6,444 research outputs found

    Customer relationship management model - A strategic and analytical approach for Amorim Turismo

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    Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative venture

    Species Richness and Ecological Diversity of Myxomycetes and Myxomycete-Like Organisms in the Tropical Forests of Brazil

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    Tropical rain forests cover less than two percent of Earth\u27s surface, yet they sustain the greatest diversity of living organisms on the planet. Tropical rain forests cover nearly 73% of the Brazilian territory and besides harboring some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet, this vast area also houses about 83% of the Brazilian population. Approximately 175 million people live in urban and rural areas with fragments of coverage of these biomes which contributes to the loss of biodiversity that rapidly increases over the years. Furthermore, the majority of the taxonomic and ecological efforts to describe and protect the Brazilian tropical biodiversity are usually focused on macroorganisms while the knowledge regarding the heterogeneity of microorganism species that compose the Brazilian microbiota increases slowly. Therefore, urgent efforts should be directed to the carrying out of inventories and studies on the species that make up the Brazilian microbiota, their biogeographical patterns, and their interactions with the environment in which they occupy. Aiming to contribute to the knowledge of the distribution and diversity of microorganism in the Neotropics, this dissertation includes (1) an overview of the biogeographical patterns of microorganisms; (2) a bibliographic revision of the myxomycetes species found in Brazil distributed among the different vegetation physiognomies throughout the country; (3) species listing and molecular identification of myxobacteria species; (4) the taxonomic and ecological studies of species of ceratiomyxomycetes and myxomycetes; (5) the taxonomic composition of dictyostelid cellular slime molds; and (6) species of protosteloid amoebae and related organisms present in tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests of Brazil

    Mining Knowledge Bases for Question & Answers Websites

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    We studied the problem of searching answers for questions on a Question-and-Answer Website from knowledge bases. A number of research efforts had been developed using Stack Overflow data, which is available for the public. Surprisingly, only a few papers tried to improve the search for better answers. Furthermore, current approaches for searching a Question-and-Answer Website are usually limited to the question database, which is usually the website own content. We showed it is feasible to use knowledge bases as sources for answers. We implemented both vector-space and topic-space representations for our datasets and compared these distinct techniques. Finally, we proposed a hybrid ranking approach that took advantage of a machine-learned classifier to incorporate the tag information into the ranking and showed that it was able to improve the retrieval performance

