3,794 research outputs found

    Classification supervisée multi-étiquette en actes de dialogue: analyse discriminante et transformations de Schoenberg

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    Abstract This work studies the multi-label classification of turns in simple English Wikipedia talk pages into dialog acts. The treated dataset was created and multi-labeled by (Ferschke et al., 2012). The first part analyses dependences between labels, in order to examine the annotation coherence and to determine a classification method. Then, a multi-label classification is computed, after transforming the problem into binary relevance. Regarding features, whereas (Ferschke et al., 2012) use features such as uni-, bi-, and trigrams, time distance between turns or the indentation level of the turn, other features are considered here: lemmas, part-of-speech tags and the meaning of verbs (according to WordNet). The dataset authors applied approaches such as Naive Bayes or Support Vector Machines. The present paper proposes, as an alternative, to use Schoenberg transformations which, following the example of kernel methods, transform original Euclidean distances into other Euclidean distances, in a space of high dimensionality. Résumé Ce travail étudie la classification supervisée multi-étiquette en actes de dialogue des tours de parole des contributeurs aux pages de discussion de Simple English Wikipedia (Wikipédia en anglais simple). Le jeu de données considéré a été créé et multi-étiqueté par (Ferschke et al., 2012). Une première partie analyse les relations entre les étiquettes pour examiner la cohérence des annotations et pour déterminer une méthode de classification. Ensuite, une classification supervisée multi-étiquette est effectuée, après recodage binaire des étiquettes. Concernant les variables, alors que (Ferschke et al., 2012) utilisent des caractéristiques telles que les uni-, bi- et trigrammes, le temps entre les tours de parole ou l'indentation d'un tour de parole, d'autres descripteurs sont considérés ici : les lemmes, les catégories morphosyntaxiques et le sens des verbes (selon WordNet). Les auteurs du jeu de données ont employé des approches telles que le Naive Bayes ou les Séparateurs à Vastes Marges (SVM) pour la classification. Cet article propose, de façon alternative, d'utiliser et d'étendre l'analyse discriminante linéaire aux transformations de Schoenberg qui, à l'instar des méthodes à noyau, transforment les distances euclidiennes originales en d'autres distances euclidiennes, dans un espace de haute dimensionnalité

    VGF changes during the estrous cycle: a novel endocrine role for TLQP peptides?

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    Although the VGF derived peptide TLQP-21 stimulates gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and gonadotropin secretion, available data on VGF peptides and reproduction are limited. We used antibodies specific for the two ends of the VGF precursor, and for two VGF derived peptides namely TLQP and PGH, to be used in immunohistochemistry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay complemented with gel chromatography. In cycling female rats, VGF C-/N-terminus and PGH peptide antibodies selectively labelled neurones containing either GnRH, or kisspeptin (VGF N-terminus only), pituitary gonadotrophs and lactotrophs, or oocytes (PGH peptides only). Conversely, TLQP peptides were restricted to somatostatin neurones, gonadotrophs, and ovarian granulosa, interstitial and theca cells. TLQP levels were highest, especially in plasma and ovary, with several molecular forms shown in chromatography including one compatible with TLQP-21. Among the cycle phases, TLQP levels were higher during metestrus-diestrus in median eminence and pituitary, while increased in the ovary and decreased in plasma during proestrus. VGF N- and C-terminus peptides also showed modulations over the estrous cycle, in median eminence, pituitary and plasma, while PGH peptides did not. In ovariectomised rats, plasmatic TLQP peptide levels showed distinct reduction suggestive of a major origin from the ovary, while the estrogen-progesterone treatment modulated VGF C-terminus and TLQP peptides in the hypothalamus-pituitary complex. In in vitro hypothalamus, TLQP-21 stimulated release of growth hormone releasing hormone but not of somatostatin. In conclusion, various VGF peptides may regulate the hypothalamus-pituitary complex via specific neuroendocrine mechanisms while TLQP peptides may act at further, multiple levels via endocrine mechanisms involving the ovary


