74 research outputs found

    Corpi Privati. Micro-strategie di addomesticamento dello spazio delle celle nel carcere di Buoncammino a Cagliari

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    The article aims to retrospectively reconstruct a taxonomy of micro-mechanisms of “domestication” and personalization of the cells’ space along the three levels of the left arm of the former Buoncammino prison, in Cagliari. A field research and a detailed photographic documentation of the state of these places, in many ways remained as crystallized at the time of their disposal, on November 23, 2014, made it possible to detect the persistent tracks of their use, which evoke the strategies of individualization of the prison experience by the inmates. In segregative conditions that are extremely binding and endowed with reduced degrees of freedom, the relationship between the distribution and the exposure of the bodies in these places still manages to preserve margins of heterogeneity, dictated by the decorative objects allowed and then abandoned there, by the signs in the walls, designed to mark the uniqueness of one’s obligatory presence through messages or graphic reproductions of unavailable furnishings, by the colors applied to contrast the dominance of gray and green in the common spaces. The severe control and biopolitical discipline of the bodies kept in the cells, deprived of most of their multisensory capabilities seem nevertheless having left margins of individualized adaptation of the ways of living in prison. This still appear intensely echoed by the objects found in Buoncammino, and account for the personal attributions of meaning given to them by inmates. Nevertheless, it’s painful and difficult to think about new hypothetical uses of these spaces, despite they have been emptied for almost 6 years so far.Il contributo si propone di ricostruire retrospettivamente una tassonomia di micro-meccanismi di “addomesticamento” e personalizzazione dello spazio delle celle disposte lungo i tre livelli del braccio sinistro dell'ex-carcere di Buoncammino, nel centro di Cagliari, messi in atto da parte dell'ultima coorte di detenuti ospiti della struttura, ormai chiusa. Una ricognizione sul campo e una puntuale documentazione fotografica dello stato di questi ambienti, per molti versi rimasti come cristallizzati nel momento della loro dismissione, il 23 Novembre 2014, ha consentito di rilevare le tracce persistenti della loro fruizione, che evocano in modo ancora intensamente leggibile le strategie di individualizzazione delle modalità di permanenza in essi esperite dai reclusi. In condizioni segregative massimamente vincolanti e dotate di ridotti gradi di libertà espressiva, la relazione tra disposizione ed esposizione dei corpi nella metrica di questi luoghi riesce comunque a preservare margini di eterogeneità, dettati dagli oggetti decorativi consentiti e lì abbandonati, dai tratti segnici incisi nelle pareti, atti a marcare l'unicità del proprio soggiorno obbligato tramite messaggi o riproduzioni grafiche di suppellettili indisponibili, dai colori applicati per contrastare la dominanza del grigio e del verde spento degli spazi comuni. Il rigido controllo eteronormato e il disciplinamento biopolitico dei corpi custoditi nelle celle, privati di gran parte delle proprie capabilities multisensoriali, in termini di opportunità prossemiche, di discrezionalità dello sguardo tra luce e buio, di gestione termica delle percezioni tattili di freddo e caldo, sembra avere lasciato cionondimeno margini di adattamento individualizzato delle modalità dell'abitare il carcere. Queste ultime appaiono tuttora intensamente riecheggiate dai residui materiali reperibili a Buoncammino, e danno conto delle attribuzioni personali di senso ad esse impresse dai detenuti, spesso dolorose e difficilmente rimarginabili attraverso nuove destinazioni d'uso ipotetiche, nonostante lo spazio minimo della contenzione – la cella, appunto – sia stato svuotato e “scorporato” da ormai quasi 6 anni.

