24 research outputs found

    The role of emotional intelligence in the experience of burnout among South African leaders working in financial roles

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    South African leaders serving a financial role within the corporate sector are prone to experience burnout due to the nature of their jobs. These leaders are also usually not inclined to regulate and manage emotions effectively. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of emotional intelligence in the experience of burnout. Quantitative data was obtained from financial leaders (n = 100). First, it was determined who were suffering from burnout. This was followed by MANOVAs to determine if these groups differed with regards to the display of emotional intelligence. Thereafter, stepwise regression analysis was performed to determine the extent to which emotional intelligence could predict the occurrence of burnout. Findings suggested that financial leaders who measure high on emotional intelligence were less at risk of experiencing burnout. It was also discovered that emotional self-management and emotional management of others were significant predictors of burnout.https://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijwoehj2023Psycholog

    Facial Adiposity, Attractiveness, and Health: A Review

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    The relationship between facial cues and perceptions of health and attractiveness in others plays an influential role in our social interactions and mating behaviors. Several facial cues have historically been investigated in this regard, with facial adiposity being the newest addition. Evidence is mounting that a robust link exists between facial adiposity and attractiveness, as well as perceived health. Facial adiposity has also been linked to various health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, blood pressure, immune function, diabetes, arthritis, oxidative stress, hormones, and mental health. Though recent advances in the analysis of facial morphology has led to significant strides in the description and quantification of facial cues, it is becoming increasingly clear that there is a great deal of nuance in the way that humans use and integrate facial cues to form coherent social or health judgments of others. This paper serves as a review of the current literature on the relationship between facial adiposity, attractiveness, and health. A key component in utilizing facial adiposity as a cue to health and attractiveness perceptions is that people need to be able to estimate body mass from facial cues. To estimate the strength of the relationship between perceived facial adiposity and body mass, a meta-analysis was conducted on studies that quantified the relationship between perceived facial adiposity and BMI/percentage body fat. Summary effect size estimates indicate that participants could reliably estimate BMI from facial cues alone (r = 0.71, n = 458)

    Measurement of cognitive and somatic anxiety amongst first team high school rugby players

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    Currently, knowledge is limited about how high school rugby players experience cognitive and somatic anxiety when playing competitive rugby. The first aim of the study was to determine if high school rugby players displayed significant differences in cognitive and somatic anxiety before and after an important rugby match. The second aim sought to determine to what extent the important rugby match alters the cognitive and somatic anxiety experienced by high school rugby players. In order to realize these aims, high school rugby players were compared to male adolescents who were not participating in any type of sport. A purposeful sample of 10 first team high school rugby players and 10 male adolescents not participating in any type of sport was drawn from a high school situated in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. Cognitive anxiety was measured through the administration of the State and Trait Anxiety subscales of the State-Trait Personality Inventory Form Y (STPI-Y) and the Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT). Somatic anxiety was measured by investigating the salivary cortisol levels of the rugby players. A baseline measure, along with measures on the day of an important rugby match and one week after the important rugby match were taken. Statistical analysis within the group of rugby players revealed that significant differences occurred in the state anxiety and SCAT scores. No significant differences occurred within the cortisol measures. When the rugby players were compared to adolescents not participating in any type of sport, significant differences were observed between the two groups on state anxiety and SCAT scores. No differences with regards to cortisol levels had occurred. It was concluded that the rugby players had experienced cognitive but not somatic anxiety.http://www.ajol.info/journal_index.php?jid=153&ab=ajpherd2016-09-30hb201

    The expression of personality among adolescents exposed to community interpersonal violence