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    The adoption of sustainability principles in current European regulatory framework which affect spatial planning and environmental protection, such as Directive 2001/42/C, introduced the need for collaboration and participation in spatial planning practices aiming at achieving more evidence-based, transparent and democratic decision making. However, the involvement of a wide range of actors, along with traditional collaborative and participatory methods, makes it often diffi cult to grasp the dynamics which drive the process towards the fi nal decision. Emerging design methodologies and increased recourse to advanced information technologies promise unprecedented opportunities not only for applying a system approach and coordinating involved actors, but also for tracking the evolution of the design alternatives toward the fi nal plan. In this context, this paper explores the potential offered by the collaborative Planning Support System Geodesignhub to ease and record the process workfl ow of geodesign studies. The paper describes underlying theories, research questions formulation and the fi rst results of the analysis of empirical data on the Cagliari Geodesign case study. The set of variables and relations identifi ed in this research endeavor represents the fi rst effort towards the development of an operation framework for geodesign process analysis, which may potentially contribute to clarify the relationships between the knowledge base and the actors in the planning process. The aim is to earning a deeper understanding of the process dynamics for more informed, transparent, and democratic planning, design and decision-making. KEYWORD

    Exponentially hard problems are sometimes polynomial, a large deviation analysis of search algorithms for the random Satisfiability problem, and its application to stop-and-restart resolutions

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    A large deviation analysis of the solving complexity of random 3-Satisfiability instances slightly below threshold is presented. While finding a solution for such instances demands an exponential effort with high probability, we show that an exponentially small fraction of resolutions require a computation scaling linearly in the size of the instance only. This exponentially small probability of easy resolutions is analytically calculated, and the corresponding exponent shown to be smaller (in absolute value) than the growth exponent of the typical resolution time. Our study therefore gives some theoretical basis to heuristic stop-and-restart solving procedures, and suggests a natural cut-off (the size of the instance) for the restart.Comment: Revtex file, 4 figure

    Probing Low Energy Neutrino Backgrounds with Neutrino Capture on Beta Decaying Nuclei

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    We study the interaction of low energy neutrinos on nuclei that spontaneously undergo beta decay showing that the product of the cross section times neutrino velocity takes values as high as 10^{-42} cm^2 c for some specific nuclei that decay via allowed transitions. The absence of energy threshold and the value of the cross section single out these processes as a promising though very demanding approach for future experiments aimed at a direct detection of low energy neutrino backgrounds such as the cosmological relic neutrinos.Comment: Includes a discussion of local relic neutrino density effect on neutrino capture rate. Accepted for publication in JCA

    Low energy neutrino scattering measurements at future Spallation Source facilities

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    In the future several Spallation Source facilities will be available worldwide. Spallation Sources produce large amount of neutrinos from decay-at-rest muons and thus can be well adapted to accommodate state-of-the-art neutrino experiments. In this paper low energy neutrino scattering experiments that can be performed at such facilities are reviewed. Estimation of expected event rates are given for several nuclei, electrons and protons at a detector located close to the source. A neutrino program at Spallation Sources comprises neutrino-nucleus cross section measurements relevant for neutrino and core-collapse supernova physics, electroweak tests and lepton-flavor violation searches.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 5 table

    Integrating Green-Infrastructures Design in Strategic Spatial Planning with Geodesign

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    In the last decades green infrastructure planning, design, and management have been widely recognized as a way to contribute to reach higher levels of sustainability of development. However, often green infrastructures are considered in a sectoral way, while their design should be more integrated within comprehensive planning and design. The paper proposes the use of geodesign methods and technology to support the early phases of integrated strategic territorial planning, in order to enrich the relationships between the design of green infrastructure and of the other relevant systems via more comprehensive planning and design, and by applying systems thinking. A case study developed with architecture and engineering students under the umbrella of the International Geodesign Collaboration is used, to demonstrate how with intensive geodesign workshops it is possible to create spatially explicit design scenarios which take into account the relationships between green infrastructure and other territorial systems and dynamics. A set of analyses on the case study results of the two scales is used to demonstrate the assumption. It is also argued that geodesign intensive workshops can, in a very short time, contribute to raising the awareness among the participants of collaborative design to the importance of green infrastructure in strategic territorial planning