1,003 research outputs found

    Threatened or poorly known? The case of the Mediterranean narrow endemic Valeriana amazonum in Sardinia

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    The Mediterranean flora is characterized by a high number of narrow endemic plant species that are often restricted to a few small populations. One of these species, Valeriana amazonum, a perennial plant occurring only in the Supramontes region of central eastern Sardinia, is categorized as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List because of its restricted range, small population size and an inferred decline caused by several threats. During 2007-2022, we monitored all mature individuals of this plant annually and surveyed ecologically suitable sites for the species. We identified two previously unknown populations and also learnt of two successful translocations carried out independently by an unknown local citizen. As our monitoring data indicate there has been no decline in the number of mature individuals over the period of monitoring, the species' conservation status requires reassessment. We recommend that V. amazonum should be recategorized as Near Threatened as it seems to be poorly known rather than highly threatened. This could also be the case with other narrow Mediterranean endemics, especially those that grow in inaccessible habitats for which long-term studies are needed to assess conservation status

    Assessing beach litter trapping efficiency in Mediterranean sandy coasts: A comparative study between typical and invaded embryonic dunes

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    Beach litter is one of the most evident indicators of marine litter pollution, an anthropogenic component that can affect and interact with the habitat of coastal dunes. In this study, we aim to assess the role of the Mediterranean embryonic dunes in trapping beach litter. Moreover, we investigate if dunes with native vegetation and those invaded by the alien plant C. acinaciformis differ in the trapping of beach litter. To this end, two samplings were carried out in the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area, considering four beaches with different morphologies, using a paired sampling method that considers plots in the embryonic dunes and in the same habitat with C. acinaciformis. Our results indicate that plastic is the primary type of beach litter and that its distribution varied across the different beaches; especially, the greatest amount was found on pocket beaches. Based on our results, we can conclude that there are no differences between embryonic dunes with native vegetation and their invaded form, but the different beach morphologies may play a role in the distribution of beach litter. These findings may support habitat conservation initiatives such as the eradication of C. acinaciformis since it has no additional role in trapping beach litter

    Breeding system and inbreeding depression in a translocated population of the endangered plant Dianthus morisianus (Caryophyllaceae)

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    Know the breeding system of endemic plants is important to design conservation strategies. Translocations are actions to improve the survival prospects of the species, but nowadays there are only a few studies that analyse their success and make a comparison between translocation and the natural populations. Dianthus morisianus is a threatened narrow endemic plant species growing on sand dunes in SW Sardinia (Italy). The objective of this study was to assess the breeding system, the presence of inbreeding depression and pollen limitation, as well as the success of the plant translocation. All these results were compared with those from the single natural population. The breeding system was tested through five pollination treatments and the reproductive success was analysed by the fruit set, seed set, seed weight, germination and mortality rate. The translocated population behaved like the natural one on fruit and seed formation. Autonomous self-pollination was lower than the other treatments regarding fruit set and seed/ovule ratio in the two studied populations. The species is self-compatible and presents partial self-fertility. The selfing rate was higher in the translocated population and the inbreeding depression presented low values for the natural population, while the translocated population presented negative values. Neither of the populations suffered pollen limitation. The species did not present reproductive problems and it is pollinator dependent. Moreover, the translocated population demonstrated high success after five years, as an increase of the population area and new recruited plants was observed; the offspring were able to flower, fruiting and reproduce. This translocation success increases the survival prospects of the species

    From global to local scale: where is the best for conservation purpose?

