25 research outputs found

    Fiscal Policy and its role in ensuring economic stability

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    The State, irrespective of its institutional nature and contents throughout history, has been the most important answer or, better said, the best-structured solution of society members to the issues of their world’s complexity. Processes such as globalization and integration, individuals’ increasing reliance upon technology, limited vital resources in order to ensure normal life, social polarization growth, poverty augmentation, migrating flows, occurrence of diseases that can rapidly spread at world level – all the above increase the complexity of our world and make the State’s economic involvement compulsory. In this respect, an important role is held by the fiscal system, originally created to meet strictly financial goals of the State but subsequently enriched by various economic and social objectives due to the development of human society. Fiscality can be viewed as a prerequisite to compensate gaps and for a genuine European policy of economic growth. The impact of fiscality upon society members in every economy is significant, with tax payers’ acceptance or refusal having a major effect upon the State’s intervention by typical means in the entire activity of a society. The paper suggests a analysis of fiscality in Romania. Romania suffers from the lack of ”self-image” and the factors generating it are also to be found in the present paper.Fiscality, fiscal policy, economic stability


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    Interest is growing among IT executives in the benefits offered by relatively new developments in the business integration arena such as service oriented architectures (SOA). By improving communication and integration between IT systems regardless of theBusiness integration , Service Oriented Architectures, Electronic Data Interchange, Enterprise Service Bus.

    Romania's public debts and their consequences upon the economy

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    In June 2009, Romania’s public debts rose by 12.6% more than late last year, that is up to 123.61 billion Lei (29.4 billion Euros), meaning 23.27% of the gross domestic product originally estimated for this year. Foreign loans are not a new phenomenon. Yet, in the current economic context, it is the consequences which might occur that bother most of us as a result of the (significant) increase of public debts. Concluding a loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund is « necessary evil » because it has both advantages and disadvantages. This paper aims at analyzing aspects regarding the benefits, direct and indirect costs, and social effects of such a loan.public debts, elbows, benefits, economy

    Fiscal Policy and its role in ensuring economic stability

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    The State, irrespective of its institutional nature and contents throughout history, has been the most important answer or, better said, the best-structured solution of society members to the issues of their world’s complexity. Processes such as globalization and integration, individuals’ increasing reliance upon technology, limited vital resources in order to ensure normal life, social polarization growth, poverty augmentation, migrating flows, occurrence of diseases that can rapidly spread at world level – all the above increase the complexity of our world and make the State’s economic involvement compulsory. In this respect, an important role is held by the fiscal system, originally created to meet strictly financial goals of the State but subsequently enriched by various economic and social objectives due to the development of human society. Fiscality can be viewed as a prerequisite to compensate gaps and for a genuine European policy of economic growth. The impact of fiscality upon society members in every economy is significant, with tax payers’ acceptance or refusal having a major effect upon the State’s intervention by typical means in the entire activity of a society. The paper suggests a analysis of fiscality in Romania. Romania suffers from the lack of ”self-image” and the factors generating it are also to be found in the present paper

    Study Regarding the Importance of Water Intake in The Treatment of Bladder Lithiasis

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    Urolithiasis represents the formation of mineral, organic or inorganic deposits in the kidneys, pelvis or bladder. Lithiasis can be formed at any level of the urinary tract (upper and lower) as a result of a dysmetabolism, urinary obstruction (anatomical or pathological) or an infection (cause or effect). The study approaches in all its complexity the urinary lithiasis, in felines and humans, comparing the etiopathogenetic induced context and the consequent therapeutic approaches, in veterinary medicine, following the protocols recommended and applied in human medicine. Lithiasis elements with urinary localization due to their irritative and/or obstructive effects constitute a challenge in the non-surgical treatment of such uro-nephrological disorders, with an appreciable incidence in the pathology of the urinary tract in pets, especially in felines, dissolution and/or lithotripsy allowing the treatment of such disorders (especially involving the lower urinary tract)

    Knowledge-based organizations – the intelligent players of informational society

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    Information, the third manifestation form of Fundamental Existence, has become the most valuable treasure of mankind. The Japanese once said that the happy masters of information in early 21st century are going to be the masters of the world, too. The sign of power is not going to be rendered by man-controlled energies, no matter their power or their effects, gold and other material values under any form, but information. The informational society that mankind irreversibly belongs to is defined as a society of knowledge and of organizations at the same time (Drucker, 1992). Organizations’ adaptability to future economy’s requirements depends on the development of a new management type focused on the values of knowledge and scientific creation. Thus, knowledge-based organizations are the collective intelligent players of informational society and play a major role in its becoming a knowledge society, a part of modern reality

    Knowledge-based organizations – the intelligent players of informational society

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    Information, the third manifestation form of Fundamental Existence, has become the most valuable treasure of mankind. The Japanese once said that the happy masters of information in early 21st century are going to be the masters of the world, too. The sign of power is not going to be rendered by man-controlled energies, no matter their power or their effects, gold and other material values under any form, but information. The informational society that mankind irreversibly belongs to is defined as a society of knowledge and of organizations at the same time (Drucker, 1992). Organizations’ adaptability to future economy’s requirements depends on the development of a new management type focused on the values of knowledge and scientific creation. Thus, knowledge-based organizations are the collective intelligent players of informational society and play a major role in its becoming a knowledge society, a part of modern reality

