1,255 research outputs found

    Senyor Joan

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    Is the use of a PORT as opposed to a PICC more effective in improving quality of life in patients receiving chemotherapy?

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    Objective: The objective of this selective EBM review is to determine whether or not “Is the use of a PORT as opposed to a PICC more effective in improving quality of life in patients receiving chemotherapy?” Study Design: Review of three randomized control trials (RCTs) including one monocentric RCT, one two-centre RCT, and one multi-centered RCT. Data Sources: All articles were published in English and taken from peer-reviewed journals using PubMed. All articles were published between 2014-2020 and chosen based on their relevance to the clinical question. Outcome Measured: The outcome measured was quality of life (QoL). The studies used patient-reported homemade questionnaires and/or a validated QLQ-C30 questionnaire. For consistency assessments provided at a 6-month interval from insertion were utilized. Results: In the RCT led by Taxbro, et al.1 indicated no significant difference in QoL overall, but a significant difference in QoL for certain activities encompassing global health. A significant difference was noted in taking a bath (p=0.004) and working out (p=0.052). No significant difference was noted with discomfort (p=0.616), showering (p=0.382), arm movement (p=1.000), or getting dressed (p=1.000). Patel, et al.4 examined patient-rated questionnaires that were used to generally assess QoL. Although specific data was not provided, results stated: “no significant differences were noted between the groups in the quality-of-life measures examined.” Patel et al. did note a significant difference in median dwell time for PORTs compared to PICCs (p=0.0057) which may have impacted results if it were included in the questionnaire.4 In the RCT performed by Clatot, et al., the validated questionnaire used indicated patients with PORTs did not indicate improved QoL compared to patients receiving PICCs (p=0.48). The mean difference between PICCs and PORTs was 3.4 (p=0.48).8 The study also contained a homemade questionnaire assessing global satisfaction as QoL. Results were reported as mean scores. Comparison of the PICC and PORT groups indicated no significant differences (p=0.78). Conclusion: One of the studies demonstrated that patients with PICCs reported a significantly worse QoL. Two studies indicated QoL did not differ significantly between patients receiving chemotherapy via a PICC or a PORT

    Down to Earth or Near to Heaven?: Religious Practice in the Abruzzi, 1154-1313

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    For decades, medievalists have been interested in the Christian religion, as it manifested among western Europe’s lay population. Specifically, they have considered the extent that institutional, Church norms were accepted on a local level. There have been a variety of answers to this question, ranging from the notion that popular practice largely aligned with official doctrine, to the theory that the majority of Europeans were not Christianized until the early modern era. This paper examines this question through the case study of Italy’s Abruzzi region, between the years 1154 and 1313. The Abruzzi was a mountainous and rural part of Europe with a complex history. To date, it has largely been overlooked in the English literature. However, most Italian historians have adopted a largely dichotomous view of religion in the area. Namely, they contend that the majority of people practiced a “superstitious” religion fundamentally different from that of the institutional Church, viewed as the locus of “true” Christianity. This paper uses a combination of hagiographic and canonization material, in the original Latin, to argue that no essential difference existed between clerical and popular religion in the Abruzzi, and that instead, there was a duality of religious sensibility, one that aligned with an urban-rural split. Theoretically, it employs a distinction between “material”- and “spiritual”-based faith that refers respectively, to “old” and “new” piety, as understood in the context of changing ecclesiastical norms. It argues that rural areas remained “material” in their Christian outlook, while in the city of Sulmona, an increasingly “spiritual” faith was emerging. This was partly due to the impact of St Peter of Morrone, whose popularity helped disseminate “new” piety among the locals. Additional consideration is given to the ways that the physical was intimately linked to the immaterial. Examples of everyday religious practice are provided throughout

    Recursos formatius

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    Els projectes de cooperació que es dediquen al desenvolupament humà estan demostrant cada vegada més la seva efectivitat. Perquè es puguin realitzar projectes que de veritat vagin encaminats al desenvolupament humà de les persones, és necessari que els professionals que participen disposin d'una sèrie de coneixements i habilitats i comparteixin uns determinats valors. S'ha incrementat també l'exigència d'aquests projectes quant a les aportacions tecnològiques i a les intervencions en àrees vinculades amb l'enginyeria i les infraestructures. Les persones que participen en projectes de cooperació per al desenvolupament han de tenir un elevat compromís ètic i social, a més d'un alt grau de professionalitat per a executar-los. La Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) i l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura (ETSA) de la Universitat Politècnica de Madrid (UPM) oferixen sengles cursos especialitzats amb l'objectiu de formar aquests professionals.Los proyectos de cooperación que se dedican al desarrollo humano están demostrando cada vez más su efectividad. Para que se puedan realizar proyectos que de verdad vayan encaminados al desarrollo humano de las personas, es necesario que los profesionales que participen dispongan de una serie de conocimientos y habilidades y compartan unos determinados valores.Peer Reviewe