    Stimulus and task-dependent gamma activity in monkey V1

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    The single unit doctrine proposes that each one of our percepts and sensations is represented by the activity of specialized high-level cells in the brain. A common criticism applied to this proposal is the one referred to as the "combinatorial problem". We are constantly confronted with unlimited combinations of elements and features, and yet we face no problem in recognizing patterns and objects present in visual scenes. Are there enough neurons in the brain to singly code for each one of our percepts? Or is it the case that perceptions are represented by the distributed activity of different neuronal ensembles? We lack a general theory capable of explaining how distributed information can be efficiently integrated into single percepts. The working hypothesis here is that distributed neuronal ensembles signal relations present in the stimulus by selectively synchronizing their spiking responses. Synchronization is generally associated with oscillatory activity in the brain. Gamma oscillations in particular have been linked to various integrative processes in the visual system. Studies in anesthetized animals have shown a conspicuous increase in power for the gamma frequency band (30 to 60 Hz) in response to visual stimuli. Recently, these observations have been extended to behavioral studies which addressed the role of gamma activity in cognitive processes demanding selective attention. The initial motivation for carrying out this work was to test if the binding-by-synchronization (BBS) hypothesis serves as a neuronal mechanism for perceptual grouping in the visual system. To this aim we used single and superimposed grating stimuli. Superimposed gratings (plaids) are bi-stable stimuli capable of eliciting different percepts depending on their physical characteristics. In this way, plaids can be perceived either as a single moving surface (pattern plaids), or as two segregated surfaces drifting in different directions (component plaids). While testing the BBS hypothesis, we performed various experiments which addressed the role of both stimulus and cortical architecture on the properties of gamma oscillations in the primary visual cortex (V1) of monkeys. Additionally, we investigated whether gamma activity could also be modulated by allocating attention in time. Finally, we report on gamma-phase shifts in area V1, and how they depend on the level of neuronal activation. ...Einleitung: Die visuelle Hirnforschung hat eine große Informationsmenge über die analytischen Fähigkeiten des Nervensystems zusammengetragen. Die Einführung von Einzelzellableitungen ermöglichte eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Eigenschaften rezeptiver Felder im Sehsystem. Konzentrische rezeptive Felder in der Netzhaut antworten optimal auf einen Luminanzkontrast in ihren On- und Off-Regionen. Antworteigenschaften entwickeln sich schrittweise entlang der Sehbahn, indem zunehmend komplexere Eigenschaften des visuellen Reizes extrahiert werden. Die Pionierarbeiten von David Hubel und Torsten Wiesel beschrieben zunächst Orientierung- und Richtungsselektivität von Neuronen in frühen visuellen Kortexarealen. Später fand man Einzelzellen im medialen Temporallappen, die auf komplexe Objekte wie Hände und Gesichter antworten. Die Hirnforschung ist daher lange davon ausgegangen, dass die Repräsentation komplexer Objekte eine natürliche Entfaltung von Konvergenz entlang der Sehbahn darstellt. Zellen, welche auf elementare Merkmale des Stimulus antworteten, bildeten so durch ihr Muster anatomischer Verbindungen schrittweise die spezialisierten Neurone in höheren visuellen Arealen. Diese Sichtweise zeigt allerdings Limitationen auf. Eine beständige Kritik, die an der "Einzelzelldoktrin" geübt wird, ist das sogenannte kombinatorische Problem. Obwohl wir ständig mit einer unbegrenzten Fülle an Kombinationen verschiedener Elemente und Merkmale konfrontiert sind, laufen wir selten Gefahr, Muster und Objekte in einer visuellen Szene nicht zu erkennen. Ist es überhaupt möglich, dass jedes unserer möglichen Perzepte durch die Antwort eines einzelnen hoch spezialisierten Neurons im Hirn kodiert wird? Falls nicht, welcher Mechanismus könnte einen relationalen Code darstellen, der es ermöglicht, die Aktivität verschiedener neuronaler Ensembles zu integrieren? Die Anforderungen an einen solchen Mechanismus treten besonders hervor, wenn man sich die verteilte Struktur der visuellen Verarbeitung verdeutlicht. Die Merkmalsextraktion entlang der Sehbahn führt unvermeidbar zu einer räumlich verstreuten Repräsentation eines visuellen Reizes. Zusätzlich kommen parallele Bahnen neuronaler Verarbeitung im Hirn häufig vor. Es fehlt eine universale Theorie darüber, wie die verteilte Information effizient in eine einzige Wahrnehmung integriert wird. Die Arbeitshypothese hier lautet, dass das Hirn die Zeitdomäne benutzt, um visuelle Informationen zu integrieren und zu verarbeiten. Konkret würden neuronale Ensemble die aus dem Stimulus hervorgehenden Beziehungen durch eine selektive Synchronisation ihrer Aktionspotenziale signalisieren. Synchronisation ist normalerweise mit oszillatorischer Hirnaktivität assoziiert. Besonders die Oszillationen im Gamma Frequenzband sind mit verschiedensten integrativen Prozessen im Sehsystem in Verbindung gebracht worden. Arbeiten an anästhesierten Tieren haben einen auffälligen Anstieg von Energie im Gamma Frequenzband (30-60 Hz) unter visueller Stimulation gezeigt. Kürzlich sind diese Beobachtungen auf Verhaltensstudien ausgeweitet worden, welche die Rolle von Gamma Aktivität bei der für kognitive Prozesse erforderlichen gerichteten Aufmerksamkeit untersuchen. Die ursprüngliche Motivation dieser Arbeit war es, die von Wolf Singer und Mitarbeitern formulierte "binding-bysynchronization (BBS)" Hypothese zu testen. Dies wurde durch die Ableitung neuronaler Antworten in V1 bei Darbietung eines Paars übereinander gelegter Balkengitter ("Plaid" Stimulus) angegangen. Physikalische Manipulationen der Luminanz in Unterregionen des Plaid-Stimulus können die Wahrnehmung zugunsten der Bewegung der Einzelkomponenten (zwei Objekte, die sich übereinander schieben) oder der Bewegung des Gesamtmusters (ein einziges sich in eine gemeinsame Richtung bewegendes Objekt) beeinflussen. Die gleichzeitige Ableitung von zwei Neuronen, die jeweils nur selektiv auf eines der beiden Balkengitter antworteten, ermöglichte es uns, zwei Vorhersagen der BBS Hypothese zu testen. Falls beide V1 Neurone auf dasselbe Balkengitter antworteten, sollten sie ihre Aktivität unabhängig davon, ob das Plaid in Einzelkomponenten oder als Gesamtmuster wahrgenommen würde, synchronisieren. Der Grund dafür wäre, dass beide Neurone auf dasselbe Objekt reagierten. Im zweiten Fall antworten beide Ableitstellen auf jeweils eine der beiden Balkengitterkomponenten. Hier sagt die BBS Hypothese voraus, dass beide ihre Aktivität nur bei Gesamtmusterbewegung synchronisieren würden, da sie nur in dieser Bedingung auf dasselbe Objekt antworten würden. ..

