1,250 research outputs found

    Transport properties of pristine few-layer black phosphorus by van der Waals passivation in an inert atmosphere

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    Ultrathin black phosphorus is a two-dimensional semiconductor with a sizeable band gap. Its excellent electronic properties make it attractive for applications in transistor, logic and optoelectronic devices. However, it is also the first widely investigated two-dimensional material to undergo degradation upon exposure to ambient air. Therefore a passivation method is required to study the intrinsic material properties, understand how oxidation affects the physical properties and enable applications of phosphorene. Here we demonstrate that atomically thin graphene and hexagonal boron nitride can be used for passivation of ultrathin black phosphorus. We report that few-layer pristine black phosphorus channels passivated in an inert gas environment, without any prior exposure to air, exhibit greatly improved n-type charge transport resulting in symmetric electron and hole transconductance characteristics.B.O. acknowledges support by the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister's Office, Singapore under its Competitive Research Programme (CRP Award No. NRF-CRP9-2011-3) and the SMF-NUS Research Horizons Award 2009-Phase II. A.H.C.N. acknowledges the NRF-CRP award 'Novel 2D materials with tailored properties: beyond graphene'. The calculations were performed at the GRC computing facilities. A.Z. and D.F.C. acknowledge the NSF grant CHE-1301157. (NRF-CRP9-2011-3 - National Research Foundation, Prime Minister's Office, Singapore under its Competitive Research Programme (CRP); SMF-NUS Research Horizons Award-Phase II; NRF-CRP award 'Novel 2D materials with tailored properties: beyond graphene'; CHE-1301157 - NSF)Published versio

    Social Support Protects against the Negative Effects of Partner Violence on Mental Health

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    Objectives: Social support for abused women may reduce the impact of abuse on mental health, yet few studies have addressed this issue. We wish to determine associations between intimate partner violence (IPV) and mental health outcomes and to assess the protective role of abuse disclosure and support on mental health among abused women. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted of 1152 women, ages 18–65, recruited from family practice clinics from 1997 through 1999. They were screened for IPV during a brief in-clinic interview, and physical and mental health status was assessed in a follow-up interview. Results: IPV, defined as sexual, physical, or psychological abuse, was associated with poor perceived mental and physical health, substance abuse, symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), current depression, anxiety, and suicide ideation/actions. Among women experiencing IPV and controlling for IPV frequency, higher social support scores were associated with a significantly reduced risk of poor perceived mental health (adjusted relative risk [aRR] 0.5, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.3, 0.6) and physical health (aRR 0.6, 95% CI 0.5, 0.8), anxiety (aRR 0.3, 95% CI 0.2, 0.4), current depression (aRR 0.6, 95% CI 0.5, 0.8), PTSD symptoms (aRR 0.5, 95% CI 0.4, 0.8), and suicide attempts (aRR 0.6, 95% CI 0.4, 0.9). Conclusions: Healthcare providers can be instrumental in identifying IPV and helping women develop skills, resources, and support networks to address IPV. Physicians, family, or friends may provide needed social support

    The Role of Magnetic Field Dissipation in the Black Hole Candidate Sgr A*

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    The compact, nonthermal radio source Sgr A* at the Galactic Center appears to be coincident with a 2.6 million solar mass point-like object. Its energy source may be the release of gravitational energy as gas from the interstellar medium descends into its potential well. Simple attempts at calculating the spectrum and flux based on this picture have come close to the observations, yet have had difficulty in accounting for the low efficiency in this source. There now appear to be two reasons for this low conversion rate: (1) the plasma separates into two temperatures, with the protons attaining a significantly higher temperature than that of the radiating electrons, and (2) the magnetic field, B, is sub-equipartition, which reduces the magnetic bremsstrahlung emissivity, and therefore the overall power of Sgr A*. We investigate the latter with improvement over what has been attempted before: rather than calculating B based on a presumed model, we instead infer its distribution with radius empirically with the requirement that the resulting spectrum matches the observations. Our ansatz for B(r) is motivated in part by earlier calculations of the expected magnetic dissipation rate due to reconnection in a compressed flow. We find reasonable agreement with the observed spectrum of Sgr A* as long as its distribution consists of 3 primary components: an outer equipartition field, a roughly constant field at intermediate radii (~1000 Schwarzschild radii), and an inner dynamo (more or less within the last stable orbit for a non-rotating black hole) which increases B to about 100 Gauss. The latter component accounts for the observed sub-millimiter hump in this source.Comment: 33 pages including 2 figures; submitted to Ap