    Uni-Versi: l’Altro, il Quasi e le Distopie

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    The trend to compose everything to unity, and to define only one sort of order, seems to describe this very Age. And yet, to reflect in a counter-factual way, thanks to the question raised by Erri de Luca, on what could be "the opposite of One", allows us to set up a visionary game and an exercise in sociological imagination, associating each answer with as many dystopian literary uni-verses, in order to unravel the ambiguities of our lives. The opposite of One, of any kind of Regime, is the Other, the Exception, as proposed by Stefano Benni in "Baol", when the rebellion against the violence of conformism passes through a laugh out of the chorus. But the opposite of wholeness is also the “Almost”, the “Anymore”, or the “Not Yet”, as expressed by Margareth Atwood in "The Handmaid’s Tale", when the imposition of obligatory masculine and feminine careers stigmatizes biographical insufficiencies and any possible freedom of choice. Finally, the opposite of One is “the Other”, anyone who has to be confined beyond the perimeter of citizenship and defined as an outlier, just a stateless traveler among mutually hostile worlds, as in the extraordinary specular Apocalypse created by Ursula Le Guin in “The Dispossessed”. Three grotesque dystopias, but not so extraneous to our real life, if you think about it.La tendenza alla composizione in unità, alla definizione di uno e un solo ordine compiuto, sembra percorrere questa nostra epoca. Eppure, riflettere in modo contro-fattuale, sulla scorta dell’interrogativo lanciato da Erri de Luca, su cosa possa essere “il contrario di Uno”, consente di allestire un gioco visionario e un esercizio di immaginazione sociologica, associando a ciascuna risposta altrettanti uni-versi letterari distopici, che permettono di svelare le ambiguità della cronaca quotidiana. Il contrario dell’Uno, del Regime, è l’Altro, diventa l’Eccezione, come raccontato da Stefano Benni in “Baol”, quando la ribellione alla violenza del conformismo passa attraverso una risata fuori dal coro. Ma il contrario dell’interezza è anche il Quasi, il Non Più, o il Non Ancora, come espresso da Margareth Atwood ne “Il racconto dell’ancella”, dove l’imposizione di destini maschili e femminili obbligatori serve a stigmatizzare insufficienze biografiche e libertà di scelta. Infine, il contrario di Uno è l’Altro, chiunque sia confinato ai margini del perimetro della cittadinanza e definito come fuori-luogo, o viaggiatore apolide tra mondi reciprocamente ostili, come nella straordinaria Apocalisse speculare ricostruita da Ursula Le Guin in “I reietti dell’altro pianeta”. Tre distopie grottesche, ma non poi così aliene alla realtà fattuale, a ben pensarci

    Mettere al mondo: Uno sguardo antropologico sulla genitorialitĂ  in Italia

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    Review article of Claudia Mattalucci, a cura di, Antropologia e riproduzione: Attese, fratture e ricomposizioni della procreazione e della genitorialità in Italia, Milano, Raffaello Cortina, 2017, pp. 304; Martina Giuffrè, a cura di, Essere madri oggi tra biologia e cultura: Etnografie della maternità nell’Italia contemporanea, Pisa, Pacini, 2018, pp. 224.Nota critica di Claudia Mattalucci, a cura di, Antropologia e riproduzione: Attese, fratture e ricomposizioni della procreazione e della genitorialità in Italia, Milano, Raffaello Cortina, 2017, pp. 304; Martina Giuffrè, a cura di, Essere madri oggi tra biologia e cultura: Etnografie della maternità nell’Italia contemporanea, Pisa, Pacini, 2018, pp. 224

    Lost in translation: Integrating the gender dimension in research and teaching in Universities through Gender Equality Plans

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    Gender Equality Plans have been widely adopted in the last two years by Italian Universities with an acceleration that was undoubtedly affected by the European Commission requirement for access to Horizon Europe research funding programme, while benefiting from the Horizon Europe guidelines and the guidelines of the Italian University Rectors’ Conference. This paper investigates the process of institutionalisation of gender promoted within Italian academia through the elaboration and drafting of GEP, analysing the translation processes of European policies on gender equality acted by academic institutions. Amongst the five priority areas included in the Horizon Europe Guidelines, the focus of this paper is the integration of the gender dimension in research and teaching. This choice is motivated by the core role of research and teaching in universities and by the authors’ assumption that promoting actions related to this area is particularly challenging from a transformative perspective. A methodology to analyse actions in this area is proposed and applied to a sample of Italian universities selected to obtain heterogeneity in terms of geographical distribution and size. The analysis of more than 170 GEPs’ actions brings evidence of criticalities in their design in areas crucial to start a transformative process and, at the same time, identifies best practices and suggestions for the adoption of policies at the national or European level to support real change

    Getting Closer to Gender Equality in Research Performing Organisations through Gender Equality Plans?

