8 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran umum mengenai konsep neobank yang hadir sebagai inovasi dalam dunia perbankan yang berbasis digital. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dan pendekatan perundang-undnagan dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa secara regulasi di Indonesia belum mengakomodir keberadaan neo bank baik dalam tataran undang-undang perbankan maupun peraturan yang sifatnya implementatif. Implikasi ke depan jika neo bank menjadi salah satu alternatif bank masa depan maka akan timbul pengeseran penggunaan layanan bank konvensional menjadi bank digital. Iklim produk pelayanan perbankan akan semakin kompetitif dan variatif. Sejalan dengan berkembangannya neo bank akan berimplikasi pada kebutuhan kepastian atas perlindungan data pengguna layanan neo bank sebab bank yang berbasis digital akan sangat rentan terhadap modus kejahatan dunia maya sehingga penguatan sistem keamanan menjadi salah satu elemen penting untuk memberikan kepercayaan kepada pengguna neo bank


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    Abstrak                   Doktrin perbuatan melawan hukum dari waktu ke waktu mengalami suatu perubahan tidak hanya dimaknai secara sempit (Onwetmatige  daad) yakni melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku  namun diartikan dalam arti yang luas termasuk melanggar norma kesusilaan  dan  kepatutan  dalam  masyarakat sehingga menimbulkan kerugian. Pengingkaran janji kawin yang menimbulkan kerugian materiil dan immaterial dalam bagi seorang wanita sehingga menggugat si laki-laki untuk memberi ganti kerugian atas nama baik yang tercemar dimasyarakat. Tujuan Penelitian yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian  ini untuk mengetahui dasar pertimbangan hakim untuk menentukan kualifikasi pengingkaran janji kawin sebagai perbuatan melawan hukum. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perbuatan pengingkaran janji kawin merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum yang merujuk pada Pasal 1365 KUHPer dalam arti yang luas. Pertimbangan hakim yang digunakan dalam memutus perkara NOMOR 1644 K/PDT/2020 merupakan penafsiran melawan hukum dalam arti yang luas, yaitu termasuk perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan norma kesusilaan dan kepatutan dalam masyarakat.   Kata Kunci: Pengingkaran, Janji Kawin,  Perbuatan Melawan Hukum   Abstract   The doctrine of acts against the law from time to time undergoes a change not only interpreted narrowly (Onwetmatige daad), namely violating the prevailing laws and regulations but is interpreted in a broad sense including violating the norms of decency and decency in society so as to cause losses. The negation of the promise of marriage which causes material and immaterial harm to a woman so that she sues the man to compensate for the reputation that is tainted with society. The research objective to be achieved in this study is to determine the basis for the judge's consideration to determine the qualifications of a broken marriage promise as an act against the law. This research is a normative legal research using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of this study indicate that the act of breaking the promise of marriage is an act against the law which refers to Article 1365 of the Criminal Code in a broad sense. The judge's consideration used in deciding the case NUMBER 1644 K / PDT / 2020 is an interpretation against the law in a broad sense, which includes acts that are contrary to the norms of decency and decency in society.   Keywords: Denial, Promise of Marriage, Actions against the Law &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran umum mengenai konsep neobank yang hadir sebagai inovasi dalam dunia perbankan yang berbasis digital. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dan pendekatan perundang-undnagan dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa secara regulasi di Indonesia belum mengakomodir keberadaan neo bank baik dalam tataran undang-undang perbankan maupun peraturan yang sifatnya implementatif. Implikasi ke depan jika neo bank menjadi salah satu alternatif bank masa depan maka akan timbul pengeseran penggunaan layanan bank konvensional menjadi bank digital. Iklim produk pelayanan perbankan akan semakin kompetitif dan variatif. Sejalan dengan berkembangannya neo bank akan berimplikasi pada kebutuhan kepastian atas perlindungan data pengguna layanan neo bank sebab bank yang berbasis digital akan sangat rentan terhadap modus kejahatan dunia maya sehingga penguatan sistem keamanan menjadi salah satu elemen penting untuk memberikan kepercayaan kepada pengguna neo bank

    Legal Status of Balinese Women Who Commit Ninggal Kedaton Terbatas Marriage Against Guna Kaya Inheritance

