752 research outputs found

    Decoherence and dephasing in strongly driven colliding Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We report on a series of measurements of decoherence and wavepacket dephasing between two colliding, strongly coupled, identical Bose-Einstein condensates. We measure, in the strong excitation regime, a suppression of the mean-field shift, compared to the shift which is observed for a weak excitation. This suppression is explained by applying the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional. By selectively counting only the non-decohered fraction in a time of flight image we observe oscillations for which both inhomogeneous and Doppler broadening are suppressed, in quantitative agreement with a full Gross-Pitaevskii equation simulation. If no post selection is used, the decoherence rate due to collisions can be extracted, and is in agreement with the local density average calculated rate.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Bose-Einstein condensate in a rapidly rotating non-symmetric trap

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    A rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensate in a symmetric two-dimensional harmonic trap can be described with the lowest Landau-level set of single-particle states. The condensate wave function psi(x,y) is a Gaussian exp(-r^2/2), multiplied by an analytic function f(z) of the complex variable z= x+ i y. The criterion for a quantum phase transition to a non-superfluid correlated many-body state is usually expressed in terms of the ratio of the number of particles to the number of vortices. Here, a similar description applies to a rapidly rotating non-symmetric two-dimensional trap with arbitrary quadratic anisotropy (omega_x^2 < omega_y^2). The corresponding condensate wave function psi(x,y) is a complex anisotropic Gaussian with a phase proportional to xy, multiplied by an analytic function f(z), where z = x + i \beta_- y is a stretched complex variable and 0< \beta_- <1 is a real parameter that depends on the trap anisotropy and the rotation frequency. Both in the mean-field Thomas-Fermi approximation and in the mean-field lowest Landau level approximation with many visible vortices, an anisotropic parabolic density profile minimizes the energy. An elongated condensate grows along the soft trap direction yet ultimately shrinks along the tight trap direction. The criterion for the quantum phase transition to a correlated state is generalized (1) in terms of N/L_z, which suggests that a non-symmetric trap should make it easier to observe this transition or (2) in terms of a "fragmented" correlated state, which suggests that a non-symmetric trap should make it harder to observe this transition. An alternative scenario involves a crossover to a quasi one-dimensional condensate without visible vortices, as suggested by Aftalion et al., Phys. Rev. A 79, 011603(R) (2009).Comment: 20 page

    ac Stark shift and multiphoton-like resonances in low-frequency driven optical lattices

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    We suggest that Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices subjected to ac forcing with a smooth envelope may provide detailed experimental access to multiphoton-like transitions between ac-Stark-shifted Bloch bands. Such transitions correspond to resonances described theoretically by avoided quasienergy crossings. We show that the width of such anticrossings can be inferred from measurements involving asymmetric pulses. We also introduce a pulse tracking strategy for locating the particular driving amplitudes for which resonances occur. Our numerical calculations refer to a currently existing experimental set-up [Haller et al., PRL 104, 200403 (2010)].Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Hyperpolarizabilities for the one-dimensional infinite single-electron periodic systems: II. Dipole-dipole versus current-current correlations

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    Based on Takayama-Lin-Liu-Maki model, analytical expressions for the third-harmonic generation, DC Kerr effect, DC-induced second harmonic optical Kerr effect, optical Kerr effect or intensity-dependent index of refraction and DC-electric-field-induced optical rectification are derived under the static current-current(J0J0J_0J_0) correlation for one-dimensional infinite chains. The results of hyperpolarizabilities under J0J0J_0J_0 correlation are then compared with those obtained using the dipole-dipole (DDDD) correlation. The comparison shows that the conventional J0J0J_0J_0 correlation, albeit quite successful for the linear case, is incorrect for studying the nonlinear optical properties of periodic systems.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Unitary expansion of the time evolution operator

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    We propose an expansion of the unitary evolution operator, associated to a given Schr\"odinger equation, in terms of a finite product of explicit unitary operators. In this manner, this unitary expansion can be truncated at the desired level of approximation, as shown in the given examples.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Updated version, minor final change

