71 research outputs found

    Some potential blood flow experiments for space

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    Blood is a colloidal suspension of cells, predominantly erythrocytes, (red cells) in an aqueous solution called plasma. Because the red cells are more dense than the plasma, and because they tend to aggregate, erythrocyte sedimentation can be significant when the shear stresses in flowing blood are small. This behavior, coupled with equipment restrictions, has prevented certain definitive fluid mechanical studies from being performed with blood in ground-based experiments. Among such experiments, which could be satisfactorily performed in a microgravity environment, are the following: (1) studies of blood flow in small tubes, to obtain pressure-flow rate relationships, to determine if increased red cell aggregation can be an aid to blood circulation, and to determine vessel entrance lengths, and (2) studies of blood flow through vessel junctions (bifurcations), to obtain information on cell distribution in downstream vessels of (arterial) bifurcations, and to test flow models of stratified convergent blood flows downstream from (venous) bifurcations

    Flow resistance and drag forces due to multiple adherent leukocytes in postcapillary vessels.

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    Computational fluid dynamics was used to model flow past multiple adherent leukocytes in postcapillary size vessels. A finite-element package was used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for low Reynolds number flow of a Newtonian fluid past spheres adhering to the wall of a cylindrical vessel. We determined the effects of sphere number, relative geometry, and spacing on the flow resistance in the vessel and the fluid flow drag force acting to sweep the sphere off the vessel wall. The computations show that when adherent leukocytes are aligned on the same side of the vessel, the drag force on each of the interacting leukocytes is less than the drag force on an isolated adherent leukocyte and can decrease by up to 50%. The magnitude of the reduction depends on the ratio of leukocyte to blood vessel diameter and distance between adherent leukocytes. However, there is an increase in the drag force when leukocytes adhere to opposite sides of the vessel wall. The increase in resistance generated by adherent leukocytes in vessels of various sizes is calculated from the computational results. The resistance increases with decreasing vessel size and is most pronounced when leukocytes adhere to opposite sides of the vessel

    Dynamics of oxygen unloading from sickle erythrocytes.

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    The objective of this work is to theoretically model oxygen unloading in sickle red cells. This has been done by combining into a single model diffusive transport mechanisms, which have been well-studied for normal red cells, and the hemoglobin polymerization process, which has been previously been studied for deoxyhemoglobin-S solutions and sickle cells in near-equilibrium situations. The resulting model equations allow us to study the important processes of oxygen delivery and polymerization simultaneously. The equations have been solved numerically by a finite-difference technique. The oxygen unloading curve for sickle erythrocytes is biphasic in nature. The rate of unloading depends in a complicated way on (a) the kinetics of hemoglobin S polymerization, (b) the kinetics of hemoglobin deoxygenation, and (c) the diffusive transport of both free oxygen and oxy-hemoglobin. These processes interact. For example, the hemoglobin S polymer interferes with the transport of both free oxygen and unpolymerized oxy-hemoglobin, and this is accounted for in the model by diffusivities which depend on the polymer and solution hemoglobin concentration. Other parameters which influence the interaction of these processes are the concentration of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate and total hemoglobin concentration. By comparing our model predictions for oxygen unloading with simpler predictions based on equilibrium oxygen affinities, we conclude that the relative rate of oxygen unloading of cells with different physical properties cannot be correctly predicted from the equilibrium affinities. To describe the unloading process, a kinetic calculation of the sort we give here is required

    Oxygen delivery from red cells.

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    This paper deals with the theoretical analysis of the unloading of oxygen from a red cell. A scale analysis of the governing transport equations shows that the solutions have a boundary layer structure near the red-cell membrane. The boundary layer is a region of chemical nonequilibrium, and it owes its existence to the fact that the kinetic time scales are shorter than the diffusion time scales in the red cell. The presence of the boundary layer allows an analytical solution to be obtained by the method of matched asymptotic expansions. A very useful result from the analysis is a simple, lumped-parameter description of the oxygen delivery from a red cell. The accuracy of the lumped-parameter description has been verified by comparing its predictions with results obtained by numerical integration of the full equations for a one-dimensional slab. As an application, we calculate minimum oxygen unloading times for red cells

    Rheology of Human Blood, near and at Zero Flow: Effects of Temperature and Hematocrit Level

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    Static normal human blood possesses a distinctive yield stress. When the yield stress is exceeded, the same blood has a stress-shear rate function under creeping flow conditions closely following Casson's model, which implies reversible aggregation of red cells in rouleaux and flow dominated by movement of rouleaux. The yield stress is essentially independent of temperature and its cube root varies linearly with hematocrit value. The dynamic rheological properties in the creeping flow range are such that the relative viscosity of blood to water is almost independent of temperature. Questions raised by these data are discussed, including red cell aggregation promoted by elements in the plasma

    Dynamics of the solid and liquid phases in dilute sheared Brownian suspensions: Irreversibility and particle migration

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    Magnetic resonance measurements of migration and irreversible dynamics in the capillary shear flow of a Brownian suspension are presented. The results demonstrate the presence of phenomena typically associated with concentrated noncolloidal systems and indicate the role of many body hydrodynamics in dilute Brownian suspension transport. The application of concepts from chaos theory and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics is demonstrated

    Rheology of blood and flow in the microcirculation

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