36 research outputs found

    Effects of fatiguing constant versus alternating intensity intermittent isometric muscle actions on maximal torque and neuromuscular responses

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    Objective: To determine the effects of constant versus alternating applications of torque during fatiguing, intermittent isometric muscle actions of the leg extensors on maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) torque and neuromuscular responses. Methods: Sixteen subjects performed two protocols, each consisting of 50 intermittent isometric muscle actions of the leg extensors with equal average load at a constant 60% MVIC or alternating 40 then 80% (40/80%) MVIC with a work-to-rest ratio of 6-s on and 2-s off. MVIC torque as well as electromyographic signals from the vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), and rectus femoris (RF) and mechanomyographic signals from the VL were recorded pretest, immediately posttest, and 5-min posttest. Results: The results indicated that there were no time-related differences between the 60% MVIC and 40/80% MVIC protocols. The MVIC torque decreased posttest (22 to 26%) and remained depressed 5-min posttest (9%). There were decreases in electromyographic frequency (14 to 19%) and mechanomyographic frequency (23 to 24%) posttest that returned to pretest levels 5-min posttest. There were no changes in electromyographic amplitude and mechanomyogrpahic amplitude. Conclusions: These findings suggested that these neuromuscular parameters did not track the fatigue-induced changes in MVIC torque after 5-min of recovery

    Effects of fatiguing constant versus alternating intensity intermittent isometric muscle actions on maximal torque and neuromuscular responses

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    Objective: To determine the effects of constant versus alternating applications of torque during fatiguing, intermittent isometric muscle actions of the leg extensors on maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) torque and neuromuscular responses. Methods: Sixteen subjects performed two protocols, each consisting of 50 intermittent isometric muscle actions of the leg extensors with equal average load at a constant 60% MVIC or alternating 40 then 80% (40/80%) MVIC with a work-to-rest ratio of 6-s on and 2-s off. MVIC torque as well as electromyographic signals from the vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), and rectus femoris (RF) and mechanomyographic signals from the VL were recorded pretest, immediately posttest, and 5-min posttest. Results: The results indicated that there were no time-related differences between the 60% MVIC and 40/80% MVIC protocols. The MVIC torque decreased posttest (22 to 26%) and remained depressed 5-min posttest (9%). There were decreases in electromyographic frequency (14 to 19%) and mechanomyographic frequency (23 to 24%) posttest that returned to pretest levels 5-min posttest. There were no changes in electromyographic amplitude and mechanomyogrpahic amplitude. Conclusions: These findings suggested that these neuromuscular parameters did not track the fatigue-induced changes in MVIC torque after 5-min of recovery

    Effect of sex on torque, recovery, EMG, and MMG responses to fatigue

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    The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the effect of sex on maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) torque and the EMG and MMG responses as a result of fatiguing, intermittent, submaximal (65% of MVIC), isometric elbow flexion muscle contractions. Methods: Eighteen men and women performed MVIC trials before (pretest), after (posttest), and 5-min after (5-min recovery) performing 50 intermittent, submaximal isometric muscle contractions. Surface electromyographic (EMG) and mechanomyographic (MMG) signals were simultaneously recorded from the biceps brachii muscle. Results: As a result of the fatiguing workbout torque decreased similarly from pretest to posttest for both the men (24.0%) and women (23.3%). After 5-min of recovery, torque had partially recovered for the men, while torque had returned to pretest levels for the women. For both sexes, from pretest to posttest EMG mean power frequency and MMG amplitude decreased, but returned to pretest levels after 5-min of recovery. Conclusions: In the present study, there were sex-related differences in muscle fatigue that were not associated with the EMG or MMG responses

    Effect of sex on torque, recovery, EMG, and MMG responses to fatigue

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    The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the effect of sex on maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) torque and the EMG and MMG responses as a result of fatiguing, intermittent, submaximal (65% of MVIC), isometric elbow flexion muscle contractions. Methods: Eighteen men and women performed MVIC trials before (pretest), after (posttest), and 5-min after (5-min recovery) performing 50 intermittent, submaximal isometric muscle contractions. Surface electromyographic (EMG) and mechanomyographic (MMG) signals were simultaneously recorded from the biceps brachii muscle. Results: As a result of the fatiguing workbout torque decreased similarly from pretest to posttest for both the men (24.0%) and women (23.3%). After 5-min of recovery, torque had partially recovered for the men, while torque had returned to pretest levels for the women. For both sexes, from pretest to posttest EMG mean power frequency and MMG amplitude decreased, but returned to pretest levels after 5-min of recovery. Conclusions: In the present study, there were sex-related differences in muscle fatigue that were not associated with the EMG or MMG responses