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    The high level of crime in South Africa affects many adolescents. Experience of community interpersonal violence affects the social, emotional and cognitive functioning of adolescents and could have an impact on their personality development. The aim of the study was to explore possible differences in the expression of personality between adolescents exposed to community interpersonal violence and those not exposed to such violence. The sample comprised 183 grade 12 learners from a secondary school in a middle class community in Gauteng. Participants were divided into two groups: adolescents who reported exposure to community interpersonal violence (n = 93) and those who did not report exposure to such violence (n = 90). Both groups completed the 16 Personality Factor and Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scales. Differences between the groups were explored using a one-way between groups multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and t-tests for independent groups. Results indicated statistically significant differences between the two groups on Factor G (rule consciousness), Factor I (emotional sensitivity) and Factor Q4 (anxiety). Adolescents exposed to interpersonal violence reported higher levels of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms than the control group. The group that experienced PTSD symptoms differed more in terms of personality functioning (Factor I and Q4). Violence-exposed adolescents experienced more emotional volatility, difficulty to regulate emotions, anxiety and sensitivity to environmental stressors than those not exposed to such violence. Although causality cannot be assumed, it is possible that exposure to community interpersonal violence, which could result in PTSD symptoms, has implications for the personality development of adolescents. Interventions for adolescents exposed to interpersonal violence are recommended to prevent the development of PTSD symptoms.http://sap.sagepub.comhb2016Psycholog

    Rock climbers : deliberate or precautionary risk takers in relation to sensation-seeking

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    A group of rock climbers were classified into two categories, deliberate or precautionary risk-takers, using the Risk-Taking Inventory (RTI). The aim of the study was to determine if these categories played a role in sensation-seeking behaviour. The study also aimed to determine if the type of risk-taking behaviour correlated with the number of injuries sustained by the participants. The study was quantitative in nature and an exploratory design was used. A sample of 70 rock climbers from the Mountain Club of South Africa participated. Participants completed a demographic questionnaire, the RTI and the Sensation Seeking Scale-V. Non-parametric statistics were used. The results revealed statistically significant differences between the two risk-taking groups on the total score of the Sensation Seeking Scale-V and its subscales of Disinhibition and Boredom Susceptibility. No significant correlations were observed between the RTI groups and the number of injuries sustained. A significant positive correlation was, however, found between the number of injuries and number of years rock climbing. The results indicated that being a precautionary or deliberate risk-taker will have an impact on rock climbers’ sensation-seeking behaviour but will have no effect on the number of injuries these groups sustain.https://journals.nwu.ac.za/sajrsper/indexam2024PsychologyNon

    Towards gaining a competitive advantage : the relationship between burnout, job satisfaction, social support and mindfulness

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    The prevalence of burnout has increased in the past 30 years. A review of the literature suggested that burnout could be prevented through the application of interpersonal as well as intrapersonal strategies. Interpersonal strategies consist of employees having access to social support systems and human resources management’s ability that may have a positive influence on job satisfaction. Intrapersonal strategies take the form of training individuals to become mindful, thus being aware of their physical as well as psychological states. Little research has been conducted on the successfulness of such strategies and the need was identified to explore the relationship between burnout, job satisfaction, social support and mindfulness among employees in a South African corporate organisation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between burnout, job satisfaction, social support and mindfulness within a South African corporate organisation. The study was a quantitative study and a correlational research design was used. Systematic random sampling was used to compile the sample. The sample consisted of 209 employees working in a financial corporate environment in Johannesburg. Pearson correlation coefficients were computed for burnout, job satisfaction, social support and mindfulness. Moderate to strong inverse correlations were discovered among the constructs under investigation. Thereafter, a multiple regression analysis was deemed necessary to determine which of the independent variables (mindfulness, job satisfaction and social support) contributed significantly to explaining the variance in burnout scores. All the constructs (job satisfaction, mindfulness and social support) appear to be significant predictors of burnout. Job satisfaction displayed the highest beta value whilst mindfulness scored the second highest beta value in the multiple regression analysis.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_jcman.htm

    Draft genome sequence of a “Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris”-related strain (aster yellows, subgroup 16SrI-B) from South Africa

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    Here, we report the draft genome sequence of a phytoplasma discovered in grapevine. The genome size is 600,116 nucleotides (nt), with 597 predicted open reading frames. It is most similar to a maize bushy stunt phytoplasma of group 16SrI-B (aster yellows). The possible presence of a 3,833-nt plasmid was also noted.University of Pretoria and European Union’s Horizon 2020 (EU H2020).https://mra.asm.orgpm2020BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant PathologyZoology and Entomolog

