13 research outputs found

    Selection of shrimp breeders free of white spot syndrome and infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis

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    The objective of this work was to select surviving breeders of Litopenaeus vannamei from white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) outbreak, adapted to local climatic conditions and negatively diagnosed for WSSV and infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV), and to evaluate if this strategy is a viable alternative for production in Santa Catarina, Brazil. A total of 800 males and 800 females were phenotypically selected in a farm pond. Nested-PCR analyses of 487 sexually mature females and 231 sexually mature males showed that 63% of the females and 55% of the males were infected with IHHNV. Animals free of IHHNV were tested for WSSV, and those considered double negative were used for breeding. The post-larvae produced were stocked in nine nursery tanks for analysis. From the 45 samples, with 50 post-larvae each, only two were positive for IHHNV and none for WSSV. Batches of larvae diagnosed free of virus by nested-PCR were sent to six farms. A comparative analysis was carried out in growth ponds, between local post-larvae and post-larvae from Northeast Brazil. Crabs (Chasmagnathus granulata), blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), and sea hares (Aplysia brasiliana), which are possible vectors of these viruses, were also evaluated. The mean survival was 55% for local post-larvae against 23.4% for post-larvae from the Northeast. Sea hares showed prevalence of 50% and crabs of 67% of WSSV

    Simulação do rendimento de grãos de arroz irrigado em cenários de mudanças climáticas

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi simular o rendimento de grãos de arroz em cenários de mudanças climáticas com aumento da atual concentração de CO2 na atmosfera e da temperatura média do ar em Santa Maria, RS, e verificar as implicações nas recomendações de época de semeadura. Foram utilizados cenários de mudanças climáticas, para os próximos 100 anos, com o dobro da quantidade de CO2 e com aumentos de temperatura do ar de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5°C. O rendimento de grãos da cultura do arroz foi simulado com o modelo InfoCrop. As simulações foram realizadas para três cultivares de arroz (IRGA 421, IRGA 417 e EPAGRI 109) em sete datas de semeadura, com intervalos mensais, de 20 de julho até 20 de janeiro. Um aumento no rendimento de grãos de arroz irrigado foi observado nos cenários de mudanças climáticas simulado para as três cultivares, com maior incremento na muito precoce (IRGA 421) e menor na de ciclo longo (EPAGRI 109). Se as mudanças climáticas se confirmarem, o período de semeadura recomendado atualmente para cultivares de arroz irrigado deverá ser ampliado

    Contrast-Enhanced 64-Slice Computed Tomography in Detection and Evaluation of Anomalous Coronary Arteries

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