    Physiological Responses Underlying the Perception of Effort during Moderate and Heavy Intensity Cycle Ergometry

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    This study examined patterns of responses for physiological and perceptual variables during cycle ergometry at a constant rate of perceived exertion (RPE) within the moderate and heavy exercise intensity domains. Nineteen (mean age 21.3 ± 0.5 years; 43.4 ± 2.0 mL·kg−1·min−1 VO2Peak) moderately trained cyclists performed an incremental test to exhaustion and two 60 min constant RPE rides at the RPE corresponding to the gas exchange threshold (RPEGET) and 15% above the GET (RPEGET+15%). Oxygen consumption (VO2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), heart rate (HR), minute ventilation (VE), breathing frequency (FB), and power output (PO) were monitored throughout the rides. Polynomial regression analyses showed VO2, RER, HR, and VE (correlation = −0.85 to −0.98) tracked the decreases in PO required to maintain a constant RPE. Only FB tracked RPE during the moderate and heavy intensity rides. Repeated measures ANOVAs indicated that VO2 during the 60 min rides at RPEGET was not different (p \u3e 0.05) from VO2 at GET from the incremental test to exhaustion. Thus, monitoring intensity using an RPE associated with the GET is sustainable for up to 60 min of cycling exercise and a common mechanism may mediate FB and the perception of effort during moderate and heavy intensity cycle ergometry

    Physiological Responses Underlying the Perception of Effort during Moderate and Heavy Intensity Cycle Ergometry

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    This study examined patterns of responses for physiological and perceptual variables during cycle ergometry at a constant rate of perceived exertion (RPE) within the moderate and heavy exercise intensity domains. Nineteen (mean age 21.3 ± 0.5 years; 43.4 ± 2.0 mL·kg−1·min−1 VO2Peak) moderately trained cyclists performed an incremental test to exhaustion and two 60 min constant RPE rides at the RPE corresponding to the gas exchange threshold (RPEGET) and 15% above the GET (RPEGET+15%). Oxygen consumption (VO2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), heart rate (HR), minute ventilation (VE), breathing frequency (FB), and power output (PO) were monitored throughout the rides. Polynomial regression analyses showed VO2, RER, HR, and VE (correlation = −0.85 to −0.98) tracked the decreases in PO required to maintain a constant RPE. Only FB tracked RPE during the moderate and heavy intensity rides. Repeated measures ANOVAs indicated that VO2 during the 60 min rides at RPEGET was not different (p \u3e 0.05) from VO2 at GET from the incremental test to exhaustion. Thus, monitoring intensity using an RPE associated with the GET is sustainable for up to 60 min of cycling exercise and a common mechanism may mediate FB and the perception of effort during moderate and heavy intensity cycle ergometry

    Individual Responses for Muscle Activation, Repetitions, and Volume during Three Sets to Failure of High- (80% 1RM) \u3ci\u3eversus\u3c/i\u3e Low-Load (30% 1RM) Forearm Flexion Resistance Exercise

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    This study compared electromyographic (EMG) amplitude, the number of repetitions completed, and exercise volume during three sets to failure of high- (80% 1RM) versus low-load (30% 1RM) forearm flexion resistance exercise on a subject-by-subject basis. Fifteen men were familiarized, completed forearm flexion 1RM testing. Forty-eight to 72 h later, the subjects completed three sets to failure of dumbbell forearm flexion resistance exercise with 80% (n = 8) or 30% (n = 7) 1RM. EMG amplitude was calculated for every repetition, and the number of repetitions performed and exercise volume were recorded. During sets 1, 2, and 3, one of eight subjects in the 80% 1RM group demonstrated a significant linear relationship for EMG amplitude versus repetition. For the 30% 1RM group, seven, five, and four of seven subjects demonstrated significant linear relationships during sets 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The mean EMG amplitude responses show that the fatigue-induced increases in EMG amplitude for the 30% 1RM group and no change in EMG amplitude for the 80% 1RM group resulted in similar levels of muscle activation in both groups. The numbers of repetitions completed were comparatively greater, while exercise volumes were similar in the 30% versus 80% 1RM group. Our results, in conjunction with those of previous studies in the leg extensors, suggest that there may be muscle specific differences in the responses to high- versus low-load exercise

