159 research outputs found

    Functional and pharmacological characterization of a Shal-related K+ channel subunit in Zebrafish

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>K<sup>+ </sup>channels are diverse; both in terms of their function and their molecular composition. Shal subunits were first described in Drosophila. There are three mammalian orthologs, which are members of the Kv4 subfamily. They are involved in neuronal firing patterns as well as control of the cardiac action potential duration.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we report the biophysical and pharmacological characterization of zShal3, which is the ortholog of the mammalian Kv4.3 subunit, which in mammals is involved in action potential repolarization and gives rise to neuronal A-type K<sup>+ </sup>currents involved in somatodendretic signal integration.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We demonstrate that zShal has similar functional and pharmacological characteristics compared to Kv4.3 and it is similarly regulated by pharmacological agents and by the Kv4 accessory subunit, NCS-1.</p

    The sarcoplasmic reticulum luminal thiol oxidase ERO1 regulates cardiomyocyte excitation-coupled calcium release and response to hemodynamic load

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    : Two related ER oxidation 1 (ERO1) proteins, ERO1α and ERO1β, dynamically regulate the redox environment in the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Redox changes in cysteine residues on intralumenal loops of calcium release and reuptake channels have been implicated in altered calcium release and reuptake. These findings led us to hypothesize that altered ERO1 activity may affect cardiac functions that are dependent on intracellular calcium flux. We established mouse lines with loss of function insertion mutations in Ero1l and Ero1lb encoding ERO1α and ERO1β. The peak amplitude of calcium transients in homozygous Ero1α mutant adult cardiomyocytes was reduced to 42.0 ± 2.2% (n=10, P ≤ 0.01) of values recorded in wild-type cardiomyocytes. Decreased ERO1 activity blunted cardiomyocyte inotropic response to adrenergic stimulation and sensitized mice to adrenergic blockade. Whereas all 12 wild-type mice survived challenge with 4 mg/kg esmolol, 6 of 8 compound Ero1l and Ero1lb mutant mice succumbed to this level of β adrenergic blockade (P ≤ 0.01). In addition, mice lacking ERO1α were partially protected against progressive heart failure in a transaortic constriction model [at 10 wk postprocedure, fractional shortening was 0.31 ± 0.02 in the mutant (n=20) vs. 0.23 ± 0.03 in the wild type (n=18); P ≤ 0.01]. These findings establish a role for ERO1 in calcium homeostasis and suggest that modifying the lumenal redox environment may affect the progression of heart failure

    Functional Enhancers at the Gene-Poor 8q24 Cancer-Linked Locus

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    Multiple discrete regions at 8q24 were recently shown to contain alleles that predispose to many cancers including prostate, breast, and colon. These regions are far from any annotated gene and their biological activities have been unknown. Here we profiled a 5-megabase chromatin segment encompassing all the risk regions for RNA expression, histone modifications, and locations occupied by RNA polymerase II and androgen receptor (AR). This led to the identification of several transcriptional enhancers, which were verified using reporter assays. Two enhancers in one risk region were occupied by AR and responded to androgen treatment; one contained a single nucleotide polymorphism (rs11986220) that resides within a FoxA1 binding site, with the prostate cancer risk allele facilitating both stronger FoxA1 binding and stronger androgen responsiveness. The study reported here exemplifies an approach that may be applied to any risk-associated allele in non-protein coding regions as it emerges from genome-wide association studies to better understand the genetic predisposition of complex diseases

    CL-705G: a novel chemical Kir6.2-specific KATP channel opener

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    Background: KATP channels have diverse roles, including regulation of insulin secretion and blood flow, and protection against biological stress responses and are excellent therapeutic targets. Different subclasses of KATP channels exist in various tissue types due to the unique assemblies of specific pore-forming (Kir6.x) and accessory (SURx) subunits. The majority of pharmacological openers and blockers act by binding to SURx and are poorly selective against the various KATP channel subclasses.Methods and Results: We used 3D models of the Kir6.2/SUR homotetramers based on existing cryo-EM structures of channels in both the open and closed states to identify a potential agonist binding pocket in a functionally critical area of the channel. Computational docking screens of this pocket with the Chembridge Core chemical library of 492,000 drug-like compounds yielded 15 top-ranked “hits”, which were tested for activity against KATP channels using patch clamping and thallium (Tl+) flux assays with a Kir6.2/SUR2A HEK-293 stable cell line. Several of the compounds increased Tl+ fluxes. One of them (CL-705G) opened Kir6.2/SUR2A channels with a similar potency as pinacidil (EC50 of 9 µM and 11 μM, respectively). Remarkably, compound CL-705G had no or minimal effects on other Kir channels, including Kir6.1/SUR2B, Kir2.1, or Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channels, or Na+ currents of TE671 medulloblastoma cells. CL-705G activated Kir6.2Δ36 in the presence of SUR2A, but not when expressed by itself. CL-705G activated Kir6.2/SUR2A channels even after PIP2 depletion. The compound has cardioprotective effects in a cellular model of pharmacological preconditioning. It also partially rescued activity of the gating-defective Kir6.2-R301C mutant that is associated with congenital hyperinsulinism.Conclusion: CL-705G is a new Kir6.2 opener with little cross-reactivity with other channels tested, including the structurally similar Kir6.1. This, to our knowledge, is the first Kir-specific channel opener

