34 research outputs found

    Investigating Differences in Nutritional Parameters in Ugandan Children with Plasmodium falciparum Severe Malaria

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    Background: The past two decades have witnessed a 60% decline in global malaria mortality. However, two thirds of all malaria deaths continue to occur among children <5 years, with a majority in the WHO African Region. Malnutrition is an important risk factor for malaria. Wasting, Stunting and Underweight are crucial indicators of malnutrition, and are associated with increased mortality in children <5. Annually, 14 million children <5 are classified as wasted and 59 million children are classified as stunted. Objective: The objective of this study is to look at nutritional parameters, weight-for-age (WAZ), height-for-age (HAZ), and weight-for-height (WHZ), and how they differ over time in children <5 with severe malaria (SM) from the Ugandan cities Mulago and Jinja and the outcomes of mortality and nutritional parameters, underweight, stunting, and wasting. Methods: We defined underweight, stunting, and wasting as 2SD below the WAZ, HAZ, and WHZ means. We evaluated Z-scores and mortality status from children <5 years enrolled in a prospective cohort study (NDI, Neurodevelopmental Impairment in Children with Severe Malaria) at enrollment and 12-month follow-up between two sites. Results: WAZ, HAZ and WHZ at baseline were significantly lower among SM groups than in CC (p<0.01), and the SM group maintained significantly lower WHZ (p<0.01) and HAZ (p<0.001) at 12-month follow-up. Among the children who died, there were no significant differences of nutritional markers in Mulago, but in Jinja there was found to be a significant association between mortality and low WAZ (p<0.05) and underweight (p<0.05). Of children classified as underweight in Jinja, 37.5% of them died compared to 15.9% who survived; additionally, the odds ratio for decreased WAZ and mortality was 0.58 (p<0.05). Conclusion: Underweight, stunting, and wasting may be risk factors for SM, and underweight may exacerbate poor mortality outcomes in rural areas like Jinja. While underweight is worsened among children with SM at 1 month and normalizes by 12 months, stunting remains persistently low at 12 months. Nutritional interventions must be aimed at maintaining linear growth throughout the first year of SM in children <5 to reduce the risk factor of underweight on poor mortality outcomes

    Prevalence of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children and Adults in Marion County, Indiana

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    Background and Objectives: Two community studies outside the US showed asymptomatic infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in adults, but not in children <10 years of age. In this study, we assessed the prevalence of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adults in Marion County, Indiana. Methods: Individuals living in Marion County with no symptoms of coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) within seven days of enrollment were eligible for this cross-sectional household study. Study kits were delivered to the participant’s residence for self-swabbing, picked up by the study team, and tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for SAR-CoV-2 infection. Results: Five hundred eleven nasal swabs were collected from 119 children and 392 adults ≥18 years of age. One participant (seven years of age) tested positive, for an overall study prevalence of 0.2% (95% CI 0, 0.6%). The participant had no known contact with a person with SARS-CoV-2 infection, and five family members tested negative for infection. The child and family members all tested negative for infection 10 and 20 days after the first test, and none developed symptoms of COVID-19 for 20 days after testing. Conclusions: Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection can occur in children <10 years with no known COVID-19 exposure. Large cohort studies should be conducted to determine prevalence of asymptomatic infection and risk of transmission from asymptomatic infection in children and adults over time

    Evaluating kidney function using a point-of-care creatinine test in Ugandan children with severe malaria: a prospective cohort study

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    Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) disproportionately affects individuals in low-and middle-income countries (LMIC). However, LMIC-particularly countries in sub-Saharan Africa- are under-represented in global AKI research. A critical barrier in diagnosing AKI is access to reliable serum creatinine results. We evaluated the utility of a point-of-care test to measure creatinine and diagnose AKI in Ugandan children with malaria. Methods: Paired admission creatinine was assessed in 539 Ugandan children 6 months to 4 years of age hospitalized with severe malaria based on blood smear or rapid diagnostic test. Creatinine levels were measured using isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS)-traceable methods. The reference creatinine was measured using the modified Jaffe method by a certified laboratory and the point-of-care testing was conducted using an i-STAT blood analyzer (i-STAT1, with and without adjustment for the partial pressure of carbon dioxide). AKI was defined and staged using the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes criteria. Results: The mean age of children was 2.1 years, and 21.6% of children were stunted. Mortality was 7.6% in-hospital. Over the entire range of measured creatinine values (<0.20mg/dL-8.4mg/dL), the correlation between the reference creatinine and adjusted and unadjusted point-of-care creatinine was high with R2 values of 0.95 and 0.93 respectively; however, the correlation was significantly lower in children with creatinine values <1mg/dL (R2 of 0.44 between the reference and adjusted and unadjusted i-STAT creatinine). The prevalence of AKI was 45.5% using the reference creatinine, and 27.1 and 32.3% using the unadjusted and adjusted point-of-care creatinine values, respectively. There was a step-wise increase in mortality across AKI stages, and all methods were strongly associated with mortality (p<0.0001 for all). AKI defined using the reference creatinine measure was the most sensitive to predict mortality with a sensitivity of 85.4% compared to 70.7 and 63.4% with the adjusted and unadjusted point-of-care creatinine values, respectively. Conclusions: Point-of-care assessment of creatinine in lean Ugandan children <4 years of age underestimated creatinine and AKI compared to the clinical reference. Additional studies are needed to evaluate other biomarkers of AKI in LMIC to ensure equitable access to AKI diagnostics globally

