1,124 research outputs found

    The french notebook. May ’68

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    Emmanuela Beltrán Rahola, 20 anys (en l'Espanya de llavors no s'aconseguia la majoria d'edat fins als 23 anys), estudiant de 4t de Dret, a la tornada del Festival de Teatre de Nancy, enlluernada pel que contempla allí, decidix quedar-se a França, conéixer París. Per atzar la seua fuga coincidirà amb l'esclat del «maig francés». Emmanuela s'unix a la protesta, viu de cap a peus el procés, i escriu en la seua «llibreta francesa» segons veu.Emmanuela Beltrán Rahola, 20 años (en la España de entonces no se alcanzaba la mayoría de edad hasta los 23 años), estudiante de 4º de Derecho, a la vuelta del Festival de Teatro de Nancy, deslumbrada por lo contemplado allí, decide quedarse en Francia, conocer París. Por azar su fuga coincidirá con el estallido del «Mayo francés». Emmanuela se une a la protesta, vive de cabo a rabo el proceso, y escribe en su «libreta francesa» según ve.Emmanuela Beltrán Rahola, aged 20 (in Spain at the time people did not legally come of age until they were 23), a 4th-year law student on her way back from the Nancy Theatre Festival, was amazed by what she saw there and decided to stay in France and discover Paris. By chance, her flight from Spain coincided with the outbreak of the «French May». Emmanuela joined the protest, experienced the process inside out and wrote it down as she saw it in her «French notebook»

    Jumping over the hurdle : examining and overcoming the barriers for women in intercollegiate athletics through mentorship.

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    Given the evident underrepresentation of females working intercollegiate athletics at all levels, there is a growing need to understand the types of barriers that limit women and cause these disproportionate representation(Acosta & Carpenter, 2014; Staurowsky & Smith, 2016). There is also a need to explore the impact of meaningful mentorship to combat these apparent obstacles. The purpose of this study was to investigate the barriers women currently face as they enter the intercollegiate athletics workplace in entry-level positions and explore the role of mentors in their career success. Entry-level sport administrators are a demographic of the industry that has not previously gotten the attention of researchers. Mentoring characteristics were based off Kram’s (1985) two categories of mentoring functions- developmental and psychosocial. Interviews were conducted and data was collected from 10 entry-level female administrators in NCAA Division I intercollegiate athletics departments in a given conference. The biggest barriers women currently face in entry-level positions were (a)having to prove self/capabilities/ knowledge, (b) combating the “good old boys” club, (c) the department in which one works matters, and (d) work-family conflict. The most beneficial developmental mentoring functions were (a) coaching, (b) exposure and visibility, and (c) challenging assignments. Participants shared the most important psychosocial functions were (a) counseling and (b) role modeling. The most frequently emerging theme for mentoring functions overall was counseling. Participants shared that their aspirations of advancement have moved from wanting to be an Athletic Director toward leading either an internal or external department. Women’s goals of wanting to advance in their careers had not changed, and they believed that their goals were achievable given their abilities. These findings suggest that many of the experiences, obstacles, and mentoring functions found in studies of senior level or executive level administrators are very similar to those of entry-level positions. This means that the experience of an entry-level female sport administrator does not vary much in this regard from the time she starts her career in an entry level position to when she is in a high leadership position of power in a senior-level position. This is valuable information for women entering the intercollegiate sport industry, men and women currently in high leadership positions in intercollegiate athletics administration, and scholars studying gender and equity in sport

    X-ray spectral diagnostics of activity in massive stars

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    X-rays give direct evidence of instabilities, time-variable structure, and shock heating in the winds of O stars. The observed broad X-ray emission lines provide information about the kinematics of shock-heated wind plasma, enabling us to test wind-shock models. And their shapes provide information about wind absorption, and thus about the wind mass-loss rates. Mass-loss rates determined from X-ray line profiles are not sensitive to density-squared clumping effects, and indicate mass-loss rate reductions of factors of 3 to 6 over traditional diagnostics that suffer from density-squared effects. Broad-band X-ray spectral energy distributions also provide mass-loss rate information via soft X-ray absorption signatures. In some cases, the degree of wind absorption is so high that the hardening of the X-ray SED can be quite significant. We discuss these results as applied to the early O stars zeta Pup (O4 If), 9 Sgr (O4 V((f))), and HD 93129A (O2 If*).Comment: To appear in the proceedings of IAU 272: Active OB Star