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    Demographic analysis of plant populations represents an essential conservation tool allowing to identify the population trends both at global and at the local level. In this study, the population dynamics of Helianthemum caput-felis (Cistaceae) was investigated at the local level by monitoring six populations distributed in Sardinia, Balearic Islands and Ibero-Levantine coast (Alicante). Demographic data for each population were analysed by performing Integral Projection Models (IPMs). Our results showed that, although the local trend of the main basic demographic functions was similar, vital rates and demographic dynamics varied among populations indicating high variability. In fact, asymptotic growth rate in Spanish populations widely varied both between years and populations (some populations growth, decline or strongly decline), while Sardinian populations showed greater equilibrium or a slight increase. Also, the typical pattern of a long-lived species was not supported by the results at the local scale. These results indicated that different populations of the same species can present extremely different population dynamics and support the belief that, for conservation needs, local studies are more informative than global ones: the conservation status of H. caput-felis could notably vary at a small spatial scale and, accordingly, the conservation efforts must be planned at the population level and supported by local analysis

    Short-Term Effects and Vegetation Response after a Megafire in a Mediterranean Area

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    In Mediterranean-climate areas, wildfires have an important ecological role, selecting organisms, influencing species composition and structure of vegetation, and shaping landscapes. However, the increase in frequency and severity of fires can cause, among others, progressive vegetation degradation, biodiversity, and ecosystem services loss. Under the climate change scenario, the frequency and severity of wildfires are expected to increase, especially in the Mediterranean Basin, recognized as among the most affected by the intensification of droughts and heat waves in the future. Therefore, from the perspective of adaptation, it is important not only to assess the sudden effects after a fire but also to investigate the ecological changes and vegetation response over time. In this framework, this study investigates the effects and the short-term vegetation response in an area struck by a megafire. The vegetation response one year after a fire has been assessed in semi-natural grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands at the landscape scale through spectral indices, and at the field scale through floristic and vegetation surveys. Our results showed that after a severe wildfire, although some areas did not exhibit vegetation regrowth, the response of natural vegetation was notable after one year. In the study area, the most resilient vegetation type was semi-natural grasslands, suggesting that this type of vegetation can be crucial for landscape recovery. The other vegetation types showed different response patterns that also prefigure possible changes in species composition and loss of plant diversity over the medium term. This study highlights the value of combining remote sensing spectral analyses and detailed floristic and vegetation surveys for understanding the direction of the early stages of post-fire vegetation dynamics

    Tourist Trampling on a Peripheral Plant Population Restricted to an Urban Natural Area in the Capo Sant’Elia Promontory (Sardinia, W-Mediterranean Basin)

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    Urban natural areas provide important ecological services such as biodiversity conservation, as well as opportunities for people to connect with nature and preserve cultural heritage. However, the increasing demand for access to natural areas and the expansion of human recreational activities, such as hiking and biking, pose threats to these ecosystems, especially for animal and plant species, finally resulting in biodiversity loss. This study explores the intricate link between human trampling, plant density, and the morphological and reproductive characteristics of Globularia alypum L., a plant with a peripheral population in Sardinia restricted to a natural area within an urban context. The study examined trampling effects on 75 plots along a frequently used path crossing the plant’s core population. Similar environmental conditions were assumed, with differences attributed to human trampling intensity and plant density, and morphological and reproductive traits were measured within each plot. Our results showed that human trampling caused differences in the morphological traits of plants, whereas, in contrast, reproductive traits are less vulnerable to human trampling than morphological ones. As a result, trampled areas may experience decreased plant recruitment, which can have long-term implications for plant population dynamics. Understanding the relationship between trampling effects and the sensitivity of peripheral plant populations is crucial for effective conservation and management strategies

    Difference between invasive alien and native vegetation in trapping beach litter: A focus on a typical sandy beach of W-Mediterranean Basin

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    Beach litter is one of the most pervasive pollution issues in coastal environments worldwide. In this study, we aim to assess the amount and distribution of beach litter on Porto Paglia beach, its entrapment across psammophilous habitats, and whether the invasive Carpobrotus acinaciformis (L.) L.Bolus plays a different role in trapping litter than native vegetation. To this end, two seasonal samplings (in spring and autumn) were conducted using a paired sampling method that considers plots in all coastal habitats with and without C. acinaciformis. Our results confirm that the main beach litter category is plastic, and that its distribution varies across habitats: the white dune seems to play a greater role in trapping and filtering beach litter, reducing its amount in the backdune. A correlation was found between the Naturalness index (N) and the beach litter amount, supporting the finding that invaded habitats trap beach litter better than native ones

