72,279 research outputs found

    Improving the Functional Control of Aged Ferroelectrics using Insights from Atomistic Modelling

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    We provide a fundamental insight into the microscopic mechanisms of the ageing processes. Using large scale molecular dynamics simulations of the prototypical ferroelectric material PbTiO3, we demonstrate that the experimentally observed ageing phenomena can be reproduced from intrinsic interactions of defect-dipoles related to dopant-vacancy associates, even in the absence of extrinsic effects. We show that variation of the dopant concentration modifies the material's hysteretic response. We identify a universal method to reduce loss and tune the electromechanical properties of inexpensive ceramics for efficient technologies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Chiral Corrections to Lattice Calculations of Charge Radii

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    Logarithmic divergences in pion and proton charge radii associated with chiral loops are investigated to assess systematic uncertainties in current lattice determinations of charge radii. The chiral corrections offer a possible solution to the long standing problem of why present lattice calculations yield proton and pion radii which are similar in size.Comment: PostScript file only. Ten pages. Figures included. U. of MD Preprint #92-19

    Population Dynamics on Complex Food Webs

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    In this work we analyse the topological and dynamical properties of a simple model of complex food webs, namely the niche model. In order to underline competition among species, we introduce "prey" and "predators" weighted overlap graphs derived from the niche model and compare synthetic food webs with real data. Doing so, we find new tests for the goodness of synthetic food web models and indicate a possible direction of improvement for existing ones. We then exploit the weighted overlap graphs to define a competition kernel for Lotka-Volterra population dynamics and find that for such a model the stability of food webs decreases with its ecological complexity.Comment: 11 Pages, 5 Figures, styles enclosed in the submissio

    The Delta-Delta Intermediate State in 1S0 Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering From Effective Field Theory

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    We examine the role of the Delta-Delta intermediate state in low energy NN scattering using effective field theory. Theories both with and without pions are discussed. They are regulated with dimensional regularization and MSbar subtraction. We find that the leading effects of the Delta-Delta state can be absorbed by a redefinition of the contact terms in a theory with nucleons only. It does not remove the requirement of a higher dimension operator to reproduce data out to moderate momentum. The explicit decoupling of the Delta-Delta state is shown for the theory without pions.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, uses harvma

    The Long and Short of Nuclear Effective Field Theory Expansions

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    Nonperturbative effective field theory calculations for NN scattering seem to break down at rather low momenta. By examining several toy models, we clarify how effective field theory expansions can in general be used to properly separate long- and short-range effects. We find that one-pion exchange has a large effect on the scattering phase shift near poles in the amplitude, but otherwise can be treated perturbatively. Analysis of a toy model that reproduces 1S0 NN scattering data rather well suggests that failures of effective field theories for momenta above the pion mass can be due to short-range physics rather than the treatment of pion exchange. We discuss the implications this has for extending the applicability of effective field theories.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, references corrected, minor modification

    Distillation of GHZ states by selective information manipulation

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    Methods for distilling maximally entangled tripartite (GHZ) states from arbitrary entangled tripartite pure states are described. These techniques work for virtually any input state. Each technique has two stages which we call primary and secondary distillation. Primary distillation produces a GHZ state with some probability, so that when applied to an ensemble of systems, a certain percentage is discarded. Secondary distillation produces further GHZs from the discarded systems. These protocols are developed with the help of an approach to quantum information theory based on absolutely selective information, which has other potential applications.Comment: minor corrections, especially of some numerical values; conclusions unaffecte

    Model Independent Extraction of ∣Vbc∣|V_{\rm bc}| Without Heavy Quark Symmetry

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    A new method to extract ∣Vbc∣|V_{\rm bc}| is proposed based on a sum--rule for semileptonic decays of the BB meson. The method relies on much weaker assumptions than previous approaches which are based on heavy--quark symmetry. This sum--rule only relies on the assumption that the virtual cc‟c \overline{c} pair content of the BB meson can be neglected. The extraction of the CKM matrix element also requires that the sum--rule saturates in the kinematically accessible region.Comment: 10 pages revtex3 manuscript. No figures, U. of MD PP #94--086. With our apologies, some innocuous errors corrected and some references added that had been brought to our attentio

    Low Energy Theorems For Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering

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    Low energy theorems are derived for the coefficients of the effective range expansion in s-wave nucleon-nucleon scattering valid to leading order in an expansion in which both mπm_\pi and 1/a1/a (where aa is the scattering length) are treated as small mass scales. Comparisons with phase shift data, however, reveal a pattern of gross violations of the theorems for all coefficients in both the 1S0^1S_0 and 3S1^3S_1 channels. Analogous theorems are developed for the energy dependence Ï”\epsilon parameter which describes 3S1−3D1^3S_1 - ^3D_1 mixing. These theorems are also violated. These failures strongly suggest that the physical value of mπm_\pi is too large for the chiral expansion to be valid in this context. Comparisons of mπm_\pi with phenomenological scales known to arise in the two-nucleon problem support this conjecture.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 1 table; appendix added to discuss behavior in chiral limit; minor revisions including revised figure reference to recent work adde

    Classical artificial two-dimensional atoms: the Thomson model

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    The ring configurations for classical two-dimensional atoms are calculated within the Thomson model and compared with the results from `exact' numerical simulations. The influence of the functional form of the confinement potential and the repulsive interaction potential between the particles on the configurations is investigated. We also give exact results on those eigenmodes of the system whose frequency does not depend on the number of particles in the system.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 4 figure

    Comment on `Universal relation between the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and the thermodynamic entropy in simple liquids'

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    The intriguing relations between Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and self diffusion coefficients and the excess (thermodynamic) entropy found by Dzugutov and collaborators do not appear to hold for hard sphere and hard disks systems.Comment: 1 page revte
