yang ada pada Sargassum aquifolium tersebut, berpotensi sebagai fitohormon yang dapat digunakan sebagai pemicu tumbuh pada Eucheuma cottonii.Kata kunci: ekstrak, alga coklat, fitohormon, pertumbuhan, rumput laut. àAbstract: Sargassum aquifoliumàis brown algae and can be used as raw material for food wrapping paper, food raw materials, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. The objective of this study is to review articles that study the components possessed byàSargassum aquifoliumàand potentially as a growth trigger hormone foràEucheuma cottonii.àThe method used in writing this article is a descriptive literature study from google scholar, Elsevier, and Academia. The qualitative data used in this article is the result of the analysis of various references related to the reviews prepared. Based on the synthesis of the article study, it was explained thatàSargassum aquifoliumàcontained carbohydrates (59.51%), fat (8.41%), Ca (3.34%), Fe (0.12%), P (0.18%) Fe (0.12%), Ca (3.34%), water (12.79%), ash (12.79%), N (7.22%). The components inàSargassum aquifoliumàhave the potential as a phytohormone which can be used as a growth trigger foràEucheuma cottonii.Keywords: extract, brown algae, phytohormone, growth, seaweed
Use of NPK Fertilizer for Cultivating Eucheuma spinosum Seaweed at Different Doses on a Laboratory Scale
Seaweed is a low-level plant whose roots, stems and leaves cannot be distinguished from each other and is better known as a thallus. Seaweed is one of the leading fisheries commodities. This study aims to analyze the growth and carrageenan content of Eucheuma spinosum given Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium (NPK) fertilizer at different doses. The method used was an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatmentsa are P0 (control), P1 (2 g/l), P2 (2.5 g/l), and P3 (3 g/l). Each treatment was repeated 3 times. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, then if further tests were carried out, the Duncan test was used. The results showed that seaweed E. spinosum which was maintained for 30 days had a survival rate, final weight, final length and carrageenan yield ranging between 16.1% - 50.1%, 3.23 g - 10.13 g respectively, 10 cm - 17.6 cm and 6.75% - 10.86% with the best treatment, namely at a fertilizer dose of 2.5 g/l, while the best carrageenan yield treatment was found in the control treatment. This study concluded that E. spinosum seaweed given different doses had a real effect on survival and final weight. The highest survival rate and final weight were found in the 2.5 g/l dose treatment, namely 50.6% and 10.13 g, and the control treatment gave a higher yield of carrageenan than the other treatments, namely 10.86%
Addition of Yeast Bread (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in Feed to Increase Growth of Barramundi (Lates calcarifer)
Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) is known as Sea bass with a selling price of Rp.75,000 - Rp.80,000/Kg consumption size. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of bread yeast with different doses to feed on the growth of Lates calcarifer. This study uses an experimental method with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatments were P0=0% yeast, P1=0.5%, P2=0.10%, P3=0.15%, P4=0.20% yeast from the weight of the feed given. The results of the study are the bread yeast influences the growth of Lates calcarifer. The highest absolute weight gain in P4 treatment was 0.507 g. The highest absolute length increase in P4 treatment was 0.990 cm. The lowest FCR at perlakuan P1 yaitu 15,55. The highest survival rates are P2, P3, and P4 which is 100%. Erythrocytes with the highest total amount in P4 treatment 12,58x106 - 18,62x106 cells/mm3. Leukocytes with the highest total number in P2 treatment were 27,96x106 - 44,641x106 cells/mm3. Water quality parameter values in the maintenance media are in the range of requirements for Lates calcarifer cultivation. The conclusion of the study is the addition of bread yeast affects the growth of Lates calcarifer and the optimal dose that can increase the growth is 0,20%
