15 research outputs found

    Spontaneous malignant glaucoma: Case report and review of the literature.

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    Malignant glaucoma usually occurs after anterior segment surgery (typically after glaucoma surgery). The aim of this article is to report a case of spontaneous malignant glaucoma (SpMG), which required phacovitrectomy for resolution and to review the cases of SpMG reported in modern literature. Only nine cases were identified. SpMG has no gender predilection and age at onset seems to be lower (mean age 47 years) than in secondary malignant glaucoma (SeMG). Nearly in half of the reported patients (4 out of 9) the condition had a bilateral presentation. The risk factors that have been identified for SeMG (nanophthalmos, shallow anterior chamber, iris plateau, zonular laxity) are underrepresented in SpMG.post-print418 K

    Cambios precoces en la tomografía de coherencia óptica en un niño con maculopatía inducida por puntero láser.

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    Niño de 9 años de edad, que refiere pérdida visual en su ojo derecho, después de jugar con un puntero láser. En la primera exploración (12h después) la agudeza visual (AV) era 0,15, la fóvea presentaba una lesión hipopigmentada, y la tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCT) demuestra la presencia de bandas hiperreflectivas verticales. Al cabo de 6 meses, la AV había mejorado a 0,5 y se aprecia en la OCT un área bien definida de interrupción de la retina externa. Discusión Un inadecuado uso de los punteros láser, puede producir pérdida visual severa e irreversible.pre-print671 K

    Retained subretinal perfluorocarbon in multimodal image

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    Introduction: Retained subretinal perfluoro-n-octane droplets occur in nearly 1% of the procedures. When subretinal cystoid cavities are registered, differential diagnosis including this condition is needed. Clinical case: A 77-year-old male presented three small bubbles of perfluoro-n-octane under the papillomacular bundle after vitrectomy due to a retina redetachment, evidenced by multimodal image. Conclusions: Multimodal image can help to diagnose this condition. There are several signs that can support this diagnosis. If visual acuity is threatened, removing the bubbles is mandatory, accepting risks

    Trifocal IOL Implantation in Eyes With Previous Laser Corneal Refractive Surgery: The Impact of Corneal Spherical Aberration on Postoperative Visual Outcomes.

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    PURPOSE:To analyze corneal aberrations and factors affecting visual outcomes after implantation of a trifocal intraocular lens (IOL) in eyes previously treated with laser corneal refractive surgery. METHODS:This retrospective case series included 222 consecutive eyes implanted with the trifocal FineVision Micro-F IOL (PhysIOL) after laser corneal refractive surgery. The series was divided into two groups according to safety outcomes after lensectomy: eyes with loss of one or more lines of corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) [n = 59, 26.5%]) (failed eyes group) and eyes with no loss or gain in CDVA lines (n = 163, 73.4%]) (successful eyes group). Distribution of tomographic corneal aberrations (spherical aberration [Z40], comatic and root mean square of higher order aberrations [RMS-HOA]), laser corneal refractive surgery error, kappa angle, and CDVA after laser corneal refractive surgery were compared among both groups. RESULTS:Mean CDVA after lensectomy was 0.15 ± 0.07 logMAR (range: 0.05 to 0.30 logMAR) versus 0.03 ± 0.04 logMAR (range: 0.00 to 0.15 logMAR) in the failed and successful eyes groups, respectively (P < .001). Comparison of both groups showed that failed eyes had a statistically significantly higher grade of hyperopic laser corneal refractive surgery than successful eyes measured as mean sphere (+0.71 ± 3.10 diopters [D] [range: −7.75 to +6.00 D] vs −0.46 ± 3.70 D [range: −10.75 to +6.00 D], P < .01), spherical equivalent (+0.27 ± 3.10 D [range: −8.00 to +5.50 D] vs −0.97 ± 3.60 D [range: −12.50 to +4.90 D], P < .05), and percentage of hyperopic laser corneal refractive surgery (64% vs 43.5%, P < .05). Corneal aberration analysis showed that mean Z40 values were significantly more negative in the failed eyes group than in the successful eyes group (+0.07 ± 0.40 mm [range: −0.82 to +0.65 mm] vs +0.18 ± 0.37 mm [range: −0.79 to +0.87 mm], P < .05). Laser corneal refractive surgery cylinder was distributed homogeneously between both groups, as well as coma and RMS-HOA, kappa angle, and CDVA after laser corneal refractive surgery that were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS:Surgeons should consider tomographic corneal spherical aberration after implantation of a trifocal IOL in eyes after keratorefractive surgery, particularly in eyes previously treated with hyperopic laser corneal refractive surgery, to prevent loss of lines of visual acuity after lensectomy.pre-print365 K

