5 research outputs found
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Acneea afectează aproximativ 85% dintre adolescenți și poate continua până la vârsta adultă. Preparatele pe bază de plante sunt eficiente datorită unei bune toleranțe a pacientului cu mai puține efecte secundare. Unele plante cu proprietăți antiinflamatorii și antibacteriene sunt utilizate în tratamentul acneei. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea surselor bibliografice farmaceutice și medicale referitor la studiile realizate cu utilizarea plantelor în tratamentul acneei. Material și metode. Lucrările științifice publicate cu privire la tratamentul acneei, prezente în baze de date Google scholar, PubMed și Scopus. Rezultate. Sunt eficiente în tratamentul acneei produsele vegetale medicinale: scoarța de stejar alb, frunze de ceai verde, frunze de aloe etc. cu conținut în flavonoide, antracenozide. Conform studiilor planta Mătreața bradului (Usnea barbata) o combinație între ciuperci și alge, cu conținut de acid ursinic, tanin, polifenoli are o activitate antibacteriană cu efect de inhibiție asupra creșterii Propionibacterium (P) acnes, la concentrații ≥ 1 μg/ ml. Alt studiu a arătat că, rădăcina de berberină folosită în tratarea erupțiilor cutanate cronice, datorită prezenței alcaloizilor jatrorrhizine și berberina, inhibă creșterea in vitro a speciilor P. acnes și Candida. Berberina (100 μmol/ml) într-un model animal a inhibat producția de grăsime sebacee cu 63%. Concluzii. Unele plante au efecte inhibitoare asupra creșterii bacteriilor și ciupercilor in vitro, iar studiile clinice vin cu dovezi despre eficacitatea și siguranța plantelor în tratarea acneei.Introduction. Acne vulgaris (AV) affects about 85% of teenagers and can continue into adulthood. Herbal preparations are effective due to good patient tolerance with fewer side effects. Some plants with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are used in the treatment of acne. Objective of the study. Evaluation of pharmaceutical and medical bibliographic sources regarding studies conducted with the use of plants in the treatment of acne. Material and methods. Published scientific works on acne treatment, present in Google scholar, PubMed and Scopus databases, were used. Results. Medicinal plant products are effective in the treatment of acne: white oak bark, green tea leaves, aloe leaves, etc. with content in flavonoids, anthracenosides. Studies report that the plant Beard moss (Usnea barbata) a combination of mushrooms and algae, containing ursic acid, tannin, polyphenols has an antibacterial activity with an inhibitory effect on the growth of Propionibacterium (P) acnes, at concentrations ≥ 1 μg/ml . Another study showed that berberine root used in the treatment of chronic skin eruption, due to the presence of the alkaloids jatrorrhizine and berberine, inhibits the in vitro growth of P. acnes and Candida species. Berberine (100 μmol/ml) in an animal model inhibited sebaceous fat production by 63%. Conclusions. Some plants have inhibitory effects on the growth of bacteria and fungi in vitro, and clinical studies provide evidence of the efficacy and safety of plants in treating acne
Black locust stand structure on the sterile dump in the middle basin of Jiu River (Romania)
Introduced in 1750 as an ornamental tree and then in 1852 as a forest tree species, black locust occupied nowadays 250,000 ha in Romania. The tree species is important for its wood (lumber, poles, firewood, etc.), its honey-related production as well as its environmental role (afforestation of sand dunes and sterile dumps).
One of the most important activities in the middle basin of Jiu River is coal mining. After 1956 this activity has developed very quickly and two power plants were built in Rovinari and Turceni. As a result, sterile dumps and coal ash dumps have established so it was necessary to restore the area by afforestation. This activity started with the sterile dump Viaduct Rovinari, using Austrian pine and black locust, and continued with others such as Cocoreni and Moi. The most used tree species for ecological restoration was black locust. In order to express the stand structure, diameter at breast height (DBH), total height (H) and crown diameter were measured. The soil analysis were performed and showed differences in the content of heavy metals and radionuclides for both location. The study revealed positive correlations between DBH and H, a stronger one for Moi plantation. Our research highlights the capacity of black locust to establish and grow under very difficult site conditions
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection as a cause of acute myocardial infraction
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is a rare diagnosis in a postmenopausal woman. We report a case of a 55-year-old postmenopausal woman, who presented with acute myocardial infarction due to spontaneous long dissection of left anterior descending coronary artery, complicated with repetitive ventricular tachycardia, rapid formation of left ventricular aneurysm with thrombus, pulmonary edema and cardiogenic shock, with subsequent improvement after successful angioplasty and intensive care. We also present a short review of the literature
The Design of a Smart Lower-Limb Prosthesis Supporting People with Transtibial Amputation—A Data Acquisition System
For people with amputated lower limbs, it is imperative to make high-performance prostheses that reproduce, as accurately as possible, the functions of the amputated limb. In this case, a preliminary study of the lower limbs from a kinematic and dynamic point of view is necessary. This paper proposes a prosthesis design and a system for acquiring the information needed to determine the stepping phase kinematic and dynamic parameters of the legs. This system consists of a sensory system attached to the legs and a acquisition data unit built around a microcontroller. The sensory system is based on a sensory system for determining the weight distribution on the sole, made of resistive pressure sensors. The sensory system will be subjected to measurement repeatability and homogeneity tests to evaluate and validate the accuracy and error of the proposed solution. The data obtained by the sensory system is transmitted in real-time, via wi-fi, to a computer system for interpretation. After processing and interpreting the data using standard data sets for comparison, the position of the legs, the type of gait and the phase of movement can be determined. Constructively, the system is configurable and can be adapted to any person, male or female, regardless of shoe size