19,138 research outputs found

    Response of the multiple sclerosis community to COVID-19

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    Progressive multiple sclerosis: Prospects for disease therapy, repair, and restoration of function

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    Multiple sclerosis is a major cause of neurological disability, which accrues predominantly during progressive forms of the disease. Although development of multifocal inflammatory lesions is the underlying pathological process in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, the gradual accumulation of disability that characterises progressive multiple sclerosis seems to result more from diffuse immune mechanisms and neurodegeneration. As a result, the 14 anti-inflammatory drugs that have regulatory approval for treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis have little or no efficacy in progressive multiple sclerosis without inflammatory lesion activity. Effective therapies for progressive multiple sclerosis that prevent worsening, reverse damage, and restore function are a major unmet need. In this Series paper we summarise the current status of therapy for progressive multiple sclerosis and outline prospects for the future

    MSJ 2020 - Editorial comment

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    Tyrosine kinase inhibitors for the therapy of anaplastic thyroid cancer

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    Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is often incurable so new therapeutic approaches are needed. Tyrosine kinases inhibitors (such as imanitib, sunitinib or sorafenib) are under evaluation for the treatment of ATC. Other vascular disrupting agents, such as combretastatin A4 phosphate, and antiangiogenic agents, such as aplidin, PTK787/ZK222584 and human VEGF monoclonal antibodies (bevacizumab, cetuximab), have been evaluated. Small-molecule adenosine triphosphate competitive inhibitors directed intracellularly at EGFRs tyrosine kinase, such as erlotinib or gefitinib, are also studied. Furthermore, new molecules have been shown to be active against ATC, such as CLM94 and CLM3. However, more research is needed to finally identify therapies able to control and to cure this disease

    Co-propagation of maser emission at 1720 and 4765 MHz

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    MERLIN observations are presented of OH 4765-MHz and OH 1720-MHz masers in the massive star-forming region W3(OH). Two of the three intense spots of maser emission at 4765 MHz are spatially coincident with two similar spots at 1720 MHz in both left-hand circular (LHC) and right-hand circular (RHC) polarizations, to an accuracy of 15 mas. The spots also overlap in velocity when allowance is made for Zeeman splitting of the 1720-MHz line. We conclude that we have found two examples of masers in different rotational levels of OH which are co-propagating through the same column of gas and experiencing competitive gain effects. The third 4765-MHz maser spot was found to have no overlapping counterpart amongst the 1720-MHz masers

    The 2013 clinical course descriptors for multiple sclerosis: A clarification

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    The clinical courses of multiple sclerosis were defined in 1996 and refined in 2013 to provide a time-based assessment of the current status of the individual. These definitions have been successfully used by clinicians, clinical trialists, and regulatory authorities. Recent regulatory decisions produced variations and discrepancies in the use of the clinical course descriptions. We provide here a clarification of the concepts underlying these descriptions and restate the principles used in their development. Importantly, we highlight the critical importance of time framing the disease course modifiers activity and progression and clarify the difference between the terms worsening and progressing

    Asymmetric Geodesic Distance Propagation for Active Contours

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    This is the final version. Available from British Machine Vision Association (BMVA) via the link in this record. The dual-front scheme is a powerful curve evolution tool for active contours and image segmentation, which has proven its capability in dealing with various segmentation tasks. In its basic formulation, a contour is represented by the interface of two adjacent Voronoi regions derived from the geodesic distance map which is the solution to an Eikonal equation. The original dual-front model [17] is based on isotropic metrics, and thus cannot take into account the asymmetric enhancements during curve evolution. In this paper, we propose a new asymmetric dual-front curve evolution model through an asymmetric Finsler geodesic metric, which is constructed in terms of the extended normal vector field of the current contour and the image data. The experimental results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method in computational efficiency, robustness and accuracy when compared to the original isotropic dual-front model.Roche pharmaAgence Nationale de la Recherch

    Young people and political action: who is taking responsibility for positive social change?

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    A human rights perspective suggests that we are all responsible for ensuring the human rights of others, which in turn ensures that our own human rights are respected and protected. A convenience sample of 108 young people (41 males and 67 females) aged between 16 and 25 completed a questionnaire which asked about (a) levels of involvement in political activity and (b) sense of personal responsibility for ensuring that the human rights of marginalised groups (e.g. ethnic minorities, immigrants, lesbians and gay men) are protected. Findings showed that most respondents supported (in principle) the notion of human rights for all, but tended to engage in low key political activity (e.g. signing petitions; donating money or goods to charity) rather than actively working towards positive social change. Qualitative data collected in the questionnaire suggested three main barriers to respondents viewing themselves as agents of positive social change: (1) "It’s not my problem", (2) "It’s not my responsibility", and (3) a sense of helplessness. Suggestions for how political action might best be mobilised among young people are also discussed.</p
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