5 research outputs found


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    Objective: Male infertility refers to a male’s inability to cause pregnancy in a fertile female. Infertility is a widespread problem for about one in five infertile couples. Male infertility is usually caused by a problem that affects either sperm production or sperm transport. The aim of the study was to evaluate prolactin levels in the serum and comparing the levels of fructose in the semen of infertile males and normal healthy controls of reproductive age of 20–45 years respectively. Methods: Hemoglobin (Hb) level in the blood of both groups was calculated by Sahli’s method using Sahli’s Hemoglobinometer. The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) was determined using the modified Westergren’s method and total leukocyte count (TLC) in the blood was determined by microdilution method. Semen analysis was performed by the method specified in the World Health Organization Laboratory Manual. Morphology and motility of sperm and their counts were determined by microscopy. Fructose drop test in semen was estimated colorimetrically by the Semen Fructose Estimation Kit and determination of serum prolactin involved the use of Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay using Cobas e 411 analyzer. Results: Hb in infertile males was less than healthy controls. However, ESR in infertile men was considerably high and TLC, serum prolactin levels did not show much variation in infertile men. Seminal analysis of infertile men revealed high fructose levels and low sperm count with decreased motility. Conclusion: The concentration of seminal fructose in control group is lower than infertile males. High fructose levels in infertile men and less sperm count indicate oligozoospermia

    Pancreatic Lipase inhibition assay of various extracts of leaves of Murraya Koenigii in southern areas of Goa

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    The objective of the study was to assess the lipase inhibitory activities of chloroformic, methanolic and aqueous extracts from the commonly available Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng leaves(Rutaceae) in southern villages of Goa, for potential use in the treatment of obesity. Extracs of the leaves of this plant were evaluated for lipase inhibitory activity using porcine pancreatic lipase (PPL: triacylglycerol lipase) and p-nitrophenyl butyrate in an in vitro assay. Among the three extracts screened, chloroformic extract exhibited the highest pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of 53.42%, followed by methanolic extract (51.88%) and aqueous extract (36.42%), respectively. Chloroformic extract has not been screened for its pancreatic lipase inhibition assay. All the Crude extracts of leaves of Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng leaves (Rutaceae) have potential as pancreatic lipase inhibitory agents. . Chloroformic extract was found to be most effective and hence can be used as a potent anti-obesity agent to combat hyperlipidemia


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    Chikungunya is a viral infection triggered by CHIKV, which belongs to the alphavirus family and is transferred by the bites of infected Aedes mosquitoes both A. aegypti and A. albopictus to humans. During the post-storm season, the transmission of the infection increases due to the increase in the population of the mosquito. It demonstrates the same pathogenicity as dengue fever. The symptoms initiate within 4 and 7 days of the patient being chomped by the CHIKV- infected vector. Symptoms include high fever (40°C/104°F), chills, cerebral pain, regurgitation, joint agony (lower back, lower leg, ankles, wrists, or phalanges), muscle torment, nausea, fatigue rash, and arthralgia. It is thought that the important source, or stockpile, of mosquito Chikungunya infection, is Homo sapiens. In researching the data sets from 59 48 to 6457 (6 9 years), we noted that more cases were recorded for Chikungunya especially from the eastern and western parts of India during the period 1942-2017 in contrast to 1944 -1941 when there was an unremitting increase in the standard temperature. Chikungunya instances began to spike during 1942-2016 when ordinary temperatures had risen to just 29°C. At the temperature (27- 34°C), A. aegypti and A. albopictus, the basic bearers, indicated a greater gnawing frequency, and the most amazing pervasive rodent of chikungunya instances (43.6 per million population) was accounted for in 2006-2017. This review was intended to determine the chikungunya’s status in India and to comprehend the risk factors associated with the growing incidence of chikungunya


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    Dengue keeps on being a significant reason for infection trouble in India, influencing the population in their typical pace of the life. Dengue in India has drastically extended in the course of the most recent couple of decades, with quickly evolving the study of disease transmission. The pervasiveness of dengue is diverse in different examinations in India, as a result of thought of a population of specific district or state at various purposes of times. The principal major dengue hemorrhagic fever episode in the whole country happened in 1996 by dengue infection serotype 2, and after a hole of very nearly 10 years, the nation confronted one more dengue fever flare-up in the year 2003 by dengue infection serotype 3. An emotional increment in the number and repeat of scenes followed, and, at present, in a huge part of the states of India, dengue is basically endemic. At present, all the four serotypes are discovered accessible for use; however, the prevalent serotype continues evolving. In spite of this pattern, observation, revealing, and conclusion of dengue remain to a great extent uninvolved in India. Progressively dynamic network-based epidemiological investigations with escalated vector control and activities for dengue immunization improvement ought to be outfitted to control the spread of dengue in India. All the distributed information related to dengue from audit of all zones of India from 2015 to 2018 is available on government official websites. Despite the fact that, the quantity of dengue cases has demonstrated a consistent ascent as time passes, the mortality has decreased. The general death pace of 1.2% in 2015 dropped to 0.25% in 2018

    Pancreatic Lipase inhibition assay of various extracts of leaves of Murraya Koenigii in southern areas of Goa

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    The objective of the study was to assess the lipase inhibitory activities of chloroformic, methanolic and aqueous extracts from the commonly available Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng leaves(Rutaceae) in southern villages of Goa, for potential use in the treatment of obesity. Extracs of the leaves of this plant were evaluated for lipase inhibitory activity using porcine pancreatic lipase (PPL: triacylglycerol lipase) and p-nitrophenyl butyrate in an in vitro assay. Among the three extracts screened, chloroformic extract exhibited the highest pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of 53.42%, followed by methanolic extract (51.88%) and aqueous extract (36.42%), respectively. Chloroformic extract has not been screened for its pancreatic lipase inhibition assay. All the Crude extracts of leaves of Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng leaves (Rutaceae) have potential as pancreatic lipase inhibitory agents. . Chloroformic extract was found to be most effective and hence can be used as a potent anti-obesity agent to combat hyperlipidemia