15 research outputs found

    Prisustvo potencijalno toksigenih gljiva u hrani za živinu

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    In Serbia, commercial feedstuffs are an important component in modern animal husbandry, but there is no information available about fungal contamination. Because of that the aim of this study was to determine the mycoflora incidence in poultry feeds. A total of 230 samples of poultry feeds were examined for total fungi count and the presence of potential toxigenic fungi genera. Total fungi count were 1-9 x 104 CFU g-1 in the most of investigated poultry feed samples (38.26%). The most prevalent fungi genera were Fusarium (56.09%) and Aspergillus (54.35%), followed by Rhizopus (40%), Penicillium (30.87%), Mucor (30.04%) and the least frequency species were from genus Alternaria (3.48%).U Srbiji komercijalna hrana za životinje je važna komponenta u savremenom stočarstvu, ali nema dostupnih informacija o kontaminiranosti ove hrane gljivama. Zbog toga cilj ovoga rada je bio određivanje sastava mikoflore u hrani za živinu. U ukupno 230 uzoraka hrane za živinu proučavani su ukupan broj gljiva i prisustvo potencijalno toksigenih rodova gljiva. U većini proučavanih uzoraka hrane za živinu (38.26%) ukupan broj gljiva bio je od 1-9 x 104 CFU g-1. Najzastupljeniji rodovi gljiva bili su Fusarium (56.09%) i Aspergillus (54.35%), zatim slede Rhizopus (40%), Penicillium (30.87%), Mucor (30.04%) a najmanje zastupljene vrste gljiva bile su iz roda Alternaria (3.48%)

    Konformacija trupova pilića

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    An example of measuring of conformation of chicken carcasses using the method applied in the Institute for Animal husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun is presented in this paper, as well as results of our previous research and more recent comparative investigations of different chicken genotypes used for fattening. In order to determine genetic improvement of hybrid which is used in certain research period in broiler production, we will present results of comparative research of different lines tested in years 1983, 1993 and 2004. Investigation of the chicken conformation (with few typical chickens of each sex and hybrids) in broiler tests carried out in the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun in 1981,1993 and 2004, showed that there were no significant differences in conformation between hybrids used in investigation periods in broiler production in our country. If we compare results of investigation obtained during 20 year period (from 1983 to 2004.), we can conclude that genetic-selection research have given considerable contribution to increase of the body mass of chickens, especially of breasts, and of breast angle.U radu će biti prikazan primer merenja konformacije trupova pilića, metodikom koja se primenjuje u Institutu za stočarstvo, Beograd-Zemun, kao i rezultati naÅ”ih relativno starijih i novijih uporednih ispitivanja različitih genotipova pilića za tov. U cilju utvrđivanja određenog genetskog napretka hibrida koji su se u ispitivanom periodu koristili u brojlerskoj proizvodnji, izneće se rezultati uporednog ispitivanja različitih provenijenci iz testova obavljenih u 1983.,1993. i 2004. godini. Ispitivanja konformacije pilića (sa manjim brojem tipičnih pilića svakog pola i provenijence) u testovima brojlera 1981.,1993. i 2004. godine, koja su obavljena u Institutu za stočarstvo, Beograd-Zemun, pokazala su da između provenijenci koje su se koristile u ispitivanim periodima u brojlerskoj proizvodnji u naÅ”oj zemlji, nema praktično značajnih razlika u konformaciji. Ako se porede rezultati ispitivanja dobijenih u periodu od 20 godina (od 1983. do 2004.), možemo zaključiti da su genetsko-selekcijska istraživanja dala značajan doprinos povećanju telesne mase pilića i udelu grudi, pa samim tim i većem grudnom uglu