    Assessing the global conservation status of the rock rose Helianthemum caput-felis

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    The assessment of the conservation status of a species is the first step in developing a conservation strategy. IUCN Red Lists assessments are an important starting point for conservation actions and the most commonly applied method for assessing the extinction risk of a species. In this study, the global conservation status of the rock rose Helianthemum caput-felis Boiss. (Cistaceae), a perennial Mediterranean plant, was evaluated using the Red List criteria. The distribution of the species was determined by monitoring historical localities and all other suitable sites along the western Mediterranean coasts for 6 years. For each confirmed locality, the ecological and population parameters and the main threats were recorded; these data were used in a quantitative analysis of the species' extinction risk. Our findings indicate there have been several recent extinctions, and there is a continuing decline in the species' area of occurrence, habitat quality and number of reproductive plants. The main threats are related to human activities. Extinction models indicate a probability of quasi-extinction risk of c. 30% in five generations or c. 45% in three generations, with the species likely to become extinct in seven currently known localities within the next 10 years. Application of the Red List criteria indicates H. caput-felis should be categorized as Endangered. This study confirms that legal protection and passive conservation measures are insufficient to guarantee the persistence of a plant species. Active conservation and management actions are needed to protect this and other threatened species of the Mediterranean Basin

    Conservation Need for a Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations Linked to Ephemeral Streams in Adverse Desert Environments

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    Many thousands of tree species are declining in the world, for which conservation actions are urgent. This dramatic situation is particularly evident for trees closely related to freshwater ecosystems, considered the environments most threatened by global change. In extremely arid environments such as deserts, where the few plant species present are able to survive by exploiting the little water available, the situation is extremely critical. A representative case is Vachellia gerrardii subsp. negevensis, a tree with a wide distribution range but locally restricted to small and isolated populations. Knowledge about this tree is incomplete in Iraq and, to fill this gap, several surveys were conducted in the Al-Najaf desert over three years (2019-2021). In each locality where this species was found, several ecological and population parameters were recorded. Our results indicate that Vachellia gerrardii subsp. negevensis was restricted to a single population, fragmented into five subpopulations confined in extremely peculiar ecological niches. Several threats related to anthropogenic activities and climate change affect the population, causing a significant reduction in the population size combined with a continuous decline in habitat quality and number of mature plants. Despite this critical situation, there are no conservation measures for this species. The establishment of a national preserve or part would be important and constitutes the fundamental prerequisite for the conservation of multiple species

    Impact of Horse Grazing on Floristic Diversity in Mediterranean Small Standing-Water Ecosystems (SWEs)

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    Small standing-Water Ecosystems (SWEs), despite their pivotal ecological role due to their participation in hydrogeological processes and their richness in biodiversity, seem to be often overlooked by the scientific community. In this study, the vascular plant diversity in some representative SWEs, that host a peculiar assemblage of plant and animal species, was investigated in relation to the disturbance effects of a wild horse population. A total of 50 plots, equally distributed in small and large SWEs, were surveyed and a level of disturbance was attributed to each plot. We found greater species richness in small and undisturbed SWEs, which suggests the negative impact of horse grazing on the richness of plant species in this type of habitat. Significant differences in plant assemblage were found according to the disturbance level, whereas, contrary to what was observed for species richness, no differences were detected based on their size. The diversity indices, used to evaluate the richness and diversity in these areas, recorded the highest values for small and undisturbed areas. This result highlights that the disturbance of the horse grazing plays a pivotal role in affecting the diversity and richness of species in the SWEs. These findings suggest that SWE systems should be analyzed considering these areas as unique in order to allow the conservation of the plant richness and biodiversity of the SWE systems in conjunction with the protection of horses
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