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    To what extent Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) can get Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) closer to gender equality and how to detect whether their actions could really be able to make a difference in creating a gender equal environment? And what are the factors affecting the spread of GEPs and enhancing their transformative power? These are the key questions that this paper tries to address with a focus on Italy, a country that on one hand is characterized by higher gender inequalities than on average EU-27 countries and by a relevant gender gap at the disadvantage of women in the higher level of academic career, while on the other hand sees an increasing effort by the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) and the National Conference of Equal Opportunities Bodies of Italian Universities (COUNIPAR) to support with guidelines and training the universities’ path towards gender equality. Specific cases of RPOs’ GEPs located in different areas of Italy that are characterized by different levels of gender inequality are also analysed, to show how actions are tailored to the context and are consistent with the gender equality objectives already expressed by their Strategic Plan, reinforcing them and providing the framework for a real change

    Promote Well-Being and Innovation in Sustainable Organizations: The Role of Job Crafting as Mediator

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    Job satisfaction and affective commitment are key factors for individual and organizational well-being. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of job crafting, a behavior capable of generating positive results and innovation in the workplace. Using the JD-R model as the theoretical framework, the present study investigated the relationship between resources and demands, derived from both the work and family domains, and job satisfaction and affective commitment, hypothesizing the mediating role of job crafting. The sample consisted of 413 employees. Results showed that job crafting fully mediated the relationship between work-family conflict and job Satisfaction and partially mediated the relationship between supervisor support and job satisfaction. These results confirm the importance of social support, a good balance between work and family and job crafting in generating job satisfaction and influencing positive outcomes at individual, work and organizational levels

    Se non qui, dove? CittĂ , giovani e appartenenze

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    Se non qui, dove? Città, giovani e appartenenze propone una riflessione ben fondata sulla letteratura delle scienze sociali sul rapporto tra i giovani e la città, nella considerazione che i primi dovrebbero trovare nella seconda lo spazio per eccellenza dove mettere alla prova la propria capacità di agire nel mondo. Gli autori discutono anche i limiti di questa capacità, ancora di più in un momento storico avverso, quello corrispondente alla crisi pandemica, caratterizzato dal distanziamento sociale e dalle inedite e molteplici limitazioni nella fruizione dei luoghi urbani. Se non qui, dove? si snoda attraverso vignette etnografiche, come un volume pop- up, su alcuni luoghi iconici della città di Cagliari: la stazione, la scuola, l’università, la piazza della movida, gli spazi interstiziali tra un luogo e un altro, la spiaggia cittadina sul mare. Ogni capitolo è tuttavia non soltanto l’espressione della freschezza di quei luoghi nel vissuto giovanile, nella concretezza e materialità del caso cagliaritano che il ricco ma teriale documentale ed etnografico (anche visuale), permette di ricostruire. È anche e soprattutto il punto di partenza per problematizzare il posto dei giovani nella città: la criticità dei processi di appartenenza appare il quid da cui partire per ripensare la convivenza tra le generazioni

    To be assertive or not to be assertive: that is the question! Students' reactions to sexual harassment in academia