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    The Balinese customary law system uses a patrilineal kinship system with a majorate system. Thus, the heir is the purusa party, namely the male child. This is because in Balinese customary law, sons are considered to have a large burden of responsibility in the family and community customs and also have to bear the obligation to care for parents in their old age. However, in reality, many Balinese women, especially those who marry in a ninggal kedaton terbatas, still bear the burden of responsibility of the family of origin. Meanwhile, they as pradana parties do not have the right to inherit heirloom property in the Balinese customary inheritance system. This is not in line with the premise of liberal feminism theory, which states that women and men have the same position in all fields, including the right to inherit wealth. This research was conducted using normative research methods by examining secondary legal materials, namely journals, articles, and research results related to the subject matter, with a descriptive analysis approach. The results of this study found that Balinese customary inheritance property consists of heirloom property and wealthy use property. Based on the Decree of the Great Pesamuan III of the Main Assembly of the Balinese Pakraman Village No. 01/KEP/PSM-3/MDP/Bali/X/2010 section III in the field of Customary Law, Balinese women also have the right to inherit their parents’ property on a limited basis. Keywords: Bali, traditional inheritance, wome

    Mangrove Forest Preservation for Environmental Sustainability and Community Welfare Improvement in Suwung Kauh Village Denpasar : An International Community Service Program

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    This community service program aims to improve the preservation of mangrove forests by replanting mangrove seedlings to replace old damaged trees and expand the mangrove ecosystems. In addition, coastal cleaning activities were also carried out to reduce plastic waste that pollutes mangrove forest areas in Suwung Kauh Village, South Denpasar. By using a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach method oriented towards community empowerment, the implementation of community service was carried out by a team of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics and Business, Ngurah Rai University, in collaboration with Canberra University and KUB Simbar Segara. The evaluation was carried out by the managing team through direct interaction between the interviewer and the respondent using interview and observation techniques for the achievement values of the results of the implementation of community service activities and was analyzed descriptively. The results of the service program succeeded in reducing plastic waste around the area and increasing the area of mangrove areas by planting new seedlings


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    Sangeh Tourism Village is one of the tourist villages in Badung Regency which has various tourism potentials that can still be developed and optimized. One of the problems of the Tourism Village is related to waste management at tourist attractions. Of course, organic and inorganic waste must be separated so that it is easy to manage again and does not pollute the environment. The Ngurah Rai University Postgraduate conducted PkM in partnership with DTW Sangeh (Taman Mumbul and Alas Nutmeg) which invited the Head of the Sangeh Traditional Village and the Head of the Sangeh Traditional Village to discuss with Community Service participants regarding the problems that exist in the management of the Sangeh Tourism Village. So on this occasion, the Postgraduate Program at Ngurah Rai University, apart from cleaning the environment by sorting waste based on sources, also handed over 2 trash cans that could be used at the Sangeh tourist spot

    The Equality of Parties in Sale-and-Purchase Binding Agreement on Land and Building with the Pre-Project Selling System

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    The study aims to analyze the legal implications of the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Housing of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11/PRT/M/2019 on the Sale-and-Purchase Binding Agreement on Land and Building. The emphasis lies on the equality of parties that involve in buying and selling property using pre-project selling system. This study used legal materials and concepts to approach the issue. The primary legal materials consisted of statutory regulations; and the secondary legal materials consisted of books, scientific journals, and electronic articles. The Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Housing of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11/PRT/M/2019 does not regulate sanctions for buyer’s unilateral cancellation. According to the Regulation, if buyer unilaterally cancels transaction, seller (housing developer) receives only ten percent of the sum of money that the buyer has paid. This provision does not fulfil the principle of equality for the parties. The objectives of law (legal justice, benefits, and certainty) cannot be achieved because of the inequality of parties. The condition leads to seller’s loss. It is especially happened if house that has been partially built-in accordance to special conditions at the request of the buyer. The house can be difficult to be sold.DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v8n3.a

    Digitalisasi Manajemen Bank Sampah Terpadu di Banjar Tegeh Sari, Kelurahan Tonja: Digitalization of Integrated Waste Bank Management in Banjar Tegeh Sari, Tonja Village

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    Banjar Tegeh Sari, Tonja Village, North Denpasar District, is one of the banjars or groups of residents who have sufficient social capital in waste management. Banjar Tegeh Sari has several activity units directly and indirectly related to waste management, such as waste bank groups, empowered gardens (including bio pore and infiltration wells), and cooperatives. The main problem in waste management at Banjar Tegeh Sari is the need for digitalization and integrated management between the five waste bank groups in Banjar Tegeh Sari and the Manik Galih Cooperative. The aim of integrating and digitizing waste banks is to combine the five groups of waste banks so that recording the amount of non-organic waste becomes more valid and practical while recording the nominal amount of waste in cooperatives. The solution provided is a conceptual model for designing and digitizing waste banks in an integrated manner with cooperatives which will later be called the Tegeh Sari Integrated Waste Management System (SiMaSaDu Tegeh Sari). The target is to integrate and digitize the five waste bank groups into the waste bank management cooperative to make it more efficient and effective