56 research outputs found

    Repositioning Microtubule Stabilizing Drugs for Brain Disorders

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    Microtubule stabilizing agents are among the most clinically useful chemotherapeutic drugs. Mostly, they act to stabilize microtubules and inhibit cell division. While not without side effects, new generations of these compounds display improved pharmacokinetic properties and brain penetrance. Neurological disorders are intrinsically associated with microtubule defects, and efforts to reposition microtubule-targeting chemotherapeutic agents for treatment of neurodegenerative and psychiatric illnesses are underway. Here we catalog microtubule regulators that are associated with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, schizophrenia and mood disorders. We outline the classes of microtubule stabilizing agents used for cancer treatment, their brain penetrance properties and neuropathy side effects, and describe efforts to apply these agents for treatment of brain disorders. Finally, we summarize the current state of clinical trials for microtubule stabilizing agents under evaluation for central nervous system disorders

    JNK Regulation of Depression and Anxiety

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    Depression and anxiety are the most common mood disorders affecting 300 million sufferers worldwide. Maladaptive changes in the neuroendocrine stress response is cited as the most common underlying cause, though how the circuits underlying this response are controlled at the molecular level, remains largely unknown. Approximately 40% of patients do not respond to current treatments, indicating that untapped mechanisms exist. Here we review recent evidence implicating JNK in the control of anxiety and depressive-like behavior with a particular focus on its action in immature granule cells of the hippocampal neurogenic niche and the potential for therapeutic targeting for affective disorders.Anxiety and depression are among the largest causes of disability worldwide [1]. They have complex and varied etiologies with genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors contributing to disease susceptibility. Maladaptative changes in normal stress responses leading to long lasting physical changes at the level of synapses and circuits are believed to be among the underlying causes. Antidepressant drugs have targeted the same core mechanisms for several decades, yet treatment-resistant depression is still a major problem, indicating the need for a paradigm shift [2]. Many theories of depression have been proposed, including dysregulation of monoaminergic neurotransmission, neurotrophic factors and hippocampal neurogenesis [3, 4]. However, the signalling molecules that govern mood and its underlying circuitry are largely unknown and identifying these will be essential for a comprehensive understanding of mood disorders and development of new treatments.</p

    Impact of JNK and Its Substrates on Dendritic Spine Morphology

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    The protein kinase JNK1 exhibits high activity in the developing brain, where it regulates dendrite morphology through the phosphorylation of cytoskeletal regulatory proteins. JNK1 also phosphorylates dendritic spine proteins, and Jnk1-/- mice display a long-term depression deficit. Whether JNK1 or other JNKs regulate spine morphology is thus of interest. Here, we characterize dendritic spine morphology in hippocampus of mice lacking Jnk1-/- using Lucifer yellow labelling. We find that mushroom spines decrease and thin spines increase in apical dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons with no spine changes in basal dendrites or in CA1. Consistent with this spine deficit, Jnk1-/- mice display impaired acquisition learning in the Morris water maze. In hippocampal cultures, we show that cytosolic but not nuclear JNK, regulates spine morphology and expression of phosphomimicry variants of JNK substrates doublecortin (DCX) or myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate-like protein-1 (MARCKSL1), rescue mushroom, thin, and stubby spines differentially. These data suggest that physiologically active JNK controls the equilibrium between mushroom, thin, and stubby spines via phosphorylation of distinct substrates