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    Introduction: In the literature, no integrated definition of sexual harassment (SH) occurs but there is clear unanimity about SH being offensive, humiliating, and intimidating behavior. Within academic settings, SH has severe negative effects on students' physical or emotional wellbeing as well as on their ability to succeed academically. Methods: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sex, gender roles, and the ways to manage SH (assertive and nonassertive reactions) in university students. It was hypothesized that female students would report more nonassertive reactions compared to male students. In addition, following the Bem theory on gender roles and using the self-report tool by the same author, it is hypothesized that female and male students, who are classified as feminine, will report more nonassertive responses, whereas male and female students, who are classified as masculine, will report more assertive responses. Our hypothesis was tested with a sample of 1,415 university students (593 men, 41.9%, and 822 women, 58.1%) who completed a questionnaire approved by the local ethical review board for research from the end of January 2019 to the first half of February 2019. Results: Contrary to our hypothesis, results showed that women react more than men in both assertive and nonassertive modalities. In addition, our results confirmed the main effect of both sex and gender roles on students' assertive and nonassertive reactions to SH in academia. Conclusion: Educational programs about SH may prove useful in preventing its occurrence. Gender equality plans in academia can improve a nonsexist and safe environment for students. It is urgent to improve transparency and accountability of policies on the management of SH: academic institutions need to formulate a procedure to facilitate SH reporting, considering the sensitive balance of confidentiality and transparency issues. Support for the victims (social services, healthcare, legal representation, and advice concerning career/professional development) must be included

    Don’t call It smart: working from home during the pandemic crisis

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    The recent COVID-19 pandemic and related social distancing measures have significantly changed worldwide employment conditions. In developed economies, institutions and organizations, both public and private, are called upon to reflect on new organizational models of work and human resource management, which - in fact - should offer workers sufficient flexibility in adapting their work schedules remotely to their personal (and family) needs. This study aims to explore, within a Job Demands-Resources framework, whether and to what extent job demands (workload and social isolation), organizational job resources (perceived organizational support), and personal resources (self-efficacy, vision about the future and commitment to organizational change) have affected workers’ quality of life during the pandemic, taking into account the potential mediating role of job satisfaction and perceived stress. Using data from a sample of 293 workers, we estimate measurement and structural models, according to the Item Response Theory and the Path analysis frameworks, which allow us to operationalize the latent traits and study the complex structure of relationships between the latent dimensions. We inserted in the model as control variables, the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the respondents, with particular emphasis on gender differences and the presence and age of children. The study offers insights into the relationship between remote work and quality of life, and the need to rethink human resource management policies considering the opportunities and critical issues highlighted by working full-time remotely

    Silenzi apparenti. Abbandono e spopolamento dei centri urbani in Sardegna tra passato e futuro