    "Una ciutat inclusiva no és només socialment justa, sinó també bona per al creixement i el desenvolupament sostenible"

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    Anna Tibaïjuka és Directora Executiva d'UN-HABITAT des de setembre del 2000. Nascuda a Tanzània i doctora en Economia Agrícola per la Universitat de Ciències de l'Agricultura d'Upsala (Suècia), fins ara és la dona africana que ha ocupat el rang més elevat en el sistema de Nacions Unides. Assenyala com prioritats del seu mandat reforçar i sanejar l'UN-HABITAT i contribuir a arribar als Objectius de Desenvolupament del Mil·lenni, especialment el número 11 (millorar les condicions de vida de les persones que viuen als suburbis de les ciutats), que per mandat li correspon a l'Agència que dirigeix. Compromesa amb la lluita per els drets de les dones, a més d'ocupar-se de diverses responsabilitats en el sistema d'UN, ha estat professora d'Economia i és autora de diversos llibres i nombrosos articles.Anna Tibaïjuka es directora ejecutiva de UN-Habitat desde septiembre de 2000. Nacida en Tanzania y doctora en Economía agrícola por la Universidad de Ciencias de la Agricultura de Upsala (Suecia), hasta ahora es la mujer africana que ha ocupado el rango más elevado en el sistema de Naciones Unidas. Señala como prioridades de su mandato reforzar y sanear la UN-Habitat y contribuir a alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, especialmente el nº 11 (mejorar las condiciones de vida de las personas que viven en los suburbios de las ciudades), que por mandato le corresponde a la Agencia que dirige. Comprometida con la lucha por los derechos de las mujeres, además de ocuparse de diversas responsabilidades en el sistema de UN, ha sido profesora de Economía y es autora de varios libros y numerosos artículos.Peer Reviewe

    A Study of the Molecular Diversity of Staphylococcus aureus Plasmids and Their Role in the Characterisation of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    Two hundred and sixty-four isolates of Staphylococcus aureus were collected; 163 methicillin-sensitive Staph, aureus (MSSA) and 101 methicillin-resistant Staph, aureus (MRSA). MSSA comprised: from Glasgow Royal Infirmary (GRI) 50 blood culture isolates (BC), 63 isolates from routine diagnostic specimens (RD) and fifty strains from nasal swabs of patients attending a general practitioner (GP). The MRSA from GRI comprised: 53 isolates from 1985-86 (MRSA(l)) and 48 isolates from 1986-87 (MRSA(2))

    Els Presidiaris, constructors del Port de Tarragona

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    Synergistic efficacy of 405 nm light and chlorinated disinfectants for the enhanced decontamination of Clostridium difficile spores

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    The ability of Clostridium difficile to form highly resilient spores which can survive in the environment for prolonged periods causes major contamination problems. Antimicrobial 405 nm light is being developed for environmental decontamination within hospitals, however further information relating to its sporicidal efficacy is required. This study aims to establish the efficacy of 405 nm light for inactivation of C. difficile vegetative cells and spores, and to establish whether spore susceptibility can be enhanced by the combined use of 405 nm light with low concentration chlorinated disinfectants. Vegetative cells and spore suspensions were exposed to increasing doses of 405 nm light (at 70–225 mW/cm2) to establish sensitivity. A 99.9% reduction in vegetative cell population was demonstrated with a dose of 252 J/cm2, however spores demonstrated higher resilience, with a 10-fold increase in required dose. Exposures were repeated with spores suspended in the hospital disinfectants sodium hypochlorite, Actichlor and Tristel at non-lethal concentrations (0.1%, 0.001% and 0.0001%, respectively). Enhanced sporicidal activity was achieved when spores were exposed to 405 nm light in the presence of the disinfectants, with a 99.9% reduction achieved following exposure to 33% less light dose than required when exposed to 405 nm light alone. In conclusion, C. difficile vegetative cells and spores can be successfully inactivated using 405 nm light, the sporicidal efficacy can be significantly enhanced when exposed in the presence of low concentration chlorinated disinfectants. Further research may lead to the potential use of 405 nm light decontamination in combination with selected hospital disinfectants to enhance C. difficile cleaning and infection control procedures

    Self assessment: acute-onset vomiting in a Tibetan Terrier

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