    Integrated Methodology for Physical and Economic Assessment of Coastal Interventions Impacts

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    Due to economic, environmental, and social interest of coastal areas, together with their erosion problems, different coastal management strategies can be considered, with different physical (shoreline evolution) and economic (net present value, ratio benefit-cost, break-even point) consequences and impacts. Therefore, this work presents an integrated methodology that aims to compare and discuss the most promising coastal intervention scenarios to mitigate erosion problems and climate change effects, considering costs and benefits related to each intervention. The proposed methodology takes a step forward in assessing the coastal erosion mitigation strategies, incorporating three well-defined and sequential stages: shoreline evolution in a medium-term perspective; structures pre-design; and a cost-benefit assessment. To show the relevance of the methodology, a hypothetic case study and several intervention scenarios were assessed. In order to mitigate costal erosion two different situations were analyzed: the reference scenario and the intervention scenarios. 34 intervention scenarios were proposed and evaluated to mitigate the erosion verified. Depending on the parameter considered (reduce erosion areas, protect the full extension of urban waterfronts, improve the economic performance of the intervention by increasing the net present value, the benefit-cost ratio or decreasing the break-even time), best results are obtained for different scenarios. The definition of the best option for coastal erosion mitigation is complex and depends on the main goal defined for the intervention. In conclusion, costs and benefits analysis are demanded and it is considered that the proposed methodology allows choosing better physical and economic options for future coastal interventions, helping decision-making processes related to coastal management

    The role of muscle-enriched microRNAs as markers of failed myocardial reperfusion

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    PhD ThesisThe advent of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) for the treatment of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has significantly reduced mortality rates in this population. However, coronary artery disease remains a leading cause of morbidity and death worldwide. This may be a consequence of inadequate myocardial reperfusion despite reestablishment of coronary artery patency following PPCI. Failed myocardial reperfusion is associated with worse prognosis but usually passes undetected, as current diagnostic methods are not routinely available. The aim of my PhD was to investigate the plasmatic kinetics of muscle-enriched micro ribonucleic acids (microRNAs) following PPCI as well as their association with cardiac damage, function and the phenomenon of failed myocardial reperfusion. Firstly, I retrospectively analysed the prognostic importance of cardiac troponins, which are established markers of myocardial injury, in a large cohort (n = 4,914) of STEMI patients treated with PPCI. Troponin levels routinely measured at 12 hours post-reperfusion were not associated with mortality, highlighting the need for identification of new prognostic markers in this population. To overcome methodological issues for microRNA quantification in plasma samples from STEMI patients, I validated an endogenous microRNA (miR-425-5p) as a control for realtime polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) data normalisation. Subsequent microRNA screening and kinetics analyses revealed that the muscle-enriched miR-1 and miR-133b are rapidly released into the circulation following PPCI, reaching an initial peak at 30min and a second peak at 90min post-PCI. The presence of a second peak seemed to be associated with a higher index of microvascular resistance, a surrogate marker of failed myocardial reperfusion. In addition, miR-1 and miR-133b levels at 30min and 90min post-PPCI were associated with microvascular obstruction measured by cardiac MRI, another parameter of unsuccessful myocardial reperfusion. Finally, miR-1 and miR-133b levels were significantly elevated in a subgroup of STEMI patients with larger infarcts and worse left ventricular function and remodelling 3 months after PPCI. These findings suggest a potential new role for muscle-enriched microRNAs as tools for early identification of failed myocardial reperfusion and prognostic stratification in STEMI patients.CAPES Foundation, Brazilian Ministry of Educatio

    Impacts of the Proposals For Tariff Reductions in Non-Agricultural Market Access (Nama)

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    O Estudo Visa Avaliar os Impactos de Propostas Alternativas de Redução da Proteção Tarifária de Bens Não-Agrícolas Sobre a Economia Brasileira Usando um Modelo de Equilíbrio Geral Computável. Foram Simulados os Impactos da Implementação de Cortes Tarifários de Acordo com Diferentes Coeficientes para a Fórmula Suíça. as Simulações Foram Realizadas com o Modelo Gtap e Todos os Choques Tarifários Foram Calculados a Partir de Informações da Base de Dados Macmap. Além de Analisar Resultados Macroeconômicos e Setoriais, Também foi Testada a Sensibilidade dos Resultados em Relação ao Aumento das Elasticidades de Armington e À Ocorrência de uma Simultânea Liberalização de Tarifas Sobre Bens Agrícolas.