674 research outputs found

    Latent-Variable PCFGs: Background and Applications

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    Latent-variable probabilistic context-free grammars are latent-variable models that are based on context-free grammars. Nonterminals are associated with latent states that provide contextual information during the top-down rewriting process of the grammar. We survey a few of the techniques used to estimate such grammars and to parse text with them. We also give an overview of what the latent states represent for English Penn treebank parsing, and provide an overview of extensions and related models to these grammars

    Elimination of Spurious Ambiguity in Transition-Based Dependency Parsing

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    We present a novel technique to remove spurious ambiguity from transition systems for dependency parsing. Our technique chooses a canonical sequence of transition operations (computation) for a given dependency tree. Our technique can be applied to a large class of bottom-up transition systems, including for instance Nivre (2004) and Attardi (2006)

    Unsupervised Bilingual POS Tagging with Markov Random Fields

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    In this paper, we give a treatment to the problem of bilingual part-of-speech induction with parallel data. We demonstrate that naïve optimization of log-likelihood with joint MRFs suffers from a severe problem of local maxima, and suggest an alternative – using contrastive estimation for estimation of the parameters. Our experiments show that estimating the parameters this way, using overlapping features with joint MRFs performs better than previous work on the 1984 dataset.