    The Vibrio parahaemolyticus Type III Secretion Systems manipulate host cell MAPK for critical steps in pathogenesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Vibrio parahaemolyticus </it>is a food-borne pathogen causing inflammation of the gastrointestinal epithelium. Pathogenic strains of this bacterium possess two Type III Secretion Systems (TTSS) that deliver effector proteins into host cells. In order to better understand human host cell responses to <it>V. parahaemolyticus</it>, the modulation of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) activation in epithelial cells by an O3:K6 clinical isolate, RIMD2210633, was investigated. The importance of MAPK activation for the ability of the bacterium to be cytotoxic and to induce secretion of Interleukin-8 (IL-8) was determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>deployed its TTSS1 to induce activation of the JNK, p38 and ERK MAPK in human epithelial cells. VP1680 was identified as the TTSS1 effector protein responsible for MAPK activation in Caco-2 cells and the activation of JNK and ERK by this protein was important in induction of host cell death. <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>actively induced IL-8 secretion in a response mediated by TTSS1. A role for VP1680 and for the ERK signalling pathway in the stimulation of IL-8 production in epithelial cells by <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>was established. Interestingly, TTSS2 inhibited IL-8 mRNA transcription at early stages of interaction between the bacterium and the cell.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study demonstrated that <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>activates the three major MAPK signalling pathways in intestinal epithelial cells in a TTSS1-dependent manner that involves the TTSS1 effector VP1680. Furthermore VP1680 and JNK and ERK activation were needed for maximal cytotoxicity of the bacterium. It was shown that <it>V. parahaemolyticus </it>is a strong inducer of IL-8 secretion and that induction reflects a balance between the effects of TTSS1 and TTSS2. Increases in IL-8 secretion were mediated by TTSS1 and VP1680, and augmented by ERK activation. These results shed light on the mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis mediated by TTSS and suggest significant roles for MAPK signalling during infection with <it>V. parahaemolyticus</it>.</p

    Impact of JNK and Its Substrates on Dendritic Spine Morphology

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    The protein kinase JNK1 exhibits high activity in the developing brain, where it regulates dendrite morphology through the phosphorylation of cytoskeletal regulatory proteins. JNK1 also phosphorylates dendritic spine proteins, and Jnk1-/- mice display a long-term depression deficit. Whether JNK1 or other JNKs regulate spine morphology is thus of interest. Here, we characterize dendritic spine morphology in hippocampus of mice lacking Jnk1-/- using Lucifer yellow labelling. We find that mushroom spines decrease and thin spines increase in apical dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons with no spine changes in basal dendrites or in CA1. Consistent with this spine deficit, Jnk1-/- mice display impaired acquisition learning in the Morris water maze. In hippocampal cultures, we show that cytosolic but not nuclear JNK, regulates spine morphology and expression of phosphomimicry variants of JNK substrates doublecortin (DCX) or myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate-like protein-1 (MARCKSL1), rescue mushroom, thin, and stubby spines differentially. These data suggest that physiologically active JNK controls the equilibrium between mushroom, thin, and stubby spines via phosphorylation of distinct substrates

    JNK1 phosphorylation of SCG10 determines microtubule dynamics and axodendritic length

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    c-Jun NH2-terminal kinases (JNKs) are essential during brain development, when they regulate morphogenic changes involving cell movement and migration. In the adult, JNK determines neuronal cytoarchitecture. To help uncover the molecular effectors for JNKs in these events, we affinity purified JNK-interacting proteins from brain. This revealed that the stathmin family microtubule-destabilizing proteins SCG10, SCLIP, RB3, and RB3′ interact tightly with JNK. Furthermore, SCG10 is also phosphorylated by JNK in vivo on sites that regulate its microtubule depolymerizing activity, serines 62 and 73. SCG10-S73 phosphorylation is significantly decreased in JNK1−/− cortex, indicating that JNK1 phosphorylates SCG10 in developing forebrain. JNK phosphorylation of SCG10 determines axodendritic length in cerebrocortical cultures, and JNK site–phosphorylated SCG10 colocalizes with active JNK in embryonic brain regions undergoing neurite elongation and migration. We demonstrate that inhibition of cytoplasmic JNK and expression of SCG10-62A/73A both inhibited fluorescent tubulin recovery after photobleaching. These data suggest that JNK1 is responsible for regulation of SCG10 depolymerizing activity and neurite elongation during brain development

    SHANK3 conformation regulates direct actin binding and crosstalk with Rap1 signaling