    Romania's public debts and their consequences upon the economy

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    In June 2009, Romania’s public debts rose by 12.6% more than late last year, that is up to 123.61 billion Lei (29.4 billion Euros), meaning 23.27% of the gross domestic product originally estimated for this year. Foreign loans are not a new phenomenon. Yet, in the current economic context, it is the consequences which might occur that bother most of us as a result of the (significant) increase of public debts. Concluding a loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund is « necessary evil » because it has both advantages and disadvantages. This paper aims at analyzing aspects regarding the benefits, direct and indirect costs, and social effects of such a loan

    Romania's public debts and their consequences upon the economy

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    In June 2009, Romania’s public debts rose by 12.6% more than late last year, that is up to 123.61 billion Lei (29.4 billion Euros), meaning 23.27% of the gross domestic product originally estimated for this year. Foreign loans are not a new phenomenon. Yet, in the current economic context, it is the consequences which might occur that bother most of us as a result of the (significant) increase of public debts. Concluding a loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund is « necessary evil » because it has both advantages and disadvantages. This paper aims at analyzing aspects regarding the benefits, direct and indirect costs, and social effects of such a loan

    Роль ВПЧ скрининга в современном менеджменте предраковой и раковой патологий шейки матки

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Background: Cervical cancer affects about 500.000 women each year, having serious repercussions upon the public health, as half of the primary diagnosed cases are lethal. The statistics show that 91% of women survive at least for 5 years after the diagnosis is established, assuming that it is a early stage. Great progress in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer has been obtained since the cytological screening, HPV genotipation and anti-HPV vaccination have been discovered, as the lethality dropped by 80%. But in spite of this fact, it is important to keep in mind that the Pap-test has its clinical limitations, as about 1/3 of the precancerous lesions remain underdiagnosed. Recently, the studies performed for the US Cancer prevention Center showed that the HPV testing has a greater sensitivity in detecting ≥CIN2 and ≥CIN3 lesions versus the pap-smear. The HPV testing offers the possibility to quantify the risk, the sensitivity Cobas® HPV Test being with about 35,7% higher and reaching about 100%. In our study, only 1 of 10 women with positive HPV 16, 18 had precancerous cervical modifications and normal cytological results. The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of the HPV testing in the contemporary screening and management of the precancerous and cancerous cervical modifications. Materials and methods: The study was based on the data of 270 women of 18-60 years of age. Their Pap-smear and HPV-AND tests were performed in the Synevo-Laboratory. Based on this results the women were redirected for colposcopy and onco-gynecological consultations, including biopsy and treatment. Results and conclusions: 1. The screening performed using the Cobas® HPV Test revealed that 1/3 of the 270 women included in the study were infected with oncogenic HPV types, with ACES vs NILM in a 4 to 1 correlation. 2. 40% of the women were diagnosed with precancerous and cancerous uterine cervix pathologies, they were redirected for colposcopy, biopsy and histology. 3. In our study the Cobas® HPV test showed a 100% sensibility and a 92,86% specificity. 4. The study showed that the major group of risk for developing ACES were women aged over 30, administering oral contraceptives over 2-3 years and infected with HPV 16,18 types, fact that proves the need to vaccinate young women against HPV.Справочная информация: Рак шейки матки затрагивает около 500.000 женщин каждый год, сильно влияя на индикаторы здоровья населения, так как половина первично диагностированных случаев имеют летальный исход. Статистика показывает, что выживаемость достигает 5 лет и более при условии, что диагностика происходит в ранних стадиях. Огромный прогресс был достигнут в плане скрининга, диагностики и лечения рака шейки матки с тех пор как цитологический скрининг, определения генотипа и ВПЧ вакцинация были введены, смертность упала на около 80%. Несмотря на это, важно помнить что у Пап-теста есть свои клинические недостатки, 1/3 предраковых изменений остается в тени. Недавно, исследования проведенные для Американского Центра Предотвращение Рака показали что ВПЧ тестирование имеет большую чувствительность в диагностики поражении ≥CIN2 и ≥CIN3, в сравнений с обыкновенной цитологией. ВПЧ тестирование позволяет измерить риск этих поражений, а чувствительность Cobas® ВПЧ Теста больше на 35,7%, достигая почти 100%. В нашем исследовании только у 1 из 10 женщин с положительными результатами на ВПЧ 16,18 имели предраковые модификаций и нормальную цитологию. Целью нашего исследования было оценить роли ВПЧ скрининга в современном менеджменте предраковой и раковой патологий шейки матки. Материалы и методы: исследование основано на данных 270 женщин в возрасте от 16 до 60 лет, которые сдали Пап-тест и ВПЧ-ДНК в лабораторий Синево. Основываясь на результатах, женщины были перенаправлены на онко-гинекологические консультации, включая биопсию и лечение. Результаты и выводы: 1. Скрининг пациенток применяя Cobas® ВПЧ-Тест показал что 1/3 из 270 женщин включенные в исследования были ВПЧ 16,18 положительными, с соотношением ACES и NILM 4:1. 2. У 40% женщин были диагностированы предраковые и раковые изменения шейки, они были перенаправлены на кольпоскопию, биопсию и гистологию. 3. В нашем исследований Cobas® ВПЧ тест показал 100% чувствительность и 92,86% специфичности. 4. Исследование показало, что в группу риска к развитию ACES вошли женщины старше 30 лет, принимающие оральные контрацептивы больше 2-3 лет зараженные ВПЧ 16,18, то что доказывает необходимость вакцинации молодых женщин