57 research outputs found

    International Liver Transplantation Consensus Statement on end-stage liver disease due to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and liver transplantation

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    Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)-related cirrhosis has become one of the most common indications for liver transplantation (LT), particularly in candidates over the age of 65 years. Typically, NASH candidates have concurrent obesity, metabolic and cardiovascular risks, which directly impact patient evaluation and selection, waitlist morbidity and mortality and eventually posttransplant outcomes. The purpose of these guidelines is to highlight specific features commonly observed in NASH candidates and strategies to optimize pretransplant evaluation and waitlist survival. More specifically, the working group addressed the following clinically-relevant questions providing recommendations based on the GRADE system supported by rigorous systematic reviews and consensus: (1) Is the outcome after LT similar to that of other etiologies of liver disease? (2) Is the natural history of NASH-related cirrhosis different from other etiologies of end-stage liver disease? (3) How should cardiovascular risk be assessed in the candidate for LT? Should the assessment differ from that done in other etiologies? (4) How should comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity, renal dysfunction, etc.) be treated in the candidate for LT? Should treatment and monitoring of these comorbidities differ from that applied in other etiologies? (5) What are the therapeutic strategies recommended to improve the cardiovascular and nutritional status of a NASH patient in the waiting list for LT? (6) Is there any circumstance where obesity should contraindicate LT? (7) What is the optimal time for bariatric surgery: before, during, or after LT? and (8) Donor steatosis: how much relevant is it for LT in NASH patients

    Assessment of Malnutrition, Sarcopenia and Frailty in Patients with Cirrhosis: Which Tools Should We Use in Clinical Practice?

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Nutrition in Liver Cirrhosis and Liver TransplantationMalnutrition is a common comorbidity in patients with cirrhosis. Its prognostic value is indisputable as it greatly affects the evolution of liver diseases. It has a major impact on both morbi-mortality before and after liver transplantation. Being now integrated in the definition of malnutrition and recognized as a new entity in the international classification of diseases, physicians have taken great interest in sarcopenia. Its negative consequences on the fate of patients with cirrhosis are well-demonstrated. The concept of frailty has recently been enlarged to chronic liver diseases as symptoms of impaired global physical functioning. In this article, we will discuss the definitions of malnutrition and emphasize its links with sarcopenia and frailty. We will show the relevance of frailty and sarcopenia in the course of liver diseases. The emerging role of muscle depletion on the cardiorespiratory system will also be highlighted. The importance of body composition will be demonstrated and the main tools reviewed. Finally, we adapted the definition of malnutrition to patients with cirrhosis based on the assessment of sarcopenia together with reduced food intakes

    Body composition and short-term mortality in patients critically ill with acute-on-chronic liver failure.

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    Body composition is sex dependent and associated with an increased mortality risk in patients with cirrhosis. We evaluated whether it was also associated with short-term mortality in patients critically ill with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). We retrospectively included all patients with cirrhosis and ACLF hospitalised in the intensive care unit (ICU) of Lausanne University Hospital between 2010 and 2019 for whom an abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan performed ±7 days from admission was available. Patients from the ICU of Paul Brousse University Hospital admitted between 2017 and 2020 served as an external cohort. All body composition parameters at the third lumbar vertebral level (L3) were quantified using a deep learning-based method. In total, 192 patients from Lausanne were included. Median age was 62 years and 28-day survival rate was 58.2%. In males, variables independently associated with 28-day mortality on days 1 and 3 were Chronic Liver Failure Consortium (CLIF-C) ACLF-lactate and sarcopenia. In females, CLIF-C ACLF-lactate on days 1 and 3 was the only predictor of 28-day survival. We derived two scores combining sarcopenia and the CLIF-C ACLF-lactate score on days 1 and 3, with area under the receiver operating characteristic outperforming the CLIF-C ACLF-lactate score alone in male but not in female patients. Comparable results were found in the external cohort of 58 patients and supported the sex specificity of the performance of the model. Patients with sarcopenia had increased risks of invasive fungal infection and renal replacement therapy. Sarcopenia was associated with 28-day mortality in male but not in female patients critically ill with ACLF. Although screening for sarcopenia could impact the management of male patients, further studies are needed in female cohorts to investigate whether other body composition parameters are associated with outcomes. Body composition, easily assessed by CT, is altered in patients with cirrhosis and associated with outcome; it has never been investigated in patients critically ill with ACLF. The results of the present study, underlining the benefit of sarcopenia evaluation to improve prognosis prediction in males critically ill with ACLF, are of importance for physicians managing such patients to optimise the decision-making process toward continued treatment, liver transplantation, or limitation of care. In a wider sense, besides the number and course of organ failures, the results recall the weight of the general condition of males with ACLF at admission to ICU. In females critically ill with ACLF, in analyses limited by the sample size, none of the body composition parameters was associated with short-term mortality independently of organ failures; this suggests that the number and course of organ failures are the main determinant of mortality in these patients