8 research outputs found


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    Early Holocene hunter-gatherer settlements are spread throughout Italy and testify to the exploitation of very different landscapes. Nonetheless, their preservation state is not always exceptional. This is not the case for Contrada Pace, an archaeological site recently discovered on a terrace of the Chienti river in central-eastern Italy. This paper reports on the geomorphological, pedo-stratigraphic, and archaeological record of one of the most complete and well-preserved Early Mesolithic open-air sites in Italy and southern Europe. Micro-stratigraphic excavations extended over more than 500 square meters have exposed a buried paleosol with anthropogenic features, which contained thousand lithic artefacts and organic remains framed in the context of a primary forest. These findings appear clustered in different functional areas that yielded multiple structured features. The field evidence integrated by radiocarbon dating and archaeobotanical, archaeomalacological and zooarchaeological data allowed to propose a first interpretation of the general structure of the site and the most significant featuresThe archaeological excavation of the site was carried out by ArcheoLAB (Macerata, Italy) in the framework of construction activities promoted by the Province of Macerata and the Municipality of Tolentino. DV has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement number: 886476 - LiMPH - H2020-MSCA-IF-2019). The archaeobotanical study and 14C dates were funded by the European Research Council (ERC) as part of the Research and Innovation program of the European Community Horizon 2020 (HIDDEN FOODS no.639286 to EC)

    Potentialities of the virtual analysis of lithic refitting: case studies from Middle and Upper Palaeolithic

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    The knapping methods used between Middle and Upper Paleolithic show a progressive technical refinement that usually implies, for blade technology, a higher conceptual level related to greater productive effectiveness and capacity of adaptation. The analysis of multiple refittings, providing direct information on core reduction modalities, can be useful in order to clarify these aspects, especially when the findings are framed in their respective finding contexts. In addition, the virtual analysis of multiple refittings can expand considerably the information baggage of these tools in order to infer information on the volumetric structuration of the reduction, the sequences productivity and the analysis of the missing products (voids) within the refittings. All this allows to overcome the physical limitations typical of multiple refittings, making possible the full exploitation of their potentials. The two examined case studies, coming from different contexts of northern Italian Paleolithic, allow to deepen the theoretical concepts and practical applications of discoid and laminar volumetric reduction, characterized by different technical and behavioral implications. The three-dimensional approach made possible to identify and reconstruct actions, expedients, objectives of the sequences and the formation dynamics of finding contexts, highlighting technological behaviors directly related to the site's function and the occupation length. Finally, a different degree of dependence on strictly ecological factors has been recognized for laminar and discoid technologies

    Il Musteriano delle unità A10 e A11 a Grotta di Fumane (VR). Risultati delle campagne di scavo 2014 e 2016.

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    Results produced from the last three archaeological campaigns at Fumane Cave are here presented. The campaigns have been devoted to the excavation of units A11 and A10 lying at the base of the Mousterian Macro-unit A with an estimated age of >48 ka cal BP (Peresani, 2012; López-García et alii, 2015). The excavation took place in the eastern part of the cave entrance with a combined total area of 6 m2: this allowed unearthing a sequence of thin subunits rich in archaeological findings. Several combustion structures were revealed throughout the explored stratigraphic sequence. Faunal remains provide evidence of human exploitation and an overall similarity with the overlying unit A9 (Cassoli, Tagliacozzo, 1991; Romandini et alii, 2014). By contrast, the lithic industry is markedly different showing the prevalence of the Levallois method, mainly the unipolar modality producing elongated blanks, over the Discoid method which is only attested in the higher part unit A10 (Gennai, 2017). The important results achieved reveal the significance of units A10 and A11 for defining Late Neanderthals behaviour in the Central Mediterranean area and stimulate further investigations

    Il Musteriano delle unità A10 e A11 a Grotta di Fumane (VR). Risultati delle campagne di scavo 2014 e 2016

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    Results produced from 2014 and 2016 archaeological campaigns at Fumane Cave are here presented. The campaigns have been devoted to the excavation of contexts A11 and A10, lying at the base of the Macro-unit A Mousterian sequence with an estimated date of >48 ka cal BP. The excavation took place in the eastern part of the cave entrance with a combined total area of 6 m2: this allowed discovering a sequence of thin subunits rich in archaeological findings. Several structures of combustion had been revealed throughout the whole stratigraphic sequence. Faunal remains provide evidence of human exploitation and an overall similarity with the overlied unit A9. On the contrary, the lithic industry is markedly different showing the prevalence of Levallois method, mainly the unipolar modality producing elongated blanks, over the Discoid method which appears only in the higher part of the A10 sequence. The important results achieved reveal the significance of units A10 and A11 in defining Late Neanderthals behaviour in the Central Mediterranean area and stimulate further investigations

    Human settlement and vegetation-climate relationships in the Greenland Stadial 5 at the Piovesello site (Northern Apennines, Italy)

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    The Gravettian settlements of Europe are considered as an expression of human adaptation to harsh climates. In Southern Europe, however, favorable vegetation-climate conditions supported hunters-gatherer subsistence and the maintenance of their large-scale networks. This was also the case of the North-Adriatic plain and the Apennine mountain ridge in Italy. Traditionally considered lacking evidence, the northern part of the Apennine ridge has recently yielded the Early Gravettian site of Piovesello, located at 870 m a.s.l. Survey and excavation revealed lithic artifacts in primary position embedded in loamy sediments. Radiocarbon dating, anthracological and extended palynological and microcharcoal analyses have been integrated to reconstruct the palaeoecological context of this camp which was probably positioned above the timberline in an arid rocky landscape, bounding the fronts of local glaciers close to their maximum expansion at the time of Greenland Stadial (GS) 5 (32.04 - 28.9 ka cal BP). Human activity left ephemeral traces represented by lithic artefacts, charcoal, and the introduction of radiolarites from sources in proximity to the site and of chert from very far western sources. Evidence from Piovesello contributes to the reconstruction of human and vegetation ecology during Late Pleistocene glaciations and also provides hints for the historical biogeography of petrophytic plants and their orographic relics in the northern Apennine