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    Actin-rich cellular protrusions direct versatile biological processes from cancer cell invasion to dendritic spine development. The stability, morphology, and specific biological functions of these protrusions are regulated by crosstalk between three main signaling axes: integrins, actin regulators, and small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases). SHANK3 is a multifunctional scaffold protein, interacting with several actin -binding proteins and a well-established autism risk gene. Recently, SHANK3 was demonstrated to sequester integrin-activating small GTPases Rap1 and R-Ras to inhibit integrin activity via its Shank/ProSAP N-terminal (SPN) domain. Here, we demonstrate that, in addition to scaffolding actin regulators and actin-binding proteins, SHANK3 interacts directly with actin through its SPN domain. Molecular simulations and targeted mutagenesis of the SPN-ankyrin repeat region (ARR) interface reveal that actin binding is inhibited by an intramolecular closed conformation of SHANK3, where the adjacent ARR domain covers the actin-binding interface of the SPN domain. Actin and Rap1 compete with each other for binding to SHANK3, and mutation of SHANK3, resulting in reduced actin binding, augments inhibition of Rap1-mediated integrin activity. This dynamic crosstalk has functional implications for cell morphology and integrin activity in cancer cells. In addition, SHANK3-actin interaction regulates dendritic spine morphology in neurons and autism-linked phenotypes in vivo.Peer reviewe

    Protein synthesis is suppressed in sporadic and familial Parkinson's disease by LRRK2

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    Gain of function LRRK2-G2019S is the most frequent mutation found in familial and sporadic Parkinson's disease. It is expected therefore that understanding the cellular function of LRRK2 will provide insight on the pathological mechanism not only of inherited Parkinson's, but also of sporadic Parkinson's, the more common form. Here, we show that constitutive LRRK2 activity controls nascent protein synthesis in rodent neurons. Specifically, pharmacological inhibition of LRRK2,Lrrk2knockdown orLrrk2knockout, all lead to increased translation. In the rotenone model for sporadic Parkinson's, LRRK2 activity increases, dopaminergic neuron translation decreases, and the neurites atrophy. All are prevented by LRRK2 inhibitors. Moreover, in striatum and substantia nigra of rotenone treated rats, phosphorylation changes are observed on eIF2 alpha-S52(up arrow), eIF2s2-S2(down arrow), and eEF2-T57(up arrow) in directions that signify protein synthesis arrest. Significantly, translation is reduced by 40% in fibroblasts from Parkinson's patients (G2019S and sporadic cases alike) and this is reversed upon LRRK2 inhibitor treatment. In cells from multiple system atrophy patients, translation is unchanged suggesting that repression of translation is specific to Parkinson's disease. These findings indicate that repression of translation is a proximal function of LRRK2 in Parkinson's pathology

    PIM1 accelerates prostate cancer cell motility by phosphorylating actin capping proteins

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    Background: The PIM family kinases promote cancer cell survival and motility as well as metastatic growth in various types of cancer. We have previously identified several PIM substrates, which support cancer cell migration and invasiveness. However, none of them are known to regulate cellular movements by directly interacting with the actin cytoskeleton. Here we have studied the phosphorylation-dependent effects of PIM1 on actin capping proteins, which bind as heterodimers to the fast-growing actin filament ends and stabilize them. Methods: Based on a phosphoproteomics screen for novel PIM substrates, we have used kinase assays and fluorescence-based imaging techniques to validate actin capping proteins as PIM1 substrates and interaction partners. We have analysed the functional consequences of capping protein phosphorylation on cell migration and adhesion by using wound healing and real-time impedance-based assays. We have also investigated phosphorylation-dependent effects on actin polymerization by analysing the protective role of capping protein phosphomutants in actin disassembly assays. Results: We have identified capping proteins CAPZA1 and CAPZB2 as PIM1 substrates, and shown that phosphorylation of either of them leads to increased adhesion and migration of human prostate cancer cells. Phosphorylation also reduces the ability of the capping proteins to protect polymerized actin from disassembly. </p
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