9 research outputs found

    Effect of substrate quality Albizia procera plant cultivated in container

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    The current paper evaluates the quality of Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth plants, produced in nursery with the use of three organic substratum obtained thanks to the mixture of different proportions of Compost, carbon) peat, worm humus, pigsty waste, bovine and horse manure, by using plastic containers of 90 cm3 of capacity. The behavior of morphological parametersand rates of the species at the end of the growing, on the different substratum used were evaluated, obtaining the best results in the 53 substratum compound of Compost at 25 %, plus pigsty waste at 50% plus worm humus at 25% (Co-25%, Rc-50%, HL-25%)

    Efecto del sustrato en la calidad de la planta de Albizia procera cultivada en tubetes

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    The current paper evaluates the quality of Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth plants, produced in nursery with the use of three organic substratum obtained thanks to the mixture of different proportions of Compost, carbon) peat, worm humus, pigsty waste, bovine and horse manure, by using plastic containers of 90 cm3 of capacity. The behavior of morphological parameters and rates of the species at the end of the growing, on the different substratum used were evaluated, obtaining the best results in the 53 substratum compound of Compost at 25 %, plus pigsty waste at 50% plus worm humus at 25% (Co-25%, Rc-50%, HL-25%)En el presente trabajo se evalúa la calidad de las plantas de Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth, producidas en vivero con el empleo de tres sustratos orgánicos obtenidos a partir de la mezcla de diferentes proporciones de Compost, Turba, Humus de lombriz, Residuo de cochiquera, estiércol vacuno y estiércol de caballo, haciendo uso de contenedores plásticos de 90 cm3 de capacidad como envases. Se evaluó el comportamiento de los parámetros e índices morfológicos de la especie a los dos meses de cultivo, en los diferentes sustratos empleados, obteniéndose los mejores resultados en el sustrato S3 compuesto por Compost al 25%, más Residuo de cochiquera al 50% más Humus de lombriz al 25% (Co-25%, Rc-50%, HL-25%)

    Dinámica de crecimiento de Caesalpinea Violacea (Mill.) Standi cultivada en Tubetes, empleando diferentes sustratos orgánicos.

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    This paper aimed at evaluating the growing dynamics of Caesalpinea violacea (Mill.) Standl specie, endemic and economic values, cultivated in different organic growing media. For a period of 150 days, the growing was evaluated fortnightly, a statistics analysis was carried out through 9 mathematical models of y=f(x) type and the used of the SPSS statistic package. Through this study, it is argued the influence of using substratum in the process of the plant growing. It was demonstrated that at the end of the cultivation in nursery exist a significant difference in the behaviour of the height of the plants among the substratum, and that in each substratum the growth is defined by a curve of different growth.En el presente trabajo  se evaluó la dinámica de   crecimiento  de Caesalpinea violacea (Mill.)Standl especie nativa y de valor económico, cultivada en  diferentes sustratos orgánicos en tubetes. Durante 150 días fue evaluado quincenalmente  el crecimiento, a partir de ahí se efectuó  el análisis estadístico, mediante el empleo de 9 modelos matemáticos, con el uso  del paquete estadístico SPSS. Se argumentó la influencia de los sustratos empleados, en el proceso de crecimiento y desarrollo  de las plantas. Se demostró que al final del cultivo en vivero hay diferencia significativa en el comportamiento de la altura de las plantas entre los sustratos, y que en cada sustrato el crecimiento está definido por una curva de crecimiento diferente.   PALABRAS CLAVES: Caesalpinea violacea (Mill.)Standl, vivero forestal, plantas, crecimiento, modelos matemáticos

    Growing dynamics of Caesalpinea violacea (Mill.) Standl cultivated in container, using different organic growing media

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    This paper aimed at evaluating the growing dynamics of Caesalpinea violacea (Mill.) Standl specie, endemic and economic values, cultivated in different organic growing media. For a period of 150 days, the growing was evaluated fortnightly, a statistics analysis was carried out through 9 mathematical models of y=f(x) type and the used of the SPSS statistic package. Through this study, it is argued the influence of using substratum in the process of the plant growing. It was demonstrated that at the end of the cultivation in nursery exist a significant difference in the behaviour of the height of the plants among the substratum, and that in each substratum the growth is defined by a curve of different growth

    Influencia del sustrato en la calidad de la plana Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq., cultivada en contenedores