    Predicting the Impact of Climate Change on Threatened Species in UK Waters

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    Global climate change is affecting the distribution of marine species and is thought to represent a threat to biodiversity. Previous studies project expansion of species range for some species and local extinction elsewhere under climate change. Such range shifts raise concern for species whose long-term persistence is already threatened by other human disturbances such as fishing. However, few studies have attempted to assess the effects of future climate change on threatened vertebrate marine species using a multi-model approach. There has also been a recent surge of interest in climate change impacts on protected areas. This study applies three species distribution models and two sets of climate model projections to explore the potential impacts of climate change on marine species by 2050. A set of species in the North Sea, including seven threatened and ten major commercial species were used as a case study. Changes in habitat suitability in selected candidate protected areas around the UK under future climatic scenarios were assessed for these species. Moreover, change in the degree of overlap between commercial and threatened species ranges was calculated as a proxy of the potential threat posed by overfishing through bycatch. The ensemble projections suggest northward shifts in species at an average rate of 27 km per decade, resulting in small average changes in range overlap between threatened and commercially exploited species. Furthermore, the adverse consequences of climate change on the habitat suitability of protected areas were projected to be small. Although the models show large variation in the predicted consequences of climate change, the multi-model approach helps identify the potential risk of increased exposure to human stressors of critically endangered species such as common skate (Dipturus batis) and angelshark (Squatina squatina)

    Ultraviolet-C Irradiation, Heat, and Storage as Potential Methods of Inactivating SARS-CoV-2 and Bacterial Pathogens on Filtering Facepiece Respirators

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    The arrival of SARS-CoV-2 to Aotearoa/New Zealand in February 2020 triggered a massive response at multiple levels. Procurement and sustainability of medical supplies to hospitals and clinics during the then upcoming COVID-19 pandemic was one of the top priorities. Continuing access to new personal protective equipment (PPE) was not guaranteed; thus, disinfecting and reusing PPE was considered as a potential alternative. Here, we describe part of a local program intended to test and implement a system to disinfect PPE for potential reuse in New Zealand. We used filtering facepiece respirator (FFR) coupons inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 or clinically relevant multidrug-resistant pathogens (Acinetobacter baumannii Ab5075, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 LAC and cystic-fibrosis isolate Pseudomonas aeruginosa LESB58), to evaluate the potential use of ultraviolet-C germicidal irradiation (UV-C) or dry heat treatment to disinfect PPE. An applied UV-C dose of 1000 mJ/cm2 was sufficient to completely inactivate high doses of SARS-CoV-2; however, irregularities in the FFR coupons hindered the efficacy of UV-C to fully inactivate the virus, even at higher UV-C doses (2000 mJ/cm2). Conversely, incubating contaminated FFR coupons at 65 °C for 30 min or 70 °C for 15 min, was sufficient to block SARS-CoV-2 replication, even in the presence of mucin or a soil load (mimicking salivary or respiratory secretions, respectively). Dry heat (90 min at 75 °C to 80 °C) effectively killed 106 planktonic bacteria; however, even extending the incubation time up to two hours at 80 °C did not completely kill bacteria when grown in colony biofilms. Importantly, we also showed that FFR material can harbor replication-competent SARS-CoV-2 for up to 35 days at room temperature in the presence of a soil load. We are currently using these findings to optimize and establish a robust process for decontaminating, reusing, and reducing wastage of PPE in New Zealand.UV Solutionz|| iDer

    Simulacral, genealogical, auratic and representational failure: Bushman authenticity as methodological collapse