    Sistem garantovanog kvaliteta jaja u odnosu na propise EU i zahteve potroŔača

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    In developed countries of the world most of the people live healthy if we consider globally the quality of life. Recently, "quality" has become very important in many spheres of living. In this regard, it is necessary to know how the quality of egg is defined. Production and marketing of eggs in European Union is done according to two Regulations which determine compliance of table eggs in certain traits of egg quality and market conditions. In this paper some more important parts of the Regulations (No 1907/90 and No 1274/91) are presented which closely define traits of egg quality and effects of numerous factors on quality of eggs.U razvijenim zemljama sveta većina ljudi živi zdravo ako se globalno govori o kvalitetu života. Poslednjih godina "kvalitet" je postao veoma značajan u mnogim sferama života. U tom smislu, potrebno je znati kako se definiÅ”e kvalitet jaja. Proizvodnja i plasman jaja u Evropskoj Uniji se odvija u skladu sa dve Regulative kojima su propisane određene osobine kvaliteta jaja i uslovi tržiÅ”ta koje moraju zadovoljiti konzumna jaja. U radu su izneti neki važniji članovi Regulative (No 1907/90 i No 1274/91) koji bliže definiÅ”u osobine kvaliteta jaja i uticaje mnogobrojnih faktora na kvalitet jaja

    Ispitivanje odnosa potroÅ”ača prema junećem mesu kao prehrambenom proizvodu

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    In order to investigate the habits and preferences of consumers of beef as well as their attitude towards the factors affecting the meat quality, 504 consumers of different sex, age, wealth status and profession were selected. Consumers were given a poll questionnaire consisting of questions referring to their habits regarding purchasing of meat and factors affecting the acceptance of meat as food stuff. Answers of participants in the poll were processed according to sex, profession, year of birth and income per household member. Majority of polled consumers answered that they eat more meat during winter season, and mainly liver of all giblets. Majority of participants in the poll is of opinion that meat consumption induces heart diseases, that meat represents source of "harmful" cholesterol and that animal diseases are transferred to humans by meat consumption.U cilju ispitivanja navika potroÅ”ača pri kupovini junećeg mesa i miÅ”ljenja potroÅ”ača koji su faktori od uticaja na kvalitet mesa, odabrano je 504 potroÅ”ača različitog pola, godina rođenja, imovnog stanja i zanimanja. PotroÅ”ačima je podeljena anketa koja je sadržala pitanja o navikama pri kupovini mesa i faktorima koji utiču na prihvatljivost mesa kao prehrambenog proizvoda. Odgovori anketiranih potroÅ”ača obrađeni su po polu, zanimanju godini rođenja i prihodu po članu domaćinstva. Većina anketiranih potroÅ”ača odgovorila je da viÅ”e jedu meso u hladnom periodu godine, od iznutrica najviÅ”e jedu jetru. Većina misli da konzumiranje mesa utiče na oboljenja srca, da je meso izvor "Å”tetnog" holesterola i da se bolesti životinja konzumiranjem mesa prenose na ljude

    Uticaj sistema gajenja i bioloÅ”kih faktora na konformaciju trupa i klanične osobine pilića u tovu

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    The effect of the rearing system (intensive and semi intensive) and biological factors (genotype, age, sex) on absolute and index values of carcass conformation measures in chickens (metatarsus length, keel length, breast depth, thigh girth and breast angle) was investigated. In the trial Arbor Acres and Redbro chickens were used and duration of fattening was 42 and 50 days. Chickens at the age of 50 days had better conformation compared to chickens at the age of 42 days. Carcasses of male chickens had better conformation than female chickens. Genotype Arbor Acres had considerably higher values of relative conformation measures than chickens of Redbro genotype. Chickens reared in chicken coop had higher values for length of metatarsus, breast depth and thigh girth compared to chicken reared on free range.Ispitivan je uticaj sistema gajenja (intenzivan i poluintenzivan) i bioloÅ”kih faktora (genotip, uzrast, pol) na apsolutne i indeksne vrednosti mera konformacije trupa pilića (dužina piska, dužina kobilice, dubina grudi, obim bataka i grudni ugao). U ogledu su bili pilići Arbor Acres i Redbro i dužina trajanja tova bila je 42 i 50 dana. Pilići uzrasta 50 dana su imali bolju konformaciju od pilića uzrasta 42 dana. Trupovi petlića imali su bolju konformaciju od kokica. Genotip Arbor Acres imao je značajno veće vrednosti relativnih mera konformacije od pilića genotipa Redbro. Pilići odgajani u objektu u odnosu na piliće odgajane na ispustu imali su duže piskove, dublje grudi i veći obim bataka