    The effect of emotional state on the learning of visual skills

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    Goeie visuele vaardighede is noodsaaklike komponente in die bereiking van opvoedkundige, ekonomiese en sosiale sukses, en onafhanklikheid. ’n Behoefte is geïdentifiseer om te bepaal of die visuele vaardighede van studente verbeter kan word deur visuele sportoefeninge, en of die potensiële voordele van hierdie soort oefeninge beïnvloed kan word deur emosionele toestande soos angs en nuuskierigheid. Albei laasgenoemde toestande kan ’n impak hê op die aanleer van visuele vaardighede. Aangesien daar tot dusver min navorsing gedoen is oor die verwantskap tussen die aanleer van visuele vaardighede en die aanwesigheid van dié twee emosionele toestande, is dit nodig om te bepaal in watter mate angs en weetgierigheid wel die aanleer van visuele vaardighede kan beïnvloed. ’n Kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie is vir die doel van die studie gebruik. ’n Kwasi-eksperimentele ontwerp is uitgevoer ten einde data te versamel oor visuele vaardighede en die uitwerking van visuele sportoefeninge daarop. Die steekproef het bestaan uit tweedejaarse fisiologiestudente (n = 204) en het studente ingesluit van albei geslagte, uiteenlopende etnisiteite, almal in die ouderdomsgroep 18–27 jaar. Angs en weetgierigheid is gemeet aan die hand van die State-Trait Personality Inventory (STPI), terwyl die visuele vaardighede van die deelnemers gemeet is deur ’n battery toetse vir visuele vaardigheid. Die uitslae van die toetse kan moontlik aantoon dat oefeninge sommige visuele vaardighede kan verbeter. Dis egter belangrik om daarop te let dat angsvlakke in berekening gebring moet word wanneer die opleiding onderneem word. Volgens die bevindings van hierdie studie blyk dit dat angs in ’n mate ’n negatiewe uitwerking op die aanleer van fokus, sporingsvermoë en vergensie het. Volgens die huidige studie blyk dit egter dat weetgierigheid nie enige invloed gehad het op enige van die visuele vaardighede wat in die studie nagevors is nie.The findings of the present study suggest that anxiety, to some extent, influences the learning of focusing, tracking and vergence. Curiosity, on the other hand, did not influence the learning of any of the visual skills under investigation in the present study. Good visual skills are essential components in achieving educational, economic and social success, and independence. A need has been identified to determine whether the visual skills of students can be improved through sports vision exercises, and whether the potential benefits derived from these sports vision exercises could be influenced by emotional states such as anxiety and curiosity. Since little research has been conducted on the relationship between the learning of visual skills and the presence of these two emotional states, one needs to determine the extent to which anxiety and curiosity affect the learning of visual skills. For the purposes of this study, a quantitative research methodology was used. A quasi-experimental approach was employed to collect data on visual skills and the effects of sports vision exercises on these visual skills. The sample consisted of second-year physiology students (n = 204) and included students of genders, various ethnicities, and ages ranging from 18 to 27 years of age. Anxiety and curiosity were measured by using the State-Trait Personality Inventory (STPI), whilst the visual skills of the participants were measured by using a battery of visual skills tests. The results proved that sports vision exercises can improve some visual skills. It should, however, be noted that anxiety levels must be controlled when administering this training. The findings of the present study suggest that anxiety, to some extent, negatively influences the learning of focusing, tracking and vergence. Curiosity on the other hand did not influence the learning of any of the visual skills under investigation in the present study.http://www.satnt.ac.zaam201