    Towards the use of a smartphone imaging-based tool for point-of-care detection of asymptomatic low-density malaria parasitaemia

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    Background: Globally, there are over 200 million cases of malaria annually and over 400,000 deaths. Early and accurate detection of low-density parasitaemia and asymptomatic individuals is key to achieving the World Health Organization (WHO) 2030 sustainable development goals of reducing malaria-related deaths by 90% and eradication in 35 countries. Current rapid diagnostic tests are neither sensitive nor specific enough to detect the low parasite concentrations in the blood of asymptomatic individuals. Methods: Here, an imaging-based sensing technique, particle diffusometry (PD), is combined with loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) on a smartphone-enabled device to detect low levels of parasitaemia often associated with asymptomatic malaria. After amplification, PD quantifies the Brownian motion of fluorescent nanoparticles in the solution during a 30 s video taken on the phone. The resulting diffusion coefficient is used to detect the presence of Plasmodium DNA amplicons. The coefficients of known negative samples are compared to positive samples using a one-way ANOVA post-hoc Dunnett's test for confirmation of amplification. Results: As few as 3 parasite/µL of blood was detectable in 45 min without DNA extraction. Plasmodium falciparum parasites were detected from asymptomatic individuals' whole blood samples with 89% sensitivity and 100% specificity when compared to quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Conclusions: PD-LAMP is of value for the detection of low density parasitaemia especially in areas where trained personnel may be scarce. The demonstration of this smartphone biosensor paired with the sensitivity of LAMP provides a proof of concept to achieve widespread asymptomatic malaria testing at the point of care

    Issues using linkage of hospital records and death certificate data to determine the size of a potential palliative care population

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    BACKGROUND: Studies aiming to identify palliative care populations have used data from death certificates and in some cases hospital records. The size and characteristics of the identified populations can show considerable variation depending on the data sources used. It is important that service planners and researchers are aware of this. AIM: To illustrate the differences in the size and characteristics of a potential palliative care population depending on the differential use of linked hospital records and death certificate data. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING/PARTICIPANTS: The cohort consisted of 23,852 people aged 20 years and over who died in Western Australia between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2010 after excluding deaths related to pregnancy or trauma. Within this cohort, the number, proportion and characteristics of people who died from one or more of 10 medical conditions considered amenable to palliative care were identified using linked hospital records and death certificate data. RESULTS: Depending on the information source(s) used, between 43% and 73% of the 23,852 people who died had a condition potentially amenable to palliative care identified. The median age at death and the sex distribution of the decedents by condition also varied with the information source. CONCLUSION: Health service planners and researchers need to be aware of the limitations when using hospital records and death certificate data to determine a potential palliative care population. The use of Emergency Department and other administrative data sources could further exacerbate this variation

    Reconstructing retirement as an enterprising endeavour

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    This article explores issues of age and enterprise in later life as manifested in tensions between retiree and entrepreneurial identities. We utilise the concept of a discursive event to examine time-bound online data, specifically media texts and reader comments associated with the online news coverage on of an insurance company report. This report introduced the label Weary to describe ‘working entrepreneurial and active retirees’. Our analysis shows how keeping healthy and active are constructed as insufficient markers of a productive and successful older age. These markers are supplanted by a neoliberal discourse which prioritises enterprise and economic productivity in retirement. However, the Weary subject position has implications within this discourse which constrain the valued contribution of older adults to productive work yet deny access to this group to entrepreneurial endeavours. This highlights the de-stabilization of retirement and critical tensions in its discursive reconceptualization as a period of entrepreneurial endeavour

    Rules of attraction: Relevance of work design to Filipino millennials

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    Millennials are the new talents of this generation, hence determining and understanding what they seek for in the employers is crucial for organizational attraction and better job-fit. This study focused on identifying if the prevalent work design characteristics preferred by Millennials are valued in the Philippine setting. These work design characteristics are type of work, flexibility, compensation system, promotion opportunities, organizational cultural, learning and development opportunities, and leadership style. The researchers tested the prevalence of these characteristics by administering survey questionnaire to 1, 000 Filipino Millennials, born 1990 to 1994, from 10 universities in Metro Manila. The researchers determined that Filipino Millennials value six of the seven work design characteristics, particularly flexibility, compensation system, promotion opportunities, organizational culture, learning and development opportunities, and leadership style. The results of the study allowed the researchers to recommend that Filipino employers and organizations should construct their work structures and integrate the value work design characteristics to attract Filipino Millennials

    The networking dimensions of competitive and cooperative entrepreneurs in Metro Manila

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    The present study focused in describing and differentiating the networking proactivity and strength of network tie that competitive and cooperative Filipino entrepreneurs engage into with different their customers, suppliers, and competitors. This study followed a qualitative design which included 20 adult entrepreneurs, 25-55 years old, from Metro Manila. Results showed that competitive Filipino entrepreneurs have high networking proactivity level and strong network tie for customers, medium and weak for suppliers, and low and weak for competitors. Cooperative Filipino entrepreneurs have no dominant networking proactivity level for all, medium and weak ties for customers and suppliers, and no dominant strength for competitors. The mentioned networking dimensions of competitive and cooperative Filipino entrepreneurs vary from each other and according to whom the entrepreneurs interact with. Therefore, Western findings are not entirely applicable to the Philippine setting