    Individual Responses for Muscle Activation, Repetitions, and Volume during Three Sets to Failure of High- (80% 1RM) \u3cem\u3eversus\u3c/em\u3e Low-Load (30% 1RM) Forearm Flexion Resistance Exercise

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    This study compared electromyographic (EMG) amplitude, the number of repetitions completed, and exercise volume during three sets to failure of high- (80% 1RM) versus low-load (30% 1RM) forearm flexion resistance exercise on a subject-by-subject basis. Fifteen men were familiarized, completed forearm flexion 1RM testing. Forty-eight to 72 h later, the subjects completed three sets to failure of dumbbell forearm flexion resistance exercise with 80% (n = 8) or 30% (n = 7) 1RM. EMG amplitude was calculated for every repetition, and the number of repetitions performed and exercise volume were recorded. During sets 1, 2, and 3, one of eight subjects in the 80% 1RM group demonstrated a significant linear relationship for EMG amplitude versus repetition. For the 30% 1RM group, seven, five, and four of seven subjects demonstrated significant linear relationships during sets 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The mean EMG amplitude responses show that the fatigue-induced increases in EMG amplitude for the 30% 1RM group and no change in EMG amplitude for the 80% 1RM group resulted in similar levels of muscle activation in both groups. The numbers of repetitions completed were comparatively greater, while exercise volumes were similar in the 30% versus 80% 1RM group. Our results, in conjunction with those of previous studies in the leg extensors, suggest that there may be muscle specific differences in the responses to high- versus low-load exercise

    Four weeks of high- versus low-load resistance training to failure on the rate of torque development, electromechanical delay, and contractile twitch properties

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 4-weeks of high- versus low-load resistance training to failure on rate of torque development (RTD), electromechanical delay (EMD), and contractile twitch characteristics. Fifteen men (mean±SD; age=21.7±2.4 yrs) were randomly assigned to either a high- (80% 1RM; n=7) or low-load (30% 1RM; n=8) training group and completed elbow flexion resistance training to failure 3 times per week for 4 weeks. The participants were tested at baseline, 2-, and 4-weeks of training. Peak RTD (pRTDV) and RTD at 0-30 (RTD30V), 0-50 (RTD50V), 0-100 (RTD100V), and 0-200 (RTD200V) ms, integrated EMG amplitude (iEMG) at 0-30, 0-50, and 0-100 ms, and EMD were quantified during maximal voluntary isometric muscle actions. Peak twitch torque, peak RTD, time to peak twitch, 1/2 relaxation time and the peak relaxation rate were quantified during evoked twitches. Four weeks of high-load, but not low-load resistance training, increased RTD200V. There were also increases in iEMG during the first 30 ms of muscle activation for the high- and low-load groups, which may have indirectly indicated increases in early phase motor unit recruitment and/or firing frequency. There were no significant training-induced adaptations in EMD or contractile twitch properties

    Four weeks of high- versus low-load resistance training to failure on the rate of torque development, electromechanical delay, and contractile twitch properties

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 4-weeks of high- versus low-load resistance training to failure on rate of torque development (RTD), electromechanical delay (EMD), and contractile twitch characteristics. Fifteen men (mean±SD; age=21.7±2.4 yrs) were randomly assigned to either a high- (80% 1RM; n=7) or low-load (30% 1RM; n=8) training group and completed elbow flexion resistance training to failure 3 times per week for 4 weeks. The participants were tested at baseline, 2-, and 4-weeks of training. Peak RTD (pRTDV) and RTD at 0-30 (RTD30V), 0-50 (RTD50V), 0-100 (RTD100V), and 0-200 (RTD200V) ms, integrated EMG amplitude (iEMG) at 0-30, 0-50, and 0-100 ms, and EMD were quantified during maximal voluntary isometric muscle actions. Peak twitch torque, peak RTD, time to peak twitch, 1/2 relaxation time and the peak relaxation rate were quantified during evoked twitches. Four weeks of high-load, but not low-load resistance training, increased RTD200V. There were also increases in iEMG during the first 30 ms of muscle activation for the high- and low-load groups, which may have indirectly indicated increases in early phase motor unit recruitment and/or firing frequency. There were no significant training-induced adaptations in EMD or contractile twitch properties