614 research outputs found

    The Very Efficient Assessment of Need for Cognition: Developing a Six-Item Version

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    The need for cognition refers to people’s tendency to engage in and enjoy thinking and has become influential across social and medical sciences. Using three samples from the United States and the United Kingdom (N = 1,596), we introduce a six-item short version of the Need for Cognition Scale (NCS-18). First, we reduced the number of items from 18 to 6 based on the items’ discrimination values, threshold levels, measurement precision (item information curve), item–total correlations, and factor loadings. Second, we confirmed the one-factor structure and established measurement invariance across countries and gender. Finally, we demonstrated that while the NCS-6 provides significant time savings, it comes at a minimal cost in terms of its construct validity with external variables such as openness, cognitive reflection test, and need for affect. Overall, our findings indicate that the NCS-6 is a parsimonious, reliable, and valid measure of need for cognition

    Psychometric Evidence of the Short Almost Perfect Scale (SAPS) in Brazil

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    Perfectionism can be understood as a personality trait that establishes excessively high standards for the performance of individuals and ostensibly critical self-evaluations. It is associated with a range of variables, such as anxiety, suicidal tendencies, depression, and low satisfaction with life. The Short Almost Perfect Scale (SAPS) overcame some limitations of previous measures (e.g., ambiguity, nonnecessary factors). In the present research, we provide psychometric evidence of the adequacy of the SAPS in Brazil. The original two-factor structure was replicated. The items showed good discrimination, level of difficulty, and informativeness for the overall measure. The SAPS also presented acceptable reliability levels, full measurement invariance across participants’ gender, and partial invariance across countries (Brazil and the United States). Finally, perfectionism was meaningfully associated with personality traits and human values. In sum, our findings suggest that the SAPS is psychometrically adequate for further use in Brazil

    The 12-Item Mini-DASS: A Concise and Efficient Measure of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress

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    The 21-item Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) is a common instrument for measuring dimensions of emotional distress. In the present research, we tested across five studies (N = 2,096) whether the number of items could be reduced while maintaining high reliability and validity. Specifically, Item Response Theory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis reduced items to 12, which we named Mini-DASS. Our findings revealed the Mini-DASS is as psychometrically robust as the DASS-21. Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis established its invariance across gender and three countries (Brazil, UK, and USA). The Mini-DASS and the DASS-21 demonstrated similar correlation patterns with other well-being measures and the five moral foundations. Notably, we observed negative correlations between depression, anxiety, stress, and the authority and loyalty foundations. In conclusion, the Mini-DASS is a parsimonious, reliable, and valid instrument for measuring depression, anxiety, and stress

    The Food Allergy COPE Inventory: Adaptation and Psychometric Properties

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    Background Food allergy (FA) has been shown to have an adverse impact on food allergy quality of life (FAQL). To more fully understand this impact, correlates and predictors of FAQL must be reliably measured. Coping is one such factor. In the present study (n = 200), we sought to adapt the widely used COPE Inventory and its 15 distinct strategies to food allergy, named FA COPE Inventory. More specifically, we propose a long (60-item) and short (30-item) version of the measure. Methods To examine the robustness of the newly adapted FA COPE Inventory, we tested whether the 15-factor structure of the adapted version would present good psychometrical properties, using gold standard psychometric techniques. We used Confirmatory Factor Analysis to assess model fit, McDonald’s omega, and inter-item correlations to assess reliability, and Pearson’s correlation to assess convergent validity with a generic coping measure and satisfaction with FA life. Results Our results showed a good model fit (e.g., CFI and TLI ≥ .94) for the 15-factor structure of the measure's long and short version. These factors also presented reliability levels aligned with the coping literature. Finally, the majority of the FA-COPE Inventory factors (e.g., acceptance) were significantly associated with the generic coping measure and satisfaction with FA life. Conclusion Both the long and short adapted FA COPE Inventory showed a good fit to food allergy issues. These measures can help facilitate the identification of the most commonly used strategies to deal with FA. Their use can lead to a more in-depth understanding of the impact of the coping strategies and how they can help improve the quality of life of those impacted by the disease

    Mental representations of values and behaviors

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    The present research provides the first direct assessment of the fit of diverse behaviors to putatively related personal and social values from Schwartz’s theory. Across three studies, we examined spatial representations of value-related behaviors that were explicitly derived from people’s mental representations of the values. Participants were asked how similar the behaviors were to each other and various values, and these judgments were used to specify multidimensional scaling solutions. The results indicated that the spatial representation of the behaviors was consistent with the two-dimensional space described in Schwartz’s (1992) model of values, although several deviations occurred. For example, self-enhancement behaviors were widely spread, indicating more variation in the way individuals interpret these behaviors, which are often associated with other value types. This data provides evidence that a range of behaviors can at least partly be reduced to underlying motivations expressed by values, while identifying cases of better or worse fit that can be utilized in future research. Furthermore, our findings indicate that behaviors are often expressed by several values, which might help to explain why value-behavior associations in previous studies were weak. Finally, they illustrate a new approach to learning which behaviors might relate to multiple values

    The dark side of human values: How values are related to bright and dark personality traits.