    Active Learning and Best-Response Dynamics

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    We examine an important setting for engineered systems in which low-power distributed sensors are each making highly noisy measurements of some unknown target function. A center wants to accurately learn this function by querying a small number of sensors, which ordinarily would be impossible due to the high noise rate. The question we address is whether local communication among sensors, together with natural best-response dynamics in an appropriately-defined game, can denoise the system without destroying the true signal and allow the center to succeed from only a small number of active queries. By using techniques from game theory and empirical processes, we prove positive (and negative) results on the denoising power of several natural dynamics. We then show experimentally that when combined with recent agnostic active learning algorithms, this process can achieve low error from very few queries, performing substantially better than active or passive learning without these denoising dynamics as well as passive learning with denoising

    Morbidity after surgical management of cervical cancer in low and middle income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: To investigate morbidity for patients after the primary surgical management of cervical cancer in low and middle-income countries (LMIC). Methods: The Pubmed, Cochrane, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Embase, LILACS and CINAHL were searched for published studies from 1st Jan 2000 to 30th June 2017 reporting outcomes of surgical management of cervical cancer in LMIC. Randomeffects meta-analytical models were used to calculate pooled estimates of surgical complications including blood transfusions, ureteric, bladder, bowel, vascular and nerve injury, fistulae and thromboembolic events. Secondary outcomes included five-year progression free (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Findings: Data were available for 46 studies, including 10,847 patients from 11 middle income countries. Pooled estimates were: blood transfusion 29% (95%CI 0.19–0.41, P = 0.00, I 2 = 97.81), nerve injury 1% (95%CI 0.00–0.03, I 2 77.80, P = 0.00), bowel injury, 0.5% (95%CI 0.01–0.01, I 2 = 0.00, P = 0.77), bladder injury 1% (95%CI 0.01–0.02, P = 0.10, I 2 = 32.2), ureteric injury 1% (95%CI 0.01–0.01, I 2 0.00, P = 0.64), vascular injury 2% (95% CI 0.01– 0.03, I 2 60.22, P = 0.00), fistula 2% (95%CI 0.01–0.03, I 2 = 77.32, P = 0.00,), pulmonary embolism 0.4% (95%CI 0.00–0.01, I 2 26.69, P = 0.25), and infection 8% (95%CI 0.04–0.12, 2 95.72, P = 0.00). 5-year PFS was 83% for laparotomy, 84% for laparoscopy and OS was 85% for laparotomy cases and 80% for laparoscopy. Conclusion: This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis of surgical morbidity in cervical cancer in LMIC, which highlights the limitations of the current data and provides a benchmark for future health services research and policy implementation

    Processing fluency for visual synchrony perception

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    Prior research has found that interpersonal synchrony increases social closeness and cooperation: this is often referred to as the synchrony-bonding effect. Most explanations for this synchrony-bonding effect rely upon higher-order social cognition (e.g. shared goals or selfother merging). Relatively little attention has been given to the perceptual experience of synchrony, and the low-level perceptual mechanisms involved, such as processing fluency. In two pre-registered experiments, we tested the novel hypothesis that synchrony (congruent movement) is easier to process than non-synchrony. In Study 1, no effect of direction congruency on performance was detected. However, Study 2 found a significant effect of speed congruency. This indicates decreased processing load when stimuli are moving at the same speed. We then discuss how these reduced visual stimuli may relate to naturalistic periodic movement. Crucially, the effect observed here does not rely upon social stimuli and may operate at an early stage of perceptual processing. This is an initial step in establishing a novel theory of the synchrony-bonding effect, based upon the principles of processing fluency

    Interdependence, bonding and support are associated with improved mental wellbeing following an outdoor team challenge

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    Social relationships and mental health are functionally integrated throughout the lifespan. Although recent laboratory-based research has begun to reveal psychological pathways linking social interaction, interdependence, bonding and wellbeing, more evidence is needed to integrate and understand the potential significance of these accounts for real-world events and interventions. In a questionnaire-based, repeated measures design, we measured the wellbeing of 13- to 19-year-old participants (n = 226) in the Ten Tors Challenge (United Kingdom) 7-10 days before (T1) and after (T4) the event. Immediately before (T2) and after (T3) the event, we administered measures of team bonding, perceived and experienced interdependence, perceived and received support, physical pain and fatigue, and performance satisfaction. There was a significant increase in participants' wellbeing (pre-to-post event). Post-event social bonding and performance satisfaction positively predicted the wellbeing increase. Bonding was, in turn, positively predicted by experienced interdependence, received support, pain and fatigue, and the sense of having done better as a team than expected. Results provide novel field-based evidence on the associations between meaningful bonds of mutual reliance in a challenging team event and adolescent wellbeing. Team challenge events potentially offer effective contexts for forging social interactions, interdependencies, and bonds that can support mental and physical health
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