13 research outputs found

    Substitution des groupements (OH)4 par (Ge O4) dans l'hydrogrenat Ca3Al2 (OH)12. Formation de nouveaux composés

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    Cohen-Addad Claudine. Substitution des groupements (OH)4 par (Ge O4) dans l'hydrogrenat Ca3Al2 (OH)12. Formation de nouveaux composés. In: Bulletin de la Société française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 92, 3, 1969. pp. 308-310

    Étude du composĂ© Te(OH)6 par diffraction des neutrons

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    Cohen-Addad Claudine. Étude du composĂ© Te(OH)6 par diffraction des neutrons. In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© française de MinĂ©ralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 94, 2, 1971. pp. 172-174

    Étude des hydroxystannates CaSn(OH)6 et ZnSn(OH)8 par diffraction des rayons X et rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique nuclĂ©aire

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    The X ray diffraction of hydroxystannates Ca Sn (OH)₆ and Zn Sn (OH)₆ shows that these compounds belong to space groupe Pn₃. The structures have been refined resulting in the following parameters : Ca or Zn in 4 b (0, 0, 0), Sn in 4 c (1/2, 1/2, 1/2), O in 24 h {x, y, z), with : x = — 0,065, y = 0,065, z = 0,269 for Ca Sn (OH)₆ x = — 0,07, y = 0,07, z = 0,263 for Zn Sn (OH)₆ The oxygen atoms form irregular octahedra of S₆ symetry around the cations. A study of the value of the line widths (9 to 10 GÂČ) in the nuclear magnetic resonance of the protons in these compounds suggests the existence of non linear hydrogen bonds.L'Ă©tude des hydroxystannates Ca Sn (OH)₆ et Zn Sn (OH)₆ par diffraction des rayons X montre l'appartenance de ces composĂ©s au groupe d'espace Pn₃. Les structures ont Ă©tĂ© affinĂ©es ; la description est la suivante : Ca ou Zn en 4 b (0, 0, 0), Sn en 4 c (1/2, 1/2, 1/2), O en 24 h {x, y, z), avec : x = — 0,065, y = 0,065, z = 0,269 pour Ca Sn (OH)₆ x = — 0,07, y = 0,07, z = 0,263 pour Zn Sn (OH)₆. Les atomes d'oxygĂšne forment des octaĂšdres irrĂ©guliers, de symĂ©trie S₆ autour des cations. Le spectre de rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique nuclĂ©aire des protons de ces composĂ©s suggĂšre, par l'Ă©tude des largeurs de raies observĂ©es (9 Ă  10 GÂČ), l'existence d'une liaison hydrogĂšne non linĂ©aire.Cohen-Addad Claudine. Étude des hydroxystannates CaSn(OH)6 et ZnSn(OH)8 par diffraction des rayons X et rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique nuclĂ©aire. In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© française de MinĂ©ralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 90, 1, 1967. pp. 32-35

    Étude structurale des hydroxystannates CaSn(OH)6 et ZnSn(OH)6 par diffraction neutronique, absorption infrarouge et rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique nuclĂ©aire