    Determination of the characteristic directions of lossless linear optical elements

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    We show that the problem of finding the primary and secondary characteristic directions of a linear lossless optical element can be reformulated in terms of an eigenvalue problem related to the unimodular factor of the transfer matrix of the optical device. This formulation makes any actual computation of the characteristic directions amenable to pre-implemented numerical routines, thereby facilitating the decomposition of the transfer matrix into equivalent linear retarders and rotators according to the related Poincare equivalence theorem. The method is expected to be useful whenever the inverse problem of reconstruction of the internal state of a transparent medium from optical data obtained by tomographical methods is an issue.Comment: Replaced with extended version as published in JM

    Laboratory Experiments, Numerical Simulations, and Astronomical Observations of Deflected Supersonic Jets: Application to HH 110

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    Collimated supersonic flows in laboratory experiments behave in a similar manner to astrophysical jets provided that radiation, viscosity, and thermal conductivity are unimportant in the laboratory jets, and that the experimental and astrophysical jets share similar dimensionless parameters such as the Mach number and the ratio of the density between the jet and the ambient medium. Laboratory jets can be studied for a variety of initial conditions, arbitrary viewing angles, and different times, attributes especially helpful for interpreting astronomical images where the viewing angle and initial conditions are fixed and the time domain is limited. Experiments are also a powerful way to test numerical fluid codes in a parameter range where the codes must perform well. In this paper we combine images from a series of laboratory experiments of deflected supersonic jets with numerical simulations and new spectral observations of an astrophysical example, the young stellar jet HH 110. The experiments provide key insights into how deflected jets evolve in 3-D, particularly within working surfaces where multiple subsonic shells and filaments form, and along the interface where shocked jet material penetrates into and destroys the obstacle along its path. The experiments also underscore the importance of the viewing angle in determining what an observer will see. The simulations match the experiments so well that we can use the simulated velocity maps to compare the dynamics in the experiment with those implied by the astronomical spectra. The experiments support a model where the observed shock structures in HH 110 form as a result of a pulsed driving source rather than from weak shocks that may arise in the supersonic shear layer between the Mach disk and bow shock of the jet's working surface.Comment: Full resolution figures available at http://sparky.rice.edu/~hartigan/pub.html To appear in Ap

    Low angular momentum flow model of Sgr A* activity

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    Sgr A* is the closest massive black hole and can be observed with the highest angular resolution. Nevertheless, our current understanding of the accretion process in this source is very poor. The inflow is almost certainly of low radiative efficiency and it is accompanied by a strong outflow and the flow is strongly variable but the details of the dynamics are unknown. Even the amount of angular momentum in the flow is an open question. Here we argue that low angular momentum scenario is better suited to explain the flow variability. We present a new hybrid model which describes such a flow and consists of an outer spherically symmetric Bondi flow and an inner axially symmetric flow described through MHD simulations. The assumed angular momentum of the matter is low, i.e. the corresponding circularization radius in the equatorial plane of the flow is just above the innermost stable circular orbit in pseudo-Newtonian potential. We compare the radiation spectrum from such a flow to the broad band observational data for Sgr A*.Comment: Proceedings of the AHAR 2008 Conference: The Universe under the Microscope; Astrophysics at High Angular Resolution, Bad Honef