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different organic substrates on the quality of the container -grown S. mahagoni seedling. For this purpose, an experimental trial was carried out in the technified nursery "Camarones", belonging to the Agroforestry Enterprise Baracoa. The substrates used were cocoa husk (Cc), coconut fiber (Fc) and pine sawdust (As) and volumetric mixtures of cocoa husk, coconut fiber and pine sawdust in a completely random experiment with eight treatments and five replicas. The substrates were characterized and the morphological parameters of the seedlings, destubetado characteristics, structural stability of the root ball and radical architecture were determined. The species showed a more favourable morphological response in mixtures Cc60 (Cc - 60% + Fc - 20% + As - 20%) and Cc50 (Cc - 50% + Fc - 30% + As - 20%), attributable to physical and chemical characteristics.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de diferentes sustratos orgánicos en la calidad de la plántula S. mahagoni, cultivada en contenedores. Para ello se realizó un ensayo experimental en el vivero tecnificado "Camarones", perteneciente a la Empresa Agroforestal Baracoa. Los sustratos empleados fueron Cascarilla de cacao (Cc), Fibra de coco (Fc) y Aserrín de pino (As) y mezclas volumétricas de cascarilla de cacao, fibra de coco y aserrín de pino en un experimento completamente al azar con ocho tratamientos y cinco réplicas. Se caracterizaron los sustratos y se determinaron los parámetros morfológicos de las plántulas, características de destubetado, estabilidad estructural del cepellón y arquitectura radical. La especie mostró una respuesta morfológica más favorable en las mezclas Cc60 (Cc - 60% + F - 20% + As - 20%) y Cc50 (Cc-50% + Fc-30% + As-20%), atribuible a las características físicas y químicas

    Qualidade de mudas de Swietinia mahagoni L. Jacq. produzida com meio inocular com fungo micorrízico arbuscular

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    [Introducción]: La asociación micorrícica es una estrategia nutricional desarrollada por algunas plantas y hongos que les asegura un beneficio mutuo. [Objetivo]: Evaluar el efecto de la utilización de cepas de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) en el crecimiento y calidad de la planta Swietenia mahagoni L. Jacq. cultivadas en sustratos orgánicos. [Metodología]: El experimento se desarrolló en el vivero del Centro de Estudio de Tecnología Agroforestal, Universidad de Guantánamo (UG), entre enero y abril de 2019. Con un diseño completamente al azar, se evaluaron las combinaciones de dos factores: sustratos (cascarilla de cacao + fibra de coco + aserrín de pino compostados en proporción 6:2:2 y 2:6:2) y cepas de HMA (Glomus cubense, Rhizophagus intraradices, Funneliformis mosseae y sin inoculación). Se evaluó la altura, el diámetro del cuello de la raíz, el área foliar, la masa seca de la parte aérea y radical, esbeltez, índice de Dickson, colonización micorrízica y el índice de calidad de la planta. [Resultados]: Se encontraron interacciones significativas (p ≤ 0,001) entre los factores para todas las variables evaluadas. Existió un efecto diferenciado de las micorrizas en el crecimiento de la caoba antillana. Las cepas de micorrizas Glomus cubense, Rhizophagus intraradices y Funneliformis mosseae, en el sustrato dos (60 % fibra de coco), propiciaron incrementos significativos en el crecimiento y calidad de la planta. [Conclusiones]: Es evidente la importancia de la asociación micorrízica para obtener plántulas de Swietenia mahagoni de alta calidad para el establecimiento de plantaciones.[Introduction]: The mycorrhizal association is a nutritional strategy that some plants and mushrooms have developed that assures them a mutual benefit. [Objective]: To evaluate the effect of the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi strains (AMF) in the growth and quality of Swietenia mahagoni L. Jacq. seedlings produced with organic substrates. [Methodology]: An investigation was conducted at the Forestry Technology Study Center of Guantánamo University from January to April 2019. A complete random block design was utilized to study the combinations of two factors: two substrates (cocoa husk + coconut fiber + pine sawdust in proportions 6:2:2 and 2:6:2) and AMF strains (Glomus cubense, Rhizophagus intraradices, Funneliformis mosseae and without inoculation). Seedling total height, stem diameter, leaf area, aerial and root dry biomass, height/diameter ratio, Dickson Index, mycorrhizal colonization, and a quality index were utilized as response variables. [Results]: Significant interactions for all variables studied were determined (p ≤ 0,001) among the studied factors. There was a differentiated effect of the mycorrhizal in the growth of Antillean mahogany seedlings. The mycorrhizal strains Glomus cubense, Rhizophagus intraradices, and Funneliformis mosseae, in the second substrate (60 % coconut fiber), promoted a significant growth increase and a major seedling quality. [Conclusions]: The effect of the mycorrhizal association in the production and quality of Swietenia mahagoni seedlings is evident for the establishment of plantations.[Introdução]: A associação micorrízica é uma estratégia nutricional que tem desenvolvido algumas plantas e fungos que lhes garantem um benefício mútuo.  [Objetivo]: Avaliar o efeito da utilização de cepas de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) no crescimento e qualidade da planta Swieténia mahagoni L. Jacq. cultivadas em solos orgânicos. [Metodologia]: O experimento foi desenvolvido no viveiro do Centro de estudos de Tecnologia Agroflorestal da Universidade de Guantánamo (UG), entre janeiro e abril de 2019. Com um desenho totalmente aleatório, foram avaliadas as combinações de dois fatores: Os estratos (casca de cacau + fibra de coco + serração de pinheiro na proporção 6:2:2 e 2:6:2) e as cepas de HMA (Glomus cubense, Rhizophagus intraradices, Funneliformis mosseae e sem inoculação). A altura, o diâmetro do pescoço da raiz, a área foliar, a massa seca da parte aérea e radical, a esbeltez, o índice de Dickson, a colonização micorrízica e o índice de qualidade da planta foram avaliados.  [Resultados]: Interações significativas (p ≤ 0,001) foram encontradas entre os fatores para todas as variáveis avaliadas. Houve efeito diferenciado das micorranas no crescimento do mogno antilanoso. As cepas de micorriza de Glomus cubense, Rhizophagus intraradices e Funneliforme mosseae, no substrato dois (60% fibra de coco), propiciaram aumentos significativos no crescimento e na qualidade da planta.  É evidente a importância da associação micorrízica para a obtenção de mudas de Swietinia mahagoni de alta qualidade para o estabelecimento de plantações