    Cardiovascular health risk among university students in South Africa

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    Tradisioneel is individue se vermoëns, belangstellings en persoonlikhede tydens beroepsvoorligting en werwings- en keuringsprosesse geassesseer, terwyl slegs enkele studies op die liggaamlike gesondheid van tweedejaarstudente, as intreevlakwerknemers vir sakeondernemings in Suid- Afrika, gefokus het. Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsing was om die stand van die kardiovaskulêre gesondheid van universiteitstudente in hul tweede jaar (as intreevlakwerknemers) te bepaal. Die motivering vir die studie was tweeledig: eerstens om die huidige kardiovaskulêre gesondheidsrisiko van studente te bepaal, en tweedens om hulle in te lig oor die mate van risiko waaraan hulle blootgestel is. Die studie was ’n kwantitatiewe deursneestudie wat onderneem is om inligting in te win oor die kardiovaskulêre gesondheid van universiteitstudente. Die steekproef wat vir hierdie navorsingstudie gebruik is, het bestaan uit 162 universiteitstudente in Suid-Afrika wat almal tussen 18 en 25 jaar oud was. Die resultate het aangedui dat 55.6% van die betrokke studente aan hoë bloeddruk gely het. Uit laasgenoemde groep studente is 81.1% as prehipertensief gediagnoseer, terwyl stadium 1-hipertensie by 18.9% gediagnoseer is. Altesaam 64.8% van al die deelnemende studente se tellings is in die hoër meetgebied van die Kardiale Stresindeks (KSI). Ongelukkig het 61% van dié studente met verhoogde KSI-tellings ook hoë bloeddruk getoon. Benewens verhoogde harttempo en bloeddruk het 15.2% van die deelnemers ook swak harttempoveranderlikheid getoon. Dus het byna 10% van die totale steekproef verhoogde kardiale stresvlakke, verhoogde harttempo en hoë bloeddrukvlakke vertoon. Die resultate dui daarop dat universiteitstudente heeltemal onbewus is van hul kardiovaskulêre gesondheid en van die moontlikheid dat dit ’n invloed op hul loopbane kan hê. Beroepsvoorligters, industriële sielkundiges, opvoedkundige sielkundiges en praktisyns op die gebied van menslikehulpbronbestuur kan hierdie inligting voordelig binne die bestek van hul praktyk gebruik om beroepsvoorligting aan fisiologiestudente te verskaf. Dié praktiese benadering sal fisiologiestudente ook in staat stel om vas te stel wat hul eie kardiovaskulêregesondheidsrisiko’s is.Traditionally, individuals’ abilities, interests and personality were assessed during career guidance and recruitment and selection processes; however, only a few studies focused on the actual health of second-year students, as entry-level employees for business in South Africa. The main research purpose was to determine the cardiovascular health of second-year university students’ (as young entry-level employees). The motivations for the study are two-fold: to determine the current cardiovascular health risk of students, and to educate the students about such risk. The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study to determine university students’ cardiovascular health. The sample used in this research study consisted of 162 university students in South Africa, between the ages of 18 and 25 years. The results indicated that 55.6% students had high blood pressure. Then 81.1% of the latter group of students were identified as prehypertensive, while 18.9% were considered as having stage-1 hypertension. Students exhibited elevated cardiac stress as well. Altogether 64.8% of all the participating students scored in the elevated range of the Cardiac Stress Index (CSI). Unfortunately, 61% of the students with elevated CSI readings also exhibited high blood pressure. Furthermore, of the latter group, 15.2% exhibited poor heart rate variability, as well as elevated heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, nearly 10% of the total sample exhibited elevated cardiac stress, an elevated heart rate and high blood pressure levels. The implications of the results are that university students are unaware of their cardiovascular health and that it may have an effect on their careers. Career counsellors, industrial psychologists, educational psychologists, and human resource management practitioners may benefit from this information in their scope of practice to guide physiology students in their career. This practical approach also allows physiology students to determine their own cardiovascular health risks.http://www.satnt.ac.zaam201

    Psychological well-being in Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine

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    The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, has had devastating effects on the Ukrainian population and the global economy, environment, and political order. However, little is known about the psychological states surrounding the outbreak of war, particularly the mental well-being of individuals outside Ukraine. Here, we present a longitudinal experience-sampling study of a convenience sample from 17 European countries (total participants = 1,341, total assessments = 44,894, countries with >100 participants = 5) that allows us to track well-being levels across countries during the weeks surrounding the outbreak of war. Our data show a significant decline in well-being on the day of the Russian invasion. Recovery over the following weeks was associated with an individual’s personality but was not statistically significantly associated with their age, gender, subjective social status, and political orientation. In general, well-being was lower on days when the war was more salient on social media. Our results demonstrate the need to consider the psychological implications of the Russo-Ukrainian war next to its humanitarian, economic, and ecological consequences