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    The complete structure of cubic hydroxystannates, CaSn (OH)₆ and ZnSn(OH)₆, of space group Pn₃, has been determined by neutron diffraction at 4° K (powder techniques), and with the study of the spectrum of CaSn (OD)₅,₄₅ (OH)₀,₅₅. The 24 hydrogen atoms of the unit cell form two sorts of hydrogen bonds with double well-distributions and are on two sites 24 h statistically half occupied with some probability of movement from one position to another at 300° K. The hydrogen bonds, with lengths of 2,75-2,9 Å link different octahedra MO₆ — M = Ca, Zn or Sn — and form distorted squares around empty sites, near planes perpendicular to the three crystallographic axes. The double maxima of the infrared absorption spectrum are attributed to these two different hydrogen bonds. Any supplementary resolution is not observed at low tempera tures. The nuclear magnetic resonance of protons, observed in CaSn (OH)₆ and ZnSn (OH)₆, shows a line width in agreement with this model. Moreover, a narrow line shows the existence of inclusions of some supplementary water molecules in the crystals.La structure complĂšte des hydroxystannates cubiques, CaSn (OH)₆ et ZnSn (OH)₆, de groupe d'espace Pn₃, a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©e par diffraction neutronique Ă  4° K (mĂ©thode des poudres), et Ă  l'aide du composĂ© deutĂ©rĂ© CaSn (OD)₅,₄₅ (OH)₀,₅₅. Les 24 atomes d'hydrogĂšne de la maille forment des liaisons hydrogĂšne Ă  double minima et sont rĂ©partis sur deux sites 24 h statistiquement occupĂ©s avec la mĂȘme probabilitĂ© 1/2, et Ă  300° K une probabilitĂ© non nulle de saut de l'une Ă  l'autre. Les liaisons hydrogĂšne, de longueur 2,75 Ă  2,9 Å, joignent les diffĂ©rents octaĂšdres MO₆ — M = Ca, Zn ou Sn — et forment des quadrilatĂšres presque rĂ©guliers centrĂ©s sur le site vide 6 d, au voisinage de plans perpendiculaires aux trois axes cristallographiques. Les doubles maxima du spectre d'absorption infrarouge sont attribuĂ©s aux deux liaisons hydrogĂšne diffĂ©rentes. Aucune rĂ©solution supplĂ©mentaire n'est observĂ©e Ă  basse tempĂ©rature. Le spectre de rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique nuclĂ©aire des protons observĂ© dans CaSn (OH)₆ et ZnSn (OH)₆ prĂ©sente une largeur de raie cohĂ©rente avec ce modĂšle ; de plus, une raie fine montre l'existence d'inclusions de molĂ©cules d'eau supplĂ©mentaires dans le cristal.Cohen-Addad Claudine. Étude structurale des hydroxystannates CaSn(OH)6 et ZnSn(OH)6 par diffraction neutronique, absorption infrarouge et rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique nuclĂ©aire. In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© française de MinĂ©ralogie et de Cristallographie, volume 91, 4, 1968. pp. 315-324

    Détermination de la position des atomes d'hydrogÚne dans l'hydrogrinat Al2O3, 3CaO, 6H2O par résonance magnétique nucléaire et diffraction neutronique

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    The hydrogarnet Al2O3. 3CaO. 6H2 O, was prepared from aluminium powder and from calcium oxide in an excess of water at 100 °C. A nuclear magnetic rĂ©sonance spectrum of the powdered aluminate was recorded. The second moment of the rĂ©sonance line was 28 ± 3 G2. A neutron diffraction diagram was obtained from the powder and a radial Fourier synthesis showed the protons to occupy the h-sites, forming tetrahedra centred on the d-sites. Allowing the smallest O-H distance to be about 1Å (hydroxyl group), several possible solutions were determined. An examination of the experimental and theoritical intensities leads to the approximate solution : x = 0.154 y = 0.07 z=0.8. Refinement by the method of least squares leads to following parameters : hydrogen atoms : x = 0.142 y = 0.081 z = 0.806 oxygen atoms : x = 0.024 y = 0.054 z = 0.636 The shortest O-H distance is 1.13 ± 0.06 Å. The H-H distances in the (OH)4 tetrahedra are 1,80 and 2,48 Å. The theoretical second moment of the proton resonance line is 34 ± 4 G2, in this case in agreement with the expĂ©rimental value.L'hydrogrenat l2O3, 3CaO, 6H2O a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©parĂ© Ă  partir d'aluminium et d'oxyde de calcium CaO dans un grand excĂšs d'eau Ă  100 °C. Un spectre de rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique nuclĂ©aire a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© sur l'aluminate en poudre ; le second moment de la raie vaut 28 ± 3 G2. Des neutrons thermiques ont Ă©tĂ© diffractĂ©s par l'hydrogrenat en poudre. Une synthĂšse de Fourier, radiale, a montrĂ© que les protons, occupant le site h, forment des tĂ©traĂšdres centrĂ©s sur le site d. La plus courte distance O-H Ă©tant voisine de 1 Å, (groupement hydroxyle), on a dĂ©terminĂ© plusieurs solutions possibles. L'Ă©tude des intensitĂ©s expĂ©rimentales et thĂ©oriques a conduit Ă  la solution approchĂ©e : x = 0,154, y = 0,07, z = 0,8. AprĂšs raffinement par la mĂ©thode des moindres carrĂ©s on a obtenu les paramĂštres suivants : atome d'hydrogĂšne : x = 0,142 y = 0,081 z = 0,806 atome d'oxygĂšne : x = 0,024 y = 0,054 z = 0,636 La plus courte distance O-H vaut 1,13 ± 0,06 Å. Les distances H-H dans un tĂ©traĂšdre (OH)4 valent 1,80 et 2,48 Å. Le second moment thĂ©orique de la raie de rĂ©sonance des protons vaut dans ce cas 34 ± 4 G2, ce qui est en accord avec le rĂ©sultat expĂ©rimental