    Experiences in the containerized tree seedlings forest nurseries production

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    The work summarizes the results of the research carried out by the team of forest nurseries at Sustainable Forest Management Group in Pinar del Río University Forest Research Centre in the last 25 years. The characteristics of seedlings quality are presented, the best growing media, the water management to harden the forest species under the ecological conditions of more and more lingering periods of drought. The studied forest species were: Talipariti elatum (Sw.) Fryxell, Pinus tropicalis Morelet , Swietenia mahagon(L.)Jacq. Swietenia macrophylla King, Caesalpinia violacea (Mill.) Stand, Genipa americana L, Gerascanthus gerascanthoides (Kunth) Borhidi y Cedrela odorata L. y Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden. The main results can be summarized in the following way: the size of the containers oscillates between 90 and 300 cubic centimeters; the growing media combines organic and composted components fundamentally of Pinus caribaea and Eucalyptus ssp bark., with proportions that they vary according to the species and the disposability of these components in the nurseries where the plants take place; for the water management hardening procedures were used by watering in last month of the cultivation. In general the economic analyses demonstrated the decrease of the production costs for seedlings with the employment of this novel technology, the same as their advantages on the traditional technology of seedlings production in polybags: humanization of manpower work in forest nursery, reduction of costs production, improvement of produced seedling quality and productivity increase of their workers

    Experiencias en la producción de plantas cultivadas en los viveros forestales en contenedores.

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    The work summarizes the results of the research carried out by the team of forest nurseries at Sustainable Forest Management Group in Pinar del Río University Forest Research Centre in the last 25 years. The characteristics of seedlings quality are presented, the best growing media, the water management to harden the forest species under the ecological conditions of more and more lingering periods of drought. The studied forest species were: Talipariti elatum (Sw.)Fryxell, Pinus tropicalis Morelet , Swietenia mahagon(L.)Jacq. Swietenia macrophylla King, Caesalpinia violacea (Mill.) Stand, Genipa americana L, Gerascanthus gerascanthoides (Kunth) Borhidi y Cedrela odorata L. y Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden. The main results can be summarized in the following way: the size of the containers oscillates between 90 and 300 cubic centimeters; the growing media combines organic and composted components fundamentally of Pinus caribaea and Eucalyptus ssp bark., with proportions that they vary according to the species and the disposability of these components in the nurseries where the plants take place; for the water management hardening procedures were used by watering in last month of the cultivation. In general the economic analyses demonstrated the decrease of the production costs for seedlings with the employment of this novel technology, the same as their advantages on the traditional technology of seedlings production in polybags: humanization of manpower work in forest nursery, reduction of costs production, improvement of produced seedling quality and productivity increase of their workers.El trabajo resume los resultados de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por el equipo de viveros forestales del Grupo de Manejo Forestal Sostenible del Centro de Estudios Forestales de la Universidad de Pinar del Río en los últimos 25 años. Se presentan las características de las plantas de calidad, los mejores sustratos, el manejo de agua para endurecer las especies forestales en nuestras condiciones ecológicas de períodos cada vez más prolongados de sequía. Las especies forestales estudiadas fueron: Eucalyptus grandis, Talipariti elatum, Pinus tropicalis, Swietenia mahagoni, Swietenia macrophylla, Caesalpinia violacea, Genipa americana, Gerascanthus gerascanthoides y Cedrela odorata. Los principales resultados pueden resumirse de la forma siguiente: el tamaño de los contenedores oscila entre los 90 y los 300 centímetros cúbicos; los sustratos combinan componentes orgánicos y compostados fundamentalmente de la corteza de Pinus caribaea y Eucalyptus ssp., con proporciones que varían según la especie y las disponibilidad de estos componentes en los viveros donde se produzcan las plantas; en el manejo del agua se emplearon procedimientos de endurecimiento por riego en el último mes del cultivo. En general los análisis económicos demostraron la disminución de los costos de producción por planta con el empleo de esta novedosa tecnología, al igual que sus ventajas sobre la tecnología tradicional de producción de plantas en bolsas: la humanización del trabajo de la mano de obra del vivero forestal, la reducción de los costos de producción, la mejora de la calidad de las plantas producidas y el aumento de la productividad de sus obreros