    Trifocal intraocular lens implantation in eyes with previous corneal refractive surgery for myopia and hyperopia.

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    Purpose: To evaluate the visual and refractive outcomes of trifocal intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in eyes previously treated with myopic and hyperopic corneal refractive laser surgery. Setting: Clinica Baviera-AIER-Eye group, Spain. Design: Retrospective comparative case series. Methods: The series was divided into 2 groups according to the type of corneal laser refraction (myopic and hyperopic). The main visual and refractive outcome measures included corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) and uncorrected distance and near visual acuity, safety, efficacy, and predictability. The secondary outcome measures were percentage of enhancement and Nd:YAG capsulotomy and influence of prelaser magnitude of myopia and hyperopia on the outcome of trifocal IOL implantation. Results: The sample comprised 868 eyes (543 patients): myopic, n = 319 eyes (36.7%); and hyperopic, n = 549 eyes (63.2%). Three months postoperatively, visual outcomes were poorer in the hyperopic group than those in the myopic group for mean CDVA (0.06 ± 0.05 vs 0.04 ± 0.04, P < .01) and safety (21% vs 12% of CDVA line loss, P < .05) outcomes. However, precision outcomes were worse in the myopic group than those in the hyperopic group, with amean spherical equivalent of 0.38 ± 0.3 vs 0.17 ± 0.3 (P < .01). Stratification by magnitude of primary laser treatment revealed poorer visual and safety results in the high hyperopia subgroup (>+3.0 diopters [D]) and poorer precision in the high myopia subgroup (< 5.0 D). Conclusions: Trifocal IOL implantation after photorefractive surgery in eyes previously treated with myopic ablation achieved good visual outcomes but less predictability in the high myopia subgroup. However, eyes with a previous hyperopic corneal ablation achieved excellent precision but worse visual and safety outcomes in the high hyperopia subgroup.pre-print601 K

    Posterior capsule opacification, capsular bag distension syndrome, and anterior capsular phimosis: A retrospective cohort study

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    Objetivo : determinar la incidencia y los factores de riesgo implicados en el desarrollo de las tres principales complicaciones capsulares postoperatorias: opacificación de cápsula posterior (OCP), síndrome de distensión capsular (SDC) y fimosis de la cápsula anterior (FCA). Sujetos, material y métodos: estudio de cohortes retrospectivo. Se incluyó a 801 pacientes operados mediante cirugía de catarata en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital del Henares (Madrid), entre el 2 de marzo de 2009 y el 28 de febrero de 2010. La historia clínica electrónica fue revisada durante el mes de julio de 2012. La OCP se estudió utilizando el método de Kaplan-Meier (log rank test). Resultados: un total de 167 pacientes desarrollaron OCP. No se pudo demostrar asociación entre la OCP y edad, sexo, diabetes mellitus, técnica de facoemulsificación, modelo de lente intraocular (LIO), consumo de tamsulosina, grado de síndrome de iris flácido intraoperatorio, glaucoma ni la degeneración macular asociada a la edad. Tres pacientes desarrollaron SDC, todos ellos habían recibido una LIO Akreos Adapt AO® (Bausch & Lomb). Dos de ellos eran varones jóvenes, con diagnóstico de catarata subcapular posterior. Tres pacientes desarrollaron FCA, dos de ellos habían recibido una LIO MicroSlim® (PhysIOL). Conclusiones: no pudo demostrarse asociación de la OCP con ninguna de las variables estudiadas. El sexo masculino, la edad joven, la catarata subcapsular posterior y las LIO grandes no anguladas como la Akreos Adapt AO® podrían asociarse al desarrollo de SDC. Las LIO de microincisión, como la MicroSlim®, podrían asociarse al desarrollo de FCA.Objective: To determine the incidence and the risk factors involved in the development of the three main postoperative capsular complications: posterior capsule opacification (PCO), capsular bag distension syndrome (CBDS), and anterior capsular phimosis syndrome (ACP). Subjects, material and methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted on 801 patients submitted to cataract surgery in the ophthalmology unit of Hospital del Henares (Madrid) from March 2, 2009 to February 28, 2010. Computerized clinical charts were reviewed during July 2012. PCO was studied using the Kaplan-Meier method (log rank test). Results: A total of 167 patients developed PCO. No association could be demonstrated between PCO and age, sex, diabetes mellitus, phaco technique, IOL model, tamsulosin intake, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration. Three patients developed CBDS, all of them have received and Akreos Adapt AO® (Bausch & Lomb). Two of them were young men who had received surgery for posterior subcapsular cataracts. Three patients developed ACP, 2 of whom had received a MicroSlim® IOL (PhysIOL). Conclusions: No association was found between PCO and any of the studied variables. Male gender, young age, subcapsular cataract and large non-angulated lens such as Akreos Adapt AO® could be associated with CBDS. ACP could be more frequent when microincision IOLs (like MicroSlim®) are implanted.Depto. de Optometría y VisiónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEpu

    Expert Panel Consensus for Addressing Anti-VEGF Treatment Challenges of Diabetic Macular Edema in Spain.

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    Purpose: The treatment of diabetic macular edema (DME) has evolved rapidly in the past decade, highlighting the need to address the challenges of routine clinical practice decision-making through expert consensus agreements. Methods: After a literature review and discussion of real-world experience on DME management, a group of ten retina specialists agreed on a consensus of recommendations for the most appropriate management of DME patients using vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors (anti-VEGF) in Spain. Results: The panel recommended early treatment initiation in DME patients with worse baseline visual acuity (VA) to maintain or improve outcome. For patients with good VA, an observation strategy was recommended, considering the presence of diabetic retinopathy, optical coherence tomography biomarkers, and impact on patient’s quality of life. Based on the available evidence and clinical experience, the panel recommended the use of anti-VEGF intensive loading doses with the objective of achieving anatomic and visual responses as soon as possible, followed by a Treat & Extend (T&E) strategy to maintain VA improvement. Aflibercept was recommended for patients with a baseline decimal VA <0.5, followed by a T&E strategy, including the possibility to extend frequency of injections up to 16 weeks. Conclusion: An expert panel proposes a consensus for the management of DME in Spain. Early treatment initiation with anti-VEGF in DME patients is recommended to maintain or improve VA; aflibercept is recommended for patients with a poor baseline VA.post-print3162 K

    Visual and refractive outcomes after implantation of two models of trifocal intraocular lenses in eyes with previous corneal ablation to treat hyperopia

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    Abstract Background To assess whether a trifocal intraocular lens (IOL) with neutral spherical aberration (SA) provides better visual and refractive outcomes than a trifocal IOL with negative SA after hyperopic corneal laser ablation. Methods This is a retrospective comparative study. Patients were classified according to the IOL implanted after cataract or clear lens phacoemulsification [group 1, PhysIOL FineVision Pod-F (negative SA); group 2, Rayner RayOne Trifocal (neutral SA)]. We evaluated uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), uncorrected intermediate visual acuity (UIVA), uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA), predictability, safety, efficacy, and satisfaction. Results 198 eyes of 119 patients met the inclusion criteria. Group 1 comprised 120 eyes and group 2 comprised 78 eyes. At completion, the refractive and predictability results were significantly better in group 1 than in group 2 for manifest refraction spherical equivalent (MRSE) (P  0.05, all items). Conclusion In eyes previously treated with hyperopic corneal ablation, implantation of a trifocal IOL with neutral SA provided better efficacy and safety outcomes but worse predictability outcomes than those obtained with a trifocal model with negative SA