    Uticaj primene enzima u ishrani živine na proizvodne rezultate i kvalitet proizvoda

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    The review of the latest results in application of enzymes in nutrition of poultry is presented in this paper. Results obtained in application of enzymes in nutrition of chickens and layer hens are presented. Investigations have demonstrated that addition of enzymes to diets in nutrition of fattening chickens resulted in improvement of production results and quality of the product. By adding certain enzyme preparations to diets in nutrition of chickens higher gain of body mass was realized as well as better feed conversion. Results are even better if enzymes are added to diets which contain more non-starch polysaccharides. These are the diets which contain considerable percentage of cereals (barley, wheat, rye, oats) and plant protein feeds (sunflower meal, rape seed oil meal, soy bean meal). Added enzymes in such diets increase the digestibility of certain nutritive substances (proteins, amino acids, mineral substances and crude fibres). Enzyme phytase is of special importance, application of this enzyme improves the utilization of phytine phosphorus and in this way the secretion of phytine phosphorus in the environment is reduced and pollution prevented. Similar results in regard to application of enzymes in nutrition of layer hens were obtained. Investigations have demonstrated that by adding certain enzyme preparations to diets used in nutrition of layers higher laying capacity and better egg quality are realized. Enzyme phytase is of special importance also in nutrition of layer hens. By application of this enzyme in nutrition of layers primarily better egg quality is realized (thicker and stronger egg shell, lower percentage of broken/cracked eggs, less dirty eggs, etc.). Results of previous research have contributed to inclusion of enzymes in regular additives into diets for poultry nutrition.U ovom revijalnom radu dat je prikaz najnovijih rezultata ispitivanja uticaja primene enzimskih preparata u ishrani živine.Prikazani su rezultati primene enzima u ishrani pilića. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da primena enzimskih preparata u ishani pilića utiče pozitivno na proizvodne rezultate (prirast telesne mase, konzumaciju hrane, konverziju hrane i zdravstveno stanje pilića).Utvrdjen je takodje pozitivan uticaj primenjenih enzima u ishrani pilića na kvalitet proizvoda (kvalitet trupa i sastav trupa). Efekti su posebno izraženi kod pilića hranjenih obrocima na bazi žitarica (ječam, pÅ”enica, ovas) i biljnih proteinskih hraniva (suncokretova sačma, araÅ”idova sačma i sačma uljane repice). Primena enzima u ishrani nosilja uticala je pozitivno na proizvodne rezultate (nosivost) i kvalitet jaja, posebno na kvalitet ljuske (debljina ljuske, čvrstina ljuske i manja zaprljanost jaja)

    Tehnologija proizvodnje mesa junadi posebnog kvaliteta

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    By applying the method of industrial crossing of Domestic spotted cattle of lower production performances with French fattening/meat breeds (Charolais and Limousine) young cattle is obtained with better fattening traits as well as traits of carcass and meat quality. Application of the method of industrial crossing of Domestic spotted cattle of lower production performances, beside significant increase of the quantity of high quality beef meat, would also have positive effect on the economical aspect of cattle production. Application of new technologies would result in production of meat of standard, special quality under brand name, which would realize higher price on the market.Primenom metoda industrijskog ukrÅ”tanja domaće Å”arene rase nižih proizvodnih osobina sa francuskim tovnim rasama (Å”arole i limuzin) dobijaju se junad koja su ispoljila bolja svojstva tovnosti, kvaliteta trupa i kvaliteta mesa. Primena industrijskog ukrÅ”tanja domaće Å”arene rase nižih proizvodnih osobina, pored značajnog povećanja količine kvalitetnog junećeg mesa, utiče i na povećanje ekonomskog efekta govedarske proizvodnje. Primenom novih tehnologija proizvelo bi se meso garantovanog, posebnog kvaliteta koje bi na tržiÅ”tu pod trgovačkim, zaÅ”tićenim imenom ostvarivalo veću cenu