95 research outputs found

    Town’s land. Social experimentations of urban agriculture in Milan

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    The paper suggests a possible interpretation of the increasing interest towards urban agriculture in Milan as supported by a desire to revive the city design and, at the same time, by a concrete attempt for its realisation. The construction of a taxonomy of experiences intends to compose a hypothetical scenario of a ‘cultivated Milan’, centred on those initiatives that highlight the use of cultivation not only as a practice of individual satisfaction or environmental reflection, but as a tool to approach urban issues and the organization of common life. In this sense the English definition of ‘community gardens’, even placing maybe too much emphasis on community aspects, appears to be more appropriate than the usual Italian ‘urban orchards’ to indicate this kind of experiences: even in different ways, all the observed projects aim at rediscovering urban common space, physical and relational, through the practice of small projects, apt to return a tangible and immediate satisfaction while, implicitly, look towards wider horizons.L’articolo propone una possibile interpretazione del crescente interesse per l’agricoltura urbana a Milano quale sintomo di un desiderio di rilancio progettuale per la città e al tempo stesso tentativo concreto di una sua realizzazione. La costruzione di una tassonomia delle esperienze intende comporre un ipotetico scenario della ‘Milano coltivata’, centrato su quelle iniziative che mettono in evidenza l’uso della coltivazione non solo come pratica di soddisfazione individuale o di riflessione ambientale, ma soprattutto come strumento di trattamento di questioni urbane e dell’organizzazione della vita in comune. In questo senso la definizione inglese community gardens, che pur pone un’enfasi forse eccessiva sugli aspetti comunitari, sembra apparentemente più appropriata dell’italiano ‘orti urbani’ per indicare questo tipo di esperienze: in modi diversi i progetti che abbiamo osservato mirano a una riscoperta dello spazio comune della città, fisico e relazionale, attuata attraverso la pratica di piccoli progetti, capaci di restituire una soddisfazione concreta ed immediata mentre implicitamente guardano ad orizzonti più ampi

    Finding common ground on the threshold: an experiment in critical urban learning

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    The paper explores the role of academic institutions in urban commoning, which involves sharing and collaborating to manage common resources. Specifically, it analyses the impact of an experimental programme, Practices of Urban Inclusion, on fostering new forms of collaboration and cultures of sharing. The programme was co-designed and co-run by a network of four architecture and urban planning schools and three civil society organisations across four European countries. The paper mobilises the concept of 'threshold spaces' by Stavros Stavrides, to discuss if and how urban knowledge and learning can be co-produced and circulated ‘on the threshold’ between academic and civil society organisations. Practices of Urban Inclusion is thus seen as a threshold space that attempted to bring different subjectivities and forms of knowledge into connection by foregrounding experiential knowledge, fostering collaborative learning, and connecting temporalities. The paper reflects on the key characteristics of the programme and highlights some of its commoning and un-commoning outcomes. We suggest that conceptualising knowledge co-production through ideas of commoning and threshold spatiality allows for more nuanced understandings of the dynamics of academia-civil society collaborations
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