1,192 research outputs found

    Potential-field inversion for a layer with uneven thickness: the Tyrrhenian Sea density model

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    Inversion of large-scale potential-field anomalies, aimed at determining density or magnetization, is usually made in the Fourier domain. The commonly adopted geometry is based on a layer of constant thickness, characterized by a bottom surface at a fixed distance from the top surface. We propose a new method to overcome this limiting geometry, by inverting in the usual iterating scheme using top and bottom surfaces of differing, but known shapes. Randomly generated synthetic models will be analyzed, and finally performance of this method will be tested on real gravity data describing the isostatic residual anomaly of the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea in Italy. The final result is a density model that shows the distribution of the oceanic crust in this region, which is delimited by known structural elements and appears strongly correlated with the oceanized abyssal basins of Vavilov and Marsili

    Toward the Non-Targeted Detection of Adulterated Virgin Olive Oil with Edible Oils via FTIR Spectroscopy & Chemometrics: Research Methodology Trends, Gaps and Future Perspectives

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    Fourier-Transform mid-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy offers a strong candidate screening tool for rapid, non-destructive and early detection of unauthorized virgin olive oil blends with other edible oils. Potential applications to the official anti-fraud control are supported by dozens of research articles with a “proof-of-concept” study approach through different chemometric workflows for comprehensive spectral analysis. It may also assist non-targeted authenticity testing, an emerging goal for modern food fraud inspection systems. Hence, FTIR-based methods need to be standardized and validated to be accepted by the olive industry and official regulators. Thus far, several literature reviews evaluated the competence of FTIR standalone or compared with other vibrational techniques only in view of the chemometric methodology, regardless of the inherent characteristics of the product spectra or the application scope. Regarding authenticity testing, every step of the methodology workflow, and not only the post-acquisition steps, need thorough validation. In this context, the present review investigates the progress in the research methodology on FTIR-based detection of virgin olive oil adulteration over a period of more than 25 years with the aim to capture the trends, identify gaps or misuses in the existing literature and highlight intriguing topics for future studies. An extensive search in Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar, combined with bibliometric analysis, helped to extract qualitative and quantitative information from publication sources. Our findings verified that intercomparison of literature results is often impossible; sampling design, FTIR spectral acquisition and performance evaluation are critical methodological issues that need more specific guidance and criteria for application to product authenticity testing

    Acquisizione magnetica marina dell\u27alto strutturale del Mt. Vercelli (Mar Tirreno Centrale) e del golfo di Napoli: descrizione dei rilievi e primi risultati

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    Durante la Campagna Oceanografica Ver2010, effettuata nel mese di maggio 2010, sono stati acquisiti due set di dati geomagnetici marini in alta risoluzione relativi alle aree del Mt. Vercelli (Mar Tirreno Centrale) e del Golfo di Napoli. Tale attività di misura è stata resa possibile grazie alla collaborazione tecnica scientifica tra l’Unità di Progetto “Geofisica e Tecnologie Marine” dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) e l’Istituto Idrografico della Marina (IIM). La proficua collaborazione è sancita dall’accordo di cooperazione “Co.Na.Ge.M” (Coordinamento Nazionale per la Geofisica Marina). Nello specifico, i due rilievi sono stati svolti mediante l’impiego della Nave Idro-oceanografica “Aretusa”, unità navale dell’Istituto Idrografico della Marina con scafo a catamarano in vetroresina e, pertanto, particolarmente adatta a rilievi di tipo geomagnetico. L’attività di acquisizione geofisica del Monte Vercelli rientra nel Progetto TySec – Prin 2007 che coinvolge l’Università degli Studi di Genova, l’Università Politecnica delle Marche e l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. L’obiettivo del progetto è quello di valutare le relazioni tra le caratteristiche morfologiche e idrodinamiche dell’area del seamount e l’ecosistema ad esso correlato. In questo lavoro proponiamo i risultati preliminari del survey geomagnetico e batimetrico della struttura sommersa del Vercelli
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