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    This article engages with the concept of authenticity as deployed in anthropology. The first section critiques authenticity as a simple reference to cultural purity, a traditional isomorphism or historical verisimilitude or as an ‘ethnographic authenticity’. Demarcation of authenticity must take into account philosophical literature that argues that authenticity is an existential question of the ‘modern’ era. Thus, authenticity is offered to us as individuals as a remedy for the maladies of modernity: alienation, anomie and alterity. Authenticity is then discussed as a question of value within an economy of cultural politics that often draws on simulacra, creating cultural relics of dubious origin. The final section discusses various methodological failures and problematiques that are highlighted by the concern for, and scrutiny of, authenticity. The first is the simulacral failure. The subjects of anthropology are mostly real flesh-and-blood people-on-the-ground with real needs. In contrast is the simulacral subject, the brand, the tourist image, the media image or the ever-familiar hyper-real bushmen. Lastly, the article considers what Spivak calls ‘withholding’ – a resistance to authentic representation by the Other. Resistance suggests a need for a radically altered engagement with the Other that includes both a deepening, and an awareness, of anthropology as a process of common ontological unfolding

    Characterizing Genetic Susceptibility to Breast Cancer in Women of African Ancestry

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    Background: Genome-wide association studies have identified approximately 100 common genetic variants associated with breast cancer risk, the majority of which were discovered in women of European ancestry. Because of different patterns of linkage disequilibrium, many of these genetic markers may not represent signals in populations of African ancestry. Methods: We tested 74 breast cancer risk variants and conducted fine-mapping of these susceptibility regions in 6,522 breast cancer cases and 7,643 controls of African ancestry from three genetic consortia (AABC, AMBER, and ROOT). Results: Fifty-four of the 74 variants (73%) were found to have ORs that were directionally consistent with those previously reported, of which 12 were nominally statistically significant ( P < 0.05). Through fine-mapping, in six regions ( 3p24, 12p11, 14q13, 16q12/FTO, 16q23, 19p13 ), we observed seven markers that better represent the underlying risk variant for overall breast cancer or breast cancer subtypes, whereas in another two regions ( 11q13, 16q12/TOX3 ), we identified suggestive evidence of signals that are independent of the reported index variant. Overlapping chromatin features and regulatory elements suggest that many of the risk alleles lie in regions with biological functionality. Conclusions: Through fine-mapping of known susceptibility regions, we have revealed alleles that better characterize breast cancer risk in women of African ancestry. Impact: The risk alleles identified represent genetic markers for modeling and stratifying breast cancer risk in women of African ancestry. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev; 26(7); 1-11. ©2017 AACR

    Regional Differences in Prevalence of HIV-1 Discordance in Africa and Enrollment of HIV-1 Discordant Couples into an HIV-1 Prevention Trial

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    Background: Most HIV-1 transmission in Africa occurs among HIV-1-discordant couples (one partner HIV-1 infected and one uninfected) who are unaware of their discordant HIV-1 serostatus. Given the high HIV-1 incidence among HIV-1 discordant couples and to assess efficacy of interventions for reducing HIV-1 transmission, HIV-1 discordant couples represent a critical target population for HIV-1 prevention interventions and prevention trials. Substantial regional differences exist in HIV-1 prevalence in Africa, but regional differences in HIV-1 discordance among African couples, has not previously been reported. Methodology/Principal Findings: The Partners in Prevention HSV-2/HIV-1 Transmission Trial (“Partners HSV-2 Study”), the first large HIV-1 prevention trial in Africa involving HIV-1 discordant couples, completed enrollment in May 2007. Partners HSV-2 Study recruitment data from 12 sites from East and Southern Africa were used to assess HIV-1 discordance among couples accessing couples HIV-1 counseling and testing, and to correlate with enrollment of HIV-1 discordant couples. HIV-1 discordance at Partners HSV-2 Study sites ranged from 8–31% of couples tested from the community. Across all study sites and, among all couples with one HIV-1 infected partner, almost half (49%) of couples were HIV-1 discordant. Site-specific monthly enrollment of HIV-1 discordant couples into the clinical trial was not directly associated with prevalence of HIV-1 discordance, but was modestly correlated with national HIV-1 counseling and testing rates and access to palliative care/basic health care (r = 0.74, p = 0.09). Conclusions/Significance: HIV-1 discordant couples are a critical target for HIV-1 prevention in Africa. In addition to community prevalence of HIV-1 discordance, national infrastructure for HIV-1 testing and healthcare delivery and effective community outreach strategies impact recruitment of HIV-1 discordant couples into HIV-1 prevention trials