Sex reversal or gender inflection is a technique aimed at causing the male development of the female sex (masculinization) and masculine gender to females. One of the most often employed intricate sex techniques is masculinity. Generally, the production of single male sex cells involves taking advantage of the hormone steroid as well as natural substances. The purpose of the study is to know the effectiveness of a different kind of honey in the inbreeding of a guppy mother stem stem (Poecilia reticulata) with the percentage of male fish. The study was carried out in fish reproductive laboratories, the department of agriculture, the university of Mataram in April-Juni 2022. The study employed experimental methods of a complete random model (ral) with 4 treatments, namely P0 (control), P1 (forest honey), P2 (cattle honey), and P3 (mangrove honey). Treatment is repeated three times each. An analysis of the gender percentage carried with analysis of variance (anova) and Duncan's test. The take notes that the percentage of the male fish in forest honey, cattle honey, and mangrove honey are produced in successive percentage of the male fish at 84%, 83%, and 95%. The results of a 100% survival rate rate on all treatment, the absolute heavy growth shows the same conservative value of.38-0.39g, and the specific growth of weight indicates a value of 2.86-2.87%. It can thus be deduced that treatment with the use of mangrove honey is the treatment of the highest effectiveness in the direction of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) fish
Budidaya Rumput Laut Pada Kedalaman Berbeda
Abstract: Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat memiliki areal potensial untuk budidaya rumput laut seluas 35.000 Ha dengan produksi rumput laut pada tahun 2017 sebanyak 13,39 juta ton. Perairan Seriweh Kabupaten Lombok Timur merupakan perairan yang dimanfaatkan untuk budidaya rumput laut dan menyumbang produksi rumput laut tersebut. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengintroduksi budidaya rumput laut dengan kedalaman yang berbeda untuk menghasilkan rendemen karaginan yang optimal. Harga rumput laut kering seharusnya ditetapkan berdasarkan rendemen karaginannya, namun hal tersebut belum berlaku di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Meskipun demikian pembudidaya harus tetap berusaha untuk memproduksi rumput laut dengan rendemen karaginan optimal.     Keywords: Kappaphycus alvarezii, produksi, kedalaman, harga, Nusa Tenggara Barat
Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a well known aquaculture fish commodity in Indonesia. The fermentation process of feed is a technology to increase the protein of raw materials. The purpose of this research is to find out and evaluate the effect of feed fermentation on survival, long and heavy growth, feed conversion, protein retention and water quality on tilapia who maintenance with bioflok system. The study was conducted for 60 days using tilapia fish with an average length of 5 cm and an average weight of 2 grams / tail, then maintained with a bioflok system. The treatment will be fermented for 1 day using EM4 in feed with 25%, 20%, 15%, and 25% unfermented protein feed control. The results of this study showed a real influence on the absolute long growth parameters with the highest values in P2 with a value of 2.4 cm and the lowest in P3 and P4 with the same value of 1.8 cm. at the specific long growth rate the highest value at P2 is 0.86%/day and the lowest in P3 and p4 with the same value of 0.7%/day. Then protein retention, the best treatment value is in P2 with a value of 5.5% and the lowest in P4 with a value of 3.1%
The Potential and Development of Seaweed Cultivation in Lombok: A Review
The potential area of Lombok seaweed cultivation is 5490 Ha. The area utilized is 2039.63 Ha. The purpose of this paper is to review the diversity, cultivation activities, production and potential of seaweed to be developed, specifically focusing on aspects of cultivation and production on the island of Lombok, Indonesia. Macroalgae that have been cultivated on Lombok are Kappaphycus alvarezii morphotype brown and green and Gracilaria verucosa. The decline and the amount of uncertainty in production were caused by several problems in seaweed cultivation, weather changes, limited capital for production and decreased quality of seaweed seeds. The species that have the potential to be developed are Sargassum aquifolium, Caulerpa sp., Ulva sp., Eucheuma spinosum, and Gelidium sp. Development Locations are located throughout the waters in the shape of a bay and are by the stipulated water utilization spatial plan. Developing seaweed aqua tourism and institutional arrangements related to seaweed production is necessary
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