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    In the present research, we replicate and extend previous findings on the relations between human values and bright\dark traits of personality, using the functional theory of human values (Gouveia, 2013). Specifically, we assessed which dark traits are associated with human values, and whether the dark traits explained variance in values beyond the bright traits (Big Five). While prior research has investigated the relations between the three sets of constructs mainly in Western countries, we tested whether the findings hold in Brazil (N = 819). Although values are defined as positive constructs, several value subfunctions were positively correlated with the dark traits (e.g., excitement values with narcissism), while other relations were negative. Controlling for participants' age and gender, hierarchical regressions further revealed that dark traits explain variance in values beyond bright traits, although overall bright traits were more strongly associated with values than dark traits. Together, our findings replicate previous research. Implications for our understanding of the Dark Triad and cross-cultural research are discussed

    Do Left-Wingers Discriminate? A Cross-Country Study on the Links Between Political Orientation, Values, Moral Foundations, and the Covid-19 Passport

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    To increase Covid-19 vaccine uptake and protect vulnerable people, many countries have introduced a Covid-19 passport in 2021, allowing vaccinated individuals to access indoor facilities more freely and travel to foreign countries. However, the passport has had unintended consequences as it discriminates against those who do not want to get vaccinated for medical, religious, or political reasons, or those who do not have access to vaccines. The present study (N = 678) assessed across Brazil, UK, USA, and a group of other countries, the links between political orientation, human values, and moral foundations, and attitudes towards the Covid-19 passport and whether people perceive it as a discriminatory measure. Results showed that left-wingers, typically more inclined to recognize discrimination, favor the passport more and perceive it as less discriminatory than right-wingers. This pattern remains consistent even after controlling for human values and moral foundations, independently predicting attitudes towards the passport. Overall, our findings provide novel insights into a context in which left-wingers support measures that involuntarily discriminate against certain groups

    Who Prioritizes the Economy over Health? The Role of Political Orientation and Human Values

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    One of the main challenges governments faced during the Covid-19 pandemic was to balance economic considerations with protecting the health of people (i.e., economic vs humanitarian motives). In the present study (N= 296), we investigated whether human values, political orientation, and fear of Covid-19 predicted economic and humanitarian motives. We found that people holding self-enhancement and normative values, had lower levels of Covid-19 fear, and were more right-leaning in terms of their political orientation, tended to prioritize the economy. In contrast, people valuing normative values less, interactive values more, reported higher levels of Covid-19 related fear, and were more left-leaning, tended to prioritize the health of people. Importantly, values explained variance above and beyond political orientation and fear of Covid-19. Together, our findings highlight the importance of values in decision making

    Psychometric parameters of an abbreviated vengeance scale across two countries

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    We propose a short and ultrashort version of the Vengeance Scale (Stuckless & Goranson, 1992). Across three samples, good psychometric properties and convergent validity for the new scales were found. Study 1 found in a Brazilian sample that the original 20 items can be reduced to both a 10 and 5 item version (VS-10 and VS-5), without losing psychometric quality. In Study 2, the one-factorial structure was confirmed in a Brazilian and a British sample. Also, (partial) measurement invariance was established across gender and countries for the VS-10, but not for the VS-5. Across both samples, the short-versions correlated as expected with the Big-5, Big-6, and Dark Triad. Overall, the 10- and 5-item versions of the vengeance scale exhibited comparable reliabilities and validities to the full version

    The Efficient Assessment of Self-Esteem: Proposing the Brief Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

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    Self-esteem is defined as sense of self-worth and self-respect, being crucial for understanding people’s well-being and success. It is one of the most studied constructs in the social sciences, with the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) being the most used measure. Across four studies (N= 1450), we tested the psychometric parameters of an abbreviated version of the RSES. Through Item Response Theory, the five best items were selected to form the unidimensional Brief Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (B-RSES),a reliable and valid measure of self-esteem, which is invariant across age groups and gender. In addition, both RSES and B-RSES correlated very similarly with the Big Five Personality Factors. Also, the B-RSES was strongly correlated with three other short measures of self-esteem, besides being more strongly associated with a range of variables such as conscientiousness and self-competence in comparison to the other three short scales. Together, the B-RSES is especially useful in research that requires rapid evaluation and the use of multiple variables
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