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    Depopulation and abandonment of towns in Sardinia represent a rapidly developing phenomena , with severe repercussions in terms of socio-cultural and environmental sustainability. Since the 1970s, these phenomena have stimulated the interest of many scholars from different disciplines, such as anthropologists, sociologists, archaeologists, demographers and planners. However, sectorial contributions do not provide a unitary framework and overlook aspects linked to the cultural, architectural and material values of the studied settlements. Starting from this awareness, the Chair of Restoration of the University of Cagliari has recently launched a line of research on this topic, which involves the entire Sardinian territory. The goal is to obtain a cognitive overview that is fully aware of the on-going dynamics, through an interdisciplinary approach that integrates different specialized skills, aiming to direct the analysis procedure and outline effective future lines of action.These premises aim to lay down a significant foundation for monitoring the investigated contexts, to conscientiously guide the processes of social, economic and environmental transformation, attempting to avoid the sacrifice of this heritage. At the same time, indications on the inception and “contagion” mechanisms of depopulation in the inland Sardinian areas may be deduced, where community erosion and loss of vitality could be preventable, if re-considered in terms of (re)connection between territorial systems. Silenzi apparenti. Abbandono e spopolamento dei centri urbani in Sardegna tra passato e futuroIn Sardegna lo spopolamento e l’abbandono dei centri abitati sono fenomeni in rapida evoluzione, con preoccupanti ricadute in termini di sostenibilità ambientale e socio-culturale, tali da aver stimolato, già a partire dagli anni settanta del Novecento, l’interesse di numerosi studiosi afferenti a diversi settori disciplinari: antropologico, sociologico, archeologico, demografico e urbanistico. Gli apporti specialistici, però, non forniscono  un quadro unitario e tralasciano gli aspetti legati alla valenza storico-culturale, architettonica e materica dei sistemi insediativi in questione.Partendo da questa consapevolezza, la cattedra di Restauro dell’Università di Cagliari ha avviato un filone di ricerca sul tema, in riferimento all’intero territorio regionale, allo scopo di ottenere un panorama conoscitivo consapevole delle dinamiche in atto, tramite un approccio interdisciplinare, basato sull’integrazione tra diverse competenze settoriali, al fine di orientare i processi di analisi e di delineare efficaci future linee operative.Il monitoraggio dei contesti indagati ha l’intento di accompagnare con coscienza i processi di trasformazione sociale, economica e ambientale, e di scongiurare il sacrificio dei valori storico-culturali e identitari di cui essi sono testimonianza, traendone al contempo indicazioni sui meccanismi di innesco e di “contagio” dello spopolamento nell’interno dell’isola, laddove l’assimilazione tra erosione abitativa e perdita di vitalità potrebbe rivelarsi non inevitabile se rivalutata in chiave di (ri)connessione tra sistemi territoriali ancora fruibili, attraversabili, inscrivibili nelle mappe mentali di popolazioni a vario gradiente di insediamento.In Sardegna lo spopolamento e l’abbandono dei centri abitati sono fenomeni in rapida evoluzione, con preoccupanti ricadute in termini di sostenibilità ambientale e socio-culturale, tali da aver stimolato, già a partire dagli anni settanta del Novecento, l’interesse di numerosi studiosi afferenti a diversi settori disciplinari: antropologico, sociologico, archeologico, demografico e urbanistico. Gli apporti specialistici, però, non forniscono  un quadro unitario e tralasciano gli aspetti legati alla valenza storico-culturale, architettonica e materica dei sistemi insediativi in questione.Partendo da questa consapevolezza, la cattedra di Restauro dell’Università di Cagliari ha avviato un filone di ricerca sul tema, in riferimento all’intero territorio regionale, allo scopo di ottenere un panorama conoscitivo consapevole delle dinamiche in atto, tramite un approccio interdisciplinare, basato sull’integrazione tra diverse competenze settoriali, al fine di orientare i processi di analisi e di delineare efficaci future linee operative.Il monitoraggio dei contesti indagati ha l’intento di accompagnare con coscienza i processi di trasformazione sociale, economica e ambientale, e di scongiurare il sacrificio dei valori storico-culturali e identitari di cui essi sono testimonianza, traendone al contempo indicazioni sui meccanismi di innesco e di “contagio” dello spopolamento nell’interno dell’isola, laddove l’assimilazione tra erosione abitativa e perdita di vitalità potrebbe rivelarsi non inevitabile se rivalutata in chiave di (ri)connessione tra sistemi territoriali ancora fruibili, attraversabili, inscrivibili nelle mappe mentali di popolazioni a vario gradiente di insediamento. Apparent Calm. Abandonment and Depopulation of Sardinian Towns, Past and PresentDepopulation and abandonment of towns in Sardinia represent a rapidly developing phenomena , with severe repercussions in terms of socio-cultural and environmental sustainability. Since the 1970s, these phenomena have stimulated the interest of many scholars from different disciplines, such as anthropologists, sociologists, archaeologists, demographers and planners. However, sectorial contributions do not provide a unitary framework and overlook aspects linked to the cultural, architectural and material values of the studied settlements. Starting from this awareness, the Chair of Restoration of the University of Cagliari has recently launched a line of research on this topic, which involves the entire Sardinian territory. The goal is to obtain a cognitive overview that is fully aware of the on-going dynamics, through an interdisciplinary approach that integrates different specialized skills, aiming to direct the analysis procedure and outline effective future lines of action.These premises aim to lay down a significant foundation for monitoring the investigated contexts, to conscientiously guide the processes of social, economic and environmental transformation, attempting to avoid the sacrifice of this heritage. At the same time, indications on the inception and “contagion” mechanisms of depopulation in the inland Sardinian areas may be deduced, where community erosion and loss of vitality could be preventable, if re-considered in terms of (re)connection between territorial systems
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