    Harmonic oscillators coupled by springs: discrete solutions as a Wigner Quantum System

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    We consider a quantum system consisting of a one-dimensional chain of M identical harmonic oscillators with natural frequency ω\omega, coupled by means of springs. Such systems have been studied before, and appear in various models. In this paper, we approach the system as a Wigner Quantum System, not imposing the canonical commutation relations, but using instead weaker relations following from the compatibility of Hamilton's equations and the Heisenberg equations. In such a setting, the quantum system allows solutions in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space, with a discrete spectrum for all physical operators. We show that a class of solutions can be obtained using generators of the Lie superalgebra gl(1|M). Then we study the properties and spectra of the physical operators in a class of unitary representations of gl(1|M). These properties are both interesting and intriguing. In particular, we can give a complete analysis of the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian and of the position and momentum operators (including multiplicities). We also study probability distributions of position operators when the quantum system is in a stationary state, and the effect of the position of one oscillator on the positions of the remaining oscillators in the chain

    Splitting in the Excitation Spectrum of A Bose-Einstein Condensate Undergoing Strong Rabi Oscillations

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    We report on a measurement of splitting in the excitation spectrum of a condensate driven by an optical travelling wave. Experimental results are compared to a numerical solution of the Gross Pitaevskii equation, and analyzed by a simple two level model and by the more complete band theory, treating the driving beams as an optical lattice. In this picture, the splitting is a manifestation of the energy gap between neighboring bands that opens on the boundary of the Brillouin zone.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    An Exact Approach to the Oscillator Radiation Process in an Arbitrarily Large Cavity

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    Starting from a solution of the problem of a mechanical oscillator coupled to a scalar field inside a reflecting sphere of radius RR, we study the behaviour of the system in free space as the limit of an arbitrarily large radius in the confined solution. From a mathematical point of view we show that this way of facing the problem is not equivalent to consider the system {\it a} {\it priori} embedded in infinite space. In particular, the matrix elements of the transformation turning the system to principal axis, do not tend to distributions in the limit of an arbitrarily large sphere as it should be the case if the two procedures were mathematically equivalent. Also, we introduce "dressed" coordinates which allow an exact description of the oscillator radiation process for any value of the coupling, strong or weak. In the case of weak coupling, we recover from our exact expressions the well known decay formulas from perturbation theory.Comment: 27 page

    Theory of Umklapp-assisted recombination of bound excitons in Si:P

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    We present the calculations for the oscillator strength of the recombination of excitons bound to phosphorous donors in silicon. We show that the direct recombination of the bound exciton cannot account for the experimentally measured oscillator strength of the no-phonon line. Instead, the recombination process is assisted by an umklapp process of the donor electron state. We make use of the empirical pseudopotential method to evaluate the Umklapp-assisted recombination matrix element in second-order perturbation theory. Our result is in excellent agreement with the experiment. We also present two methods to improve the optical resolution of the optical detection of the spin state of a single nucleus in silicon.Comment: 9 pages, 6 EPS figures, Revtex

    Repulsive Fermions in Optical Lattices: Phase separation versus Coexistence of Antiferromagnetism and d-Superfluidity

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    We investigate a system of fermions on a two-dimensional optical square lattice in the strongly repulsive coupling regime. In this case, the interactions can be controlled by laser intensity as well as by Feshbach resonance. We compare the energetics of states with resonating valence bond d-wave superfluidity, antiferromagnetic long range order and a homogeneous state with coexistence of superfluidity and antiferromagnetism. We show that the energy density of a hole ehole(x)e_{hole}(x) has a minimum at doping x=xcx=x_c that signals phase separation between the antiferromagnetic and d-wave paired superfluid phases. The energy of the phase-separated ground state is however found to be very close to that of a homogeneous state with coexisting antiferromagnetic and superfluid orders. We explore the dependence of the energy on the interaction strength and on the three-site hopping terms and compare with the nearest neighbor hopping {\it t-J} model
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