    Preliminary Crystallographic Study of a Complex Formed between the α/ÎČ-Tubulin Heterodimer and the Neuronal Growth-Associated Protein SCG10

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    International audienceCrystals of a complex formed between the alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimer and SCG10, a neuron-specific growth-associated protein, have been obtained by the hanging drop method. They belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit cell parameters a = 56 A, b = 353 A, c = 466 A and four molecular complexes in the asymmetric unit. A complete X-ray diffraction data set to 6.1 A resolution has been collected using synchrotron radiation. This represents a challenging opportunity to study at a molecular level the structure-function relationships between a microtubule-destabilizing protein, SCG10, and tubulin

    Effects of p47phox C terminus phosphorylations on binding interactions with p40phox and p67phox. Structural and functional comparison of p40phox and p67phox SH3 domains.

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    International audienceThe neutrophil NADPH oxidase produces superoxide anions in response to infection. This reaction is activated by association of cytosolic factors, p47phox and p67phox, and a small G protein Rac with the membranous flavocytochrome b558. Another cytosolic factor, p40phox, is associated to the complex and is reported to play regulatory roles. Initiation of the NADPH oxidase activation cascade has been reported as consecutive to phosphorylation on serines 359/370 and 379 of the p47phox C terminus. These serines surround a polyproline motif that can interact with the Src homology 3 (SH3) module of p40phox (SH3p40) or the C-terminal SH3 of p67phox (C-SH3p67). The latter one presents a higher affinity in the resting state for p47phox. A change in SH3 binding preference following phosphorylation has been postulated earlier. Here we report the crystal structures of SH3p40 alone or in complex with a 12-residue proline-rich region of p47phox at 1.46 angstrom resolution. Using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence measurements, we compared the affinity of the strict polyproline motif and the whole C terminus peptide with both SH3p40 and C-SH3p67. These data reveal that SH3p40 can interact with a consensus polyproline motif but also with a noncanonical motif of the p47phox C terminus. The electrostatic surfaces of both SH3 are very different, and therefore the binding preference for C-SH3p67 can be attributed to the polyproline motif recognition and particularly to the Arg-368p47 binding mode. The noncanonical motif contributes equally to interaction with both SH3. The influence of serine phosphorylation on residues 359/370 and 379 on the affinity for both SH3 domains has been checked. We conclude that contrarily to previous suggestions, phosphorylation of Ser-359/370 does not modify the SH3 binding affinity for both SH3, whereas phosphorylation of Ser-379 has a destabilizing effect on both interactions. Other mechanisms than a phosphorylation induced switch between the two SH3 must therefore take place